St. Petersburg Chamber Choir ft. Tim Storms - De Profundis (Korniev)

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A powerful, peaceful and perfectly harmonious piece of choral music composed by Paul Mealor and sung by the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir coupled with the lead vocals of Tim Storms who also records the lowest note ever written in choral music in this song. This song appears on the album "Tranquility - Voices of Deep Calm" and was recorded under ABC Classics / Decca at the Estonian Church of St John.
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They have such angelic voices! Singing is not the gift I was given but I still haven't found what my gift is.


I really like his higher notes starting at around 2:20

He should sing in this area more, it showcases his upper Bass-Baritone range well!


Something I don’t understand... why are people saying “Oh he is using vocal fry!” “He isn’t doing it right!” It’s such a beautiful peace why just judge the low note, this chorus is absolutely breathtaking. Also in my opinion it wasn’t vocal fry, but it is my opinion please don’t make me argue about it l.


I think this is a good recording. Tim Storms is not a classical singer, and would not be considered to be a Basso Profundo by classical standards, and so I can see why so many are disappointed by this. When you try to listen to this piece like the virtuosic classical piece that people were expecting it to be, it can do nothing but disappoint. However, Storms doesn't actually sing this song poorly. He sings it in his own gospel-pop style, and if you accept his performance for what it is, it's very pleasant. Although there are those who have been heard singing notes such as this with considerably more resonance, and I would very much like to hear one of them have a go at this, I think this recording deserved to be made.


Very nice voice. I can feel the BASS!! GREAT JOB tim


I used to question him, but what is remarkable is that the E1 is not esp low in his range and he is not pressing down to produce it, but pushing it up, and supporting it easily. The sound may be unexpected, but this is not fry at this part of his range.


Lol. Who cares, just listen to the song. Whether or not his technique was good, the sound coming through my headphones is still giving me goosebumps


1:38 For those looking for the low notes


I have to preface this by saying I'm a huge fan of Mealor, the St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, and the oktavist voice--I actually run the internet's only website devoted to the oktavist voice. That said, I think this performance is a travesty. Tim's lack of training really shows and true vocal range really shows: he is clearly a bass-baritone at best given his thin timbre at the beginning. Everything below low C is purely vocal fry, and it produces a truly unpleasant sound with his feeble croaks against the beautiful fullness of this choir.
I'm really saddened that Mealor, Decca, et al. didn't hire a true oktavist like Glenn Miller to perform this piece. As it is, the soloist makes it un-listenable.
Storms's talent at vocal fry can function well in a gospel group where a microphone can be heavily relied upon, but here it just simply doesn't work.


The bad thing about having perfect pitch is when I listen to music if anything is off key even just a couple hz it hurts my ears head and heart, this song is the most perfect I have heard in my 50 years on this planet


That's the problem - 'I can reach a low E wow' - regardless of the quality. It's not a contest, if it's music that you're interested in! Music is an art. We need some impressive notes in the lower range - and they are missing. But why compare the various singers. Tim is an interesting singer - worth listening to, at least here under the St Petersburg.


I don't think there has ever existed a singer that could pull off this entire solo in strong modal voice. No true basso profondo with an E1 is going to be able to sing the high parts of the solo as nicely as Tim does here. You might be able to find a bass-baritone who can do subharmonic singing, and that might sound nicer than Storms' fry overall, but it's naïve to expect to hear a true basso profondo recording this song.


People's lack of scientific understanding in the comments section is astonishing. People reference Storms's .189 Hz record as if it's an actual note. His vocal cords are making one full cycle of movement every 5.3 seconds at that rate. People who can make individual clicks of their vocal cords can beat his "record" just by clicking once then again twenty seconds later making .050 Hz.


I'm a Full Lyric Tenor and can reasonably imitate this with my chest voice ending at E2 and can hit the B1 with subharmonic technique then fry the G1 and E1 just as Tim does. That's a sign that Tim Storms isn't a Basso Profundo, but a Bass Baritone with a highly controlled fry that reaches to the bottom of the Contra Octave.


His higher notes are very ethereal and handsome, it's such a shame he's known for his bass. All of the low notes in this were almost painful to listen to.


I'm reminded a bit of Halo and The Hobbit + LOTR.


Even the version that is on Spotify is way too quiet like this one. You shouldn't have to pump the volume to 100 percent just to make it sound like normal volume. What a shame they messed that up in the mixing process.


Inspiring low E produced by Tim Storm. I am fifteen years-old and my lowest chest note is a B1 while my highest note being a G4. I can extend my lower range when I fry down to a G#1 and in my falsetto I am not a 100%. I have been told by several people that I am a Basso Profundo (deep bass) and other people tell me I have a gift. I am not sure how my vocal range compares with other men my age. I am in Chamber Choir and I am the lowest in there, so I don't know how I fair. Can someone please let me know if my range is normal for my age? My choir director doesn't think it is.


Impressive how he so easily reaches down there, but it's funny how he sounds like a light baritone against those phenomenal bass singers of the St Petersburg Chamber Choir. And did I hear a G-sharp just before the low E? (and the choir coming in a tad high just after?)


Thebassmanadam hizo un exelente cover, se lo recomiendo al qué lea esto.
