The Secret Rapture

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What is the secret rapture and where does the idea of a secret rapture come from?

Perhaps the most famous section of St. Paul's first letter to the Thessalonians is in chapter 4 where he speaks of what has become known in some protestant circles as an affirmation of a secret rapture. Does this part of St. Paul's letter affirm a secret rapture, or is it speaking of something else? Check out this video with Dr. Brant Pitre to find out.

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I am home with Roman Catholicism as a Protestant former. I am so very blest to be a part of the church Christ started and continues to guard and lead. Not going back.


Even without the background information (context) I’ve always understood these scriptures just by careful reading without adding anything extraneous to them. It’s nice to have my understanding affirmed. Thank you Dr. Pitre.


This is awesome - this is the second reading on Nov 12, 2023 reason I know is I’ll be the lector for 2nd that Sunday. Always love hearing his reflections 🙏🏻😉


Dr. Pitre, you are the first person to explain these particular verses the way you did. For the first time I've heard your explanation acceptable and thank you for beautifully putting it across to us. God bless you.


Thank you Dr Pitre for thislovely explanation. We live in a small town in SA and have a tiny chapel, so we attend Mass on Saturday evenings to avoid overcrowding... I have been wondering if this is acceptable since I am a convert as I grew up in a protestant family. Before covid and when I lived in the city, Mass to me was always on a Sunday. Thank you do much. God bless 🕯🕯🕯🔔🔔🔔


Thank you. May Our Beloved Lord and God Jesus bless us all. 🙏🏻🌿✝️🇻🇦


It's exctly the video I needed.
My protestant friends are divided and confused on this silly idea of rapture an I didn't know how to explain them that.
Very big thank you. I'm praying for you.


Always so insightful! You are a great gift from God to the Catholic Church and the world. Keep up the good work!🙏


No secret rapture. The coming of the Lord will get everyone's attention


The Rapture is also against the pattern of Biblical Judgement. Whenever God does a chastisement or judgement, it's the wicked that are reaped. The people left behind are the good ones.


One of the biggest reasons why I left Protestantism for good.


"Left Behind" isn't what the New Testament had in mind when they talk of the Second Coming of Christ.


Dr. Pitre, I love listening and learning from your teachings. Do you or someone who may work with you read the comments.


I love the explanation by Dr. Pitre. Very powerful and FULL of TRUTH.


Awesome work... God bless our catholic theologians


2:09 "lets just get the rapture nonsense off the table here" BRAVO


God said once to abraham that he will not destroy the righteous with the wicked, and I don't think he changed his mind


I disagree with the idea that the rapture happens at the end of the tribulation, which is what this video suggests. In Matthew 24:42, Jesus says, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." I don't understand how Jesus could be talking about His second coming here, because we know that He will come at the end of the seven year tribulation.

I have heard it commonly interpreted that the tribulation will begin when the antichrist signs a seven year treaty, which is based off of Daniel 9:27. Thus, someone could count seven years from the beginning of the tribulation to determine on what day Jesus will return.

Because of all this, it seems that in Matthew 24:42, Jesus would have to be talking about a different event, namely, the rapture. I can understand why some would think Jesus is talking about His second coming, but that doesn't make sense to me. In my mind, all of this seems to lend credence to the pre-tribulation rapture view, as we don't know on what day the rapture will happen, just as Jesus said.


Regarding the Rapture
Thank you.
There has been so much misunderstanding about these events. But some of the largest misunderstandings have been from within the masses of our Catholic Church. The word “rapture” comes from the Latin word meaning “to be caught up” or “taken up”. This refers to the passage in St. Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians 4:17 which states, “then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord.” The Catholic understanding of this passage is that those believers who are alive during Christ’s second coming will not experience death, but rather, will be gloriously transformed and join the saints already with Christ.
Having said this, there are already many examples in the Scriptures where a ‘Rapture’ has already occurred.
Genesis 5:22–23 speaks of Enoch’s Rapture.
2 Kings 2:11-12 speaks of Elijah’s Rapture.
Apocalypse 12: 1-2 speaks of the Virgin Mary’s Rapture.
Matthew 27:51-53 speaks of a Minor Rapture that prefigures The Great Rapture at the End of Time.
Many Church Fathers in the first 400 years taught that God desired to save Enoch and Elijah from experiencing death due to their great faithfulness in serving and obeying Him. Many Church Fathers taught that Enoch & Elijah would return to confront The Antichrist. Keep in mind that the Pope correctly said we cannot safely teach the Rapture coming in the way other churches teach it. But we Catholics clearly recognize Rapturous events, especially in the Scriptures. Even our saints have spoken of it. They may not listen to us. But we are listening to the Holy Spirit.
Be at Peace ❤


God removed his people before the destruction of Sodom & Gomorra. God removed Noah, his family and animals before the flood. Would God leave His Bride to suffer before the terrible apocalypse ?
