Persuasion (2022) Netflix Movie Review

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Living with her snobby family on the brink of bankruptcy, Anne Elliot is a nonconforming woman with modern sensibilities. When Frederick Wentworth, the dashing one she let get away, crashes back into her life, Anne must choose between putting the past behind her or listening to her heart when it comes to second chances. Dakota Johnson, Cosmo Jarvis, and Henry Golding star in Persuasion, the new Netflix adaptation of Jane Austen's novel of the same name. Should Persuasion be on your watchlist? Thanks for checking out my Persuasion (2022) Netflix Movie Review!

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My couch rating system:
5 - A must-watch - do not pass this one up
4 - It's really good, you should see it
3 - It's OK - maybe good for a rental
2 - It's not that good and I wouldn't recommend it
1 - It's terrible and I definitely don't recommend it
0 - Cutting off a finger is better than watching this

#Persuasion #DakotaJohnson
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Saying the Persuasion is a "romcon" only shows how much they have failed by bridgitornizing a beloved Jane Austen novel.


If you like the book Persuasion by Jane Austen, you will dislike (verging on hate) this movie version. They have butchered the character of Anne Elliot into someone you won't recognize.
Gone is the down trodden by family, seen as spinster, self-sacrificial, quiet and heartbroken heroine...into a snarky, overly confident, modern day woman. Not at all how she is represented in the novel. Which makes her growing into a more confident character lost in this new version.
Seems they never read the novel at all.


The fact that I have never read Persuasion (or any Jane Austen book) or seen it (I have seen other movies based on some of her other books) means I can go into this without comparing it to the original source. I think I'll be happier because of it. I've been looking for reviews, the problem is that everyone is reviewing it as an adaptation. I don't want to know how badly or well adapted it is, I wanted to know how it stands on its own.


I was very hesitantly onboard until 4:01 when Chris describes Anne as a “strong character” who can “match wits or attitude with anybody…” which is not at all her character. The book was largely about her self discovery and growth from a person that was overly submissive, quiet, and indecisive. Anne Elliot is not meant to be like Elizabeth Bennett. I’m unsurprised that, without that theme, the movie itself felt flat…
Honestly there’s not much else to watch so I might give it a go. Wish me luck 😣


It is a terrible version; the Anne Elliot character was missed entirely; she isn't Lizzy Bennet nor Emma Woodhouse, who expresses their opinions openly, unlike Anne, who is reserved. And the language wasn't as romantic as in that period. It may be a decent from-com, but a horrific attempt at a Jane Austen novel!


Persuasion is the best book of Jane Austen. The movie has nothing to do with the book. But the book is definitely not a romcom. This movie is trash and it's enough to unsubscribe Netflix.


I read a perfect tweet about this adaption - it would be nice if they actually included Anne Elliot in this movie.
Anne is not Lizzie Bennet or Emma - she IS strong but in more subdued way. And Persuasion is NOT a comedy, so to give it Emma 2020 treatment was a huge mistake. A modernization of the Jane Austen book is not in itself bad idea (just look at Clueless - it is completely modern yet it perfectly showed Emma's character) BUT this! Uff, they have killed Anne Elliot.
When they added that friendship beach scene, I genuinely checked the run time whether we are already at the end - b/c wtf? They are not friends. Their feelings are much too strong to be friends - they can be lovers or enemies but not friends.
If they were "inspired" by Persuasion theme/plot points... ok I guess... but don't call it Persuasion and change characters' names.
Plus - the chemistry between leads is non-existent.
One good thing is that character of Mary completely shines and the actress steals every scene she's in.


Persuasion is my favorite Austen novel and the reason I like it is because it's so haunting. There's so much restraint, alienation, isolation and a sense of loss and inferiority. This adaptation kills the greatness of the original. The wit is more interior and oppressed in the book. The Cairan Hinds version hit the mark perfectly. Am not a fan of adapting stories so that the entire truth of a story is lost and Austen adapters have been doing that a lot. Why totally undermine a writer's trutg? That said, I can watch this anyway.
I'm pretty addicted to adaptations. Theme and variation kind of thing. The many film versions of Snow White that I've seen are off the charts. Thanks.


