DARK ACADEMIA PLAYLIST for melancholic writers (classical)

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It’s been a while..✨ I’m back with another dark academia playlist for all of you poets and writers and painters and students pulling late-night study sessions. 💛 Let yourself wander through ancient libraries and long-forgotten places with these piano pieces - I hope you enjoy! 🍁

☁️ Tracklist:
00:00 - And We Walk After (Trevor Kowalski)
02:44 - Togetherless (Franz Gordon)
06:22 - The Beggar (Franz Gordon)
09:18 - By the Border (Lama House)
11:53 - Memories of Sardinia (Franz Gordon)
15:22 - Himitsu (Lama House)
17:55 - Notes to Self (Gavin Luke)
20:41 - Overcome (Megan Wofford)
23:50 - The French Library (Franz Gordon)
🕊 Repeat

|| About the Ads: This video isn't monetised, but youtube has started putting ads on it - in intervals that I know make it pretty unwatchable. Sadly, this is out of my control and I'm really sorry about it! Here are my tips:

- Try skipping to the end of the video and skipping back to the beginning to skip the ads
- Use an ad blocker
- Listen to some of my newer playlists - they don't seem to be affected :)

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🏷 Themes: dark academia, piano music, soundtrack, reading, studying, study, light academia, reading music, study playlist, aesthetic, classical, relax, main character, chill, background music, ambient, music mix, radio station, music for writing, instrumental, study with me, royalty core, pianist, beats to study to, beats to think to, beats to relax to, classical music, classical piano, nostalgia, epic music

#darkacademia #studyplaylist #aestheticplaylist #classicalmusic

Please don't repost without my permission!
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Let's all agree to leave something good on this earth before we leave.


hey, you. whoever’s reading this, this is your sign. everything’s gonna be okay. you did not come this far to give up. I believe in you ❤️


right person, wrong time;
right script, wrong line;
right poem, wrong rhyme;
and a piece of your heart that was never mine...


I’m trying to study with this playlist but my mind is itching to write stories 😭


I started playing piano in high school and I would write my own music like this, I would play the piano wherever I found one and people always said why do you play sad music? To me it wasn't sad and still isn't, I just played what I liked and it was so easy for me came naturally. Still love it over 10+ years later.


“Depression is like a woman in black. If she turns up, don’t shoo her away. Invite her in, offer her a seat, treat her like a guest and listen to what she wants to say.” -Carl Jung


Why do we feel at most ourselves while listening to sad, melancholic music? There is no pretense in deep introspection, only brutal honesty. In a strange yet hallowed way, the clarity that comes from this pained interlude comforts us and clears our minds. Life is made of the things we've picked up along the way. Some belong and some don't, and when a sentiment crosses our path (as these melodies endlessly invoke), we immediately know which is which. The contrast reveals us to ourselves as we reach into the darkness and draw out light. It's an odd path to peace but one that is as old and sure as time itself.


Man this really is melancholy. It's fascinating to me that music can be both sorrowful and beautiful at the same time. Like a depressing dance of life occasionally filled with hope and glimpses of happiness.


To everyone who's studying/working with this music:


• A bottle of water, at least 1 liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧

• Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋

• Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone🎧

• a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

• Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨

•Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy 🐈

Reminder : After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.

You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.

I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight 😴🧸

I didn't write this but I wanna help others <3


I feel as a flower,
Tripped over snow;
Down the hills,
Once green,
Threaded in sorrow.
Autumn felt,
A small stay;
Winter came
Withering life,
Now everything's gray;
And I live
Inside your heart
Like a forgotten letter,
Only in your memories.
Forgotten Soul Who Is A Tragic Lover of Life & Death.


I adore how the music selection in this playlist does not include any overplayed classical composition


I watched as the rain fell, the coffee warming my hands.
My aching heart calmed down as I watched the beauty of this world, and for a moment forgot how ugly it had treated me.
The soft music playing comforted me like a hug and I smiled closing my eyes as I brought the cup to my lips taking a sip.
My books had been with me for a while but my mind wouldnt let me focus on them, but right now maybe because of the comfort I was feeling it brought me a sense of urge to start my studying.
I grabbed the pen which was sitting next to my plate of cookies and I started to read, word after word, writing down notes after notes.
After a while I had realised the pain had left and a feeling of accomplishment had replaced. I took a sip of my now refilled coffee cup and let a breath of relief.
I was happy like this, this is who Im supposed to be and everything else was just a mere distraction, so I do what I do best, I push the distractions away and continue my warm rainy days.


"she laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night he would have. it terrified him."
six of crows


Isn't it beautiful that you can stumble upon such beauty and everyone you find there are just wonderful people.


Darn, i'm a writer and i'm a rather melancholic being, so i click, and first image is a chessboard, which is one of my passions. Perfect ! Thanks for the playlists


She never understood how one could go from being so lovely and extroverted, to becoming a depressed introverted soul.

Life became confusing.

She couldn't tell the difference between reality and the voices in her head telling her everything she knew and loved was wrong. Her life wasn't messed up and nor did she have any psychological issues that she knew of. She had already entered puberty when she was thirteen and yet nothing had felt like this than it had before.

Her life had never seemed so dull than ever, and yet no one had yet discovered or realised the fact that Arielle Davis no longer existed. Only the outer shell of Arielle Davis remained and yet no one dared to ask or care about what happened to the one who had inhabited that shell.

One would think that just because she had always worn a beautiful smile upon her face she was happy. However, if you had looked closer, you'd have noticed the sad eyes that rested upon her happy face. You'd have noticed that her smile never reached her eyes, nor that she had become relatively quiet.

It was almost as if she was waiting for someone to notice that she had stopped talking. That she was silently screaming to be heard.

Yet the only trouble was, she had no idea why.

Her once pure soul, tainted with an unbeknown-st feeