The Definitive Guide to Re-Using A Memory Palace

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It would be nice to create just one Memory Palace and re-use it a million times, wouldn’t it? 

Maybe. Maybe not.

In this video, you’ll discover all the ins-and-outs you need to consider when re-using a Memory Palace.

You might not need to do so at all.

In fact, I’ve not heard much about it during my years of studying the method of loci and related memory techniques.

Is this memory training technique different than the mind palace? Not really.

As you can see here, Alex Mullen has written extensively about why he doesn’t bother with recycling his Memory Palaces.

Idriz Zogaj shared a lot of thoughts about cleaning your Memory Palace network here as well:

When it comes to practically re-using a Memory Palace, in my experience, it isn’t even necessary. 

Ghosting shouldn’t be a problem, and I’ve discussed that in these videos before:

And if you're still struggling, draw your Memory Palace Network. Here are 3 Tactical Reasons Drawing Your Memory Palace Gets Better Results:

Ultimately, you need to decide for yourself and let your own memory improvement practice be your guide.

And if you’re still uncertain of how to create well-formed Memory Palaces and want some simple worksheets that help you unpack your autobiographical memory so you have DOZENS of Memory Palaces to use or re-use to your heart’s delight, just head on over to:

Thanks as always for the view, hit that thumbs up, get subscribed to this channel if you aren’t already and I’ll be heading off to create some new Memory Palaces - I still haven’t poked my head into half the businesses on my block, after all...

Take care and until next time, keep yourself Magnetic!



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Have you ever tried to re-use a Memory Palace? What was the experience like?


Hi from Virginia. I have tried reusing A Memory Palace for for memorizing a deck of cards. In the beginning, I did find that I suffered from ghosting. As I as I practiced more, this became less and less of a problem. I still occasionally have this difficulty, and I found the idea vacuuming the palace or sweeping it to be very helpful. It's a great topic today. I have not attempted to use my 26 Memory Palace Network for more than one language. I think I need a little more practice under my belt before that's going to be really practical. Something to look forward to. Bye for now.


Great video, Anthony.

Re-using a mind palace could be confussing if we use similar topics. But for the Peg word system (alphabet method) for me works just fine for some reason. I use the same image per letter A-Z.


I really enjoy the space atmosphere boosted by dub wibes in your videos! NICE!


thats great you answer most of the question on my mind .thanks


I haven’t noticed any difficulties with reusing existing palaces. Honestly, I don’t even bother to clean them, and wouldn’t really know how to do that.

When I reuse my kitchen as a shopping list palace, I simply put the objects in order. Even if I can remember what I had put there before, it doesn’t interfere with the new image.

I also have a palace around my bed, where I place images to remember my dreams as a “dream journal.“ I reuse it every morning, and have never found any difficulties with that ghosting problem.


Thank you sir, will be trying this and will update you with results


Thanks for this video. It was unbelievably helpful!


4:18 I actually just did this. I memorised a 9 digit number then imagine trashing the place and scrubbing clean. It's so fun!


Thanks, can we use the same memory palace for unrelated topic ?if not, what we use for other topic if we know only our house?


damn getting poetic in the end ! I love it ! It's even esier to remember


I’ve got a few MPs I can use, but a lot are ‘hazy’ and some from other countries I can’t revisit. Does the quality of a memorised location, and its details impact the effectiveness of an MP?


Hey, love your videos. I’m not lost per say more so annoyed or stumped I’ve been using memory palaces for a while I’m having trouble with using certain memory palaces. Is there a reason for that? To give some context I’m trying to use my house and office I know it incredibly well like the back of my hand, but when I try to use it I often find a lot of blanks. I find myself missing 5 to 10 items however when I use another I can remember everything. I can use it quite easily with my friends houses, libraries and even some video game maps. Does this go away with time or do I need to practice more?


I'm playing a game (the "follow me" portion of Queen of Virginia- same as PA Skills) where I have to memorize 20 digit numbers on the fly (a Simon game with a 3X3 grid-I treat them like the digits 1 through 9). To do this I've created a bunch of 4-location memory "trailers" or memory "suitcases" (too small to call palaces)- each location gets 5 digits free-formed from the major system. When I tried 20 digits straight through the word-stories got awkward, and distractions cost me too many games. I cycle through these memory trailers and after a little time has passed I can reuse them again. Of course these were specifically designed and are exclusively used for short-term storage- the few minutes it takes to complete the game.


Hi Anthony! Thank you for your videos!
I already watched your language learning videos, but I can't find an answer to this:
how did you manage to put together meaning, sound and genre of a German word in your locus?
And.. I'm learning German and Spanish, can I make a difference between the images of "dog" with the German word and "dog" with the Spanish word without getting confused? Can you give me an example, please?🙏


Hey Anthony! I was wondering if the part about not worrying about having palaces forever was more for things like language? I recently memorized the 50 presidents as an exercise in both mnemonics and palaces, but I feel like that *would* be something I should review once in a while to hold on to “forever.” Please tell me if I am misinterpreting something.


Hi Anthony, I am from Nepal .How can I memorize many paragraphs or long information.Please help me


When does ghosting get to be too much? like if I tried to memorized 1000 words in a 20 peg room within a short amount of time, what's the limit there? seriously. What's a good ratio of the number of locations you have in a palace, reuses, and timespan and how much does that improve with time?


I want to live on this guy's couch.


Can we add new objects in our memory palace... Like for example i am studying whole book about one stuff and each chaper i study. The new objects i put them into this speciall palace to them. Is it right doing?