This movie was a travesty. Vain, supercilious and trivial. It did not reflect at all the yearning, the grief, regret and loss of the novel. I watched it all with teeth gritted.


A rom com? That would be fine if the book was a rom com, but it is not. He gave a review of what he saw without knowing any background of the actual book and the actual character of Ann Elliot. There are some funny characters in the book and Austen actually does poke a little fun of them and their character in the movie captured a little of it but it made them cartoonish in that rom com sort of way. I didn't hate it but that is based on just face value but on its own as an adaptation of Persuasion, I hated it. It either went too far or not far enough. Make up your mind what you want it to be and go for it. This just sucked for us Janites.


Please when you mention this abomination of a film do not associate Jane Austen with it in any way. If they wanted a strong character they could have Elizabeth or Emma, I seriously doubt the makers of this film have ever read a Jane Austen novel!


Period drama is my fav genre. I love Austen movies.

This was horrible. Why can't the powers that be let bridgerton be bridgerton? Johnson was horrible in this. Her almost non existent accent was ridiculous. The early 2000s version was my fav version


I can tell your reviewing this purely as just a film you watched and not as a period drama adaptation of an Austen novel. If you like Johnson’s portrayal in this film, you must have never read Persuasion.


I didn't t like it at all. I never felt Goosebumps, the main characters were not in sync and I didn't t really like the way Dakota portrayed her neither the alcoholism that is implied upon Anne.


This movie was so bad that during the dinner scene where Dakota Johnson loudly proclaimed that she was her brother-in-laws first choice, I had to stop watching and just walk away. I should have stopped when she sat drinking wine straight from the bottle. If you never read the book, you might be okay with this production. However, if you know that the main character is supposed to be the only member of her family with any sense and that because she was persuaded to turn down the man she loved she has become a faded version of her former self, it is difficult to accept Dakota Johnson’s portrayal. This version is horrible.


Pretty much, if you haven’t read the book and think that this is another Emma or another Pride and Prejudice, then you’ll probably enjoy it.
If you have read the book and love it because it’s NOT another Emma or Pride and Prejudice (which I love too, but why make another one of those when you can make something else?), then stay away from this film and save yourself the agony.


This adaptation was a disaster and a mess :/ there were so many different directions/angles this movie was going that it just didn't flow well to me. It gave me a mix of the latest version of Emma with the sarcastic take and Bridgeton-vibes. Plus this version's Wentworth was just kind of awkward throughout the movie which made me uncomfortable watching it lol. And I had to pause twice because I just couldn't take this version seriously sadly.

I did think the actor for Wentworth was good at acting with his eyes and showing longing/pain when in the presence of Anne and there was chemistry there. However, I found it cringey with Anne talking to the viewer and the modern words/phrases that were used. I also appreciated the diverse cast and found some parts funny. But I much prefer the older adaptations of this story.

I think with the take they were going with this version, if it was done better, it wouldn't be as difficult to watch/like it. It's a shame they missed the mark with this version.


They ruined my favorite Austen book. Anne is nothing like the character from the book.


Winks and nods and snarky remarks are the exact opposite of what Anne Elliot is. This adaptation and the reviewer (sorry to say) both totally miss the point of the story of Anne and of Persuasion. I don’t mind a bit of modernizing for a story, but to get the main character so totally wrong is just inexcusable. This movie is a miss.


This was a pretty fair review but the whole movie was a complete mess. I didn't laugh or enjoy it. I also was never emotionally invested in the main leads as a believable couple. I know Dakota Johnson can act better than this.( check out High Note) She never once got the character of Anne correctly adapted and that's why this movie didn't work at all.
