The Definitive Guide to Re-Using A Memory Palace
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It would be nice to create just one Memory Palace and re-use it a million times, wouldn’t it?
Maybe. Maybe not.
In this video, you’ll discover all the ins-and-outs you need to consider when re-using a Memory Palace.
You might not need to do so at all.
In fact, I’ve not heard much about it during my years of studying the method of loci and related memory techniques.
Is this memory training technique different than the mind palace? Not really.
As you can see here, Alex Mullen has written extensively about why he doesn’t bother with recycling his Memory Palaces.
Idriz Zogaj shared a lot of thoughts about cleaning your Memory Palace network here as well:
When it comes to practically re-using a Memory Palace, in my experience, it isn’t even necessary.
Ghosting shouldn’t be a problem, and I’ve discussed that in these videos before:
And if you're still struggling, draw your Memory Palace Network. Here are 3 Tactical Reasons Drawing Your Memory Palace Gets Better Results:
Ultimately, you need to decide for yourself and let your own memory improvement practice be your guide.
And if you’re still uncertain of how to create well-formed Memory Palaces and want some simple worksheets that help you unpack your autobiographical memory so you have DOZENS of Memory Palaces to use or re-use to your heart’s delight, just head on over to:
Thanks as always for the view, hit that thumbs up, get subscribed to this channel if you aren’t already and I’ll be heading off to create some new Memory Palaces - I still haven’t poked my head into half the businesses on my block, after all...
Take care and until next time, keep yourself Magnetic!
If you enjoyed this video on memory training and mnemonic memory techniques, please help others by adding some captions.
Maybe. Maybe not.
In this video, you’ll discover all the ins-and-outs you need to consider when re-using a Memory Palace.
You might not need to do so at all.
In fact, I’ve not heard much about it during my years of studying the method of loci and related memory techniques.
Is this memory training technique different than the mind palace? Not really.
As you can see here, Alex Mullen has written extensively about why he doesn’t bother with recycling his Memory Palaces.
Idriz Zogaj shared a lot of thoughts about cleaning your Memory Palace network here as well:
When it comes to practically re-using a Memory Palace, in my experience, it isn’t even necessary.
Ghosting shouldn’t be a problem, and I’ve discussed that in these videos before:
And if you're still struggling, draw your Memory Palace Network. Here are 3 Tactical Reasons Drawing Your Memory Palace Gets Better Results:
Ultimately, you need to decide for yourself and let your own memory improvement practice be your guide.
And if you’re still uncertain of how to create well-formed Memory Palaces and want some simple worksheets that help you unpack your autobiographical memory so you have DOZENS of Memory Palaces to use or re-use to your heart’s delight, just head on over to:
Thanks as always for the view, hit that thumbs up, get subscribed to this channel if you aren’t already and I’ll be heading off to create some new Memory Palaces - I still haven’t poked my head into half the businesses on my block, after all...
Take care and until next time, keep yourself Magnetic!
If you enjoyed this video on memory training and mnemonic memory techniques, please help others by adding some captions.