What The Health Debunks Dr Stork on The Doctors

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Dr. Garth Davis, along with What The Health director Kip Anderson, exposes the Doctors as liars on their own TV show! Dr. Stork and friends try their best to debunk the film and its science. However, Dr. Garth turned it around on them and made a mockery of their ignorance of the science, their reliance on industry funded studies, and their telling people to eat carcinogens.



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When a vegan knows your own study better than you do


Those Doctors are freaking annoying. They have people on their shows and then they don't allow them to respond. Talked over him constantly! The arrogance and pompous attitudes literally made me want to scream. Absolutely frustrating! Dr Garth Davis was amazing. Would of been nice to actually hear him speak. All those doctors did was try to make him look like a quack. Totally disgusting! 😡. It just ticks me off how the mainstream media tries to silence Doctors and other professionals who challenge the standard American diet! Thanks Ryan for shedding some light on this!!!!👍🏻❤️🌻🌞


The Doctors putting them selves on a podium looking down on their guests with opposing views. That's a disgusting technique to use. Also not letting their guests speak. What a bunch of as#@;les. Garth Davis did a great job though.


Dr. Garth did amazing! I'm very surprised they didn't edit most of that out.


"The Doctors" make me so frustrated!!!! Dr. Garth Davis did a great job standing up to them.


I'm never watching The Doctors show again!


Watching this while I eat a big bowl of rice and lentils. Rejoicing over my Hemoglobin A1C of 4.9 😂😂😂

For 2 years I haven't restricted healthy carbs.


You don't know the benefits of a whole food plant based diet, until you put it to the test.


Dr. Garth handled it like a true G. He didn't back-down once, good on him.


SCHOOLED! Dr. Davis clearly revealed the true colors of "The Doctors" doctors. Epic burn.


"the doctors" make me so upset... I listened to them as a teen about diet and food, got sick.. couldn't take it anymore went vegan, and I'm never going back


It isn't surprising to see how heated these discussions get. There are so many people out there sharing false information and this is a great example of how they use it to confuse people. Way to go Kip and Dr. Garth for standing your ground! It is also pretty pitiful that they had them sit in the audience instead of on the panel. Just another effort for them to show who is "more official".


I think it was about time somebody called him a liar on tv


that was so frustrating, I can't image what Dr. Garth was going through. He handled it so well


This was honestly a VERY epitomizing example of a vegan vs. carnist debate. The setup was them all on fancy table and big satellite TV while the meager vegans were on chairs way below (made for audience) staring upwards. They were not allowed to talk at all and were directly lied to and about. Complete lies being thrown in their faces about their studies, completely dishonest statements like "replacing sugar with starch" as if that counters a whole food plant based diet somehow and referencing industry funded studies when it was their turn.

They tried muddying the water with lies, tried their best to not let them talk and made a setup to clearly visually and aesthetically discredit anything the vegans say before they even said it.

This was beyond disgusting to watch having some basic knowledge on these kinds of psychological tricks. This was made so that a general audience would instinctively feel like the vegans were wrong.

This isn't enough, we need more vegans (or non-vegans that aren't instinctively going to say the vegan were wrong) to cover different aspects of this video. A full breakdown on the psychological affects the setup has, a full checkup on each study mentioned and a detailed look at the argumentative behavior that took place. This can become a HUGE nail in the coffin for carnism since these are all big TV names with many viewers.


The Drs are a TV show and are paid to tell people what they want to hear! Ratings=paycheck! If they backup actual science they'd be gone! I can't fathom why any Dr would argue against a healthy diet! If diabetes is caused by sugar/carbs why did it disappeared on a high carb low fat plant based diet? I eat more calories and carbs than I ever have and lost 75lbs doing it! Even though I was advised against it, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and sick and tired of Drs who were ok keeping me that way!! Off all meds for cholesterol, BP, pain, diabetes, and even my hypothyroidism meds! At 40 I'm healthier than I ever have been!!!!


Why didn't they have Bob Harper on to talk about how you can eat grass-fed meat, dairy, & eggs and be perfectly healthy with regular exercise? Oh yeah, that's right. He's too busy recovering from open heart surgery.


Wow, this was infuriating! I'm glad they stood up for themselves and I hope that some of the viewers of this terrible show got some much needed truth. Awesome job Ryan in putting this together - it got my blood boiling :-)


This frustrates me so much because imagine these non plant based doctors giving dietary advice to people! The documentary was absolutely right. Doubt is their product!!


I fucking love Dr. Garth. Props to him for putting his foot down and calling out lies for what they are. You can't stop the wholefood revolution baby!!
