When Social Policies Don't Work, Check the System - David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles

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How many times have you thought that social policies seem more effective where they’re least needed and least effective where they're most needed? In this clip, Prof Harvey explains why problems like the lack of affordable housing are systemic issues which reform-based responses cannot adequately address.

"No matter how well-meaning the efforts are and how big the monetary commitment is, that principle that the policies are going to be least effective where they're most needed and most effective where they're least needed, that is the principle which which is going to prevail. Unless we are prepared to rebuild the whole system from the ground up." - David Harvey



“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”

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Simply universalise specific welfare or welfare and universalise housing(, stationery, but offer a mobile/portable version/variation, as desired) where said public-sectors policies, programmes and projects exists and are established.

Much like, education and healthcare, or transportation. These are class, really collar -orientated today.


The wealth is the hands of a tiny minority


Pls put up a short with him talking about free time being a measure of freedom


I'm averse to the general idea that land can be owned, but it would seem that with citizenship should come a plot of land or some other way an acceptable minimal shelter should be provided. As unreasonable as that seems, the alternative is the capitalist credo of letting the devil take the hind most.
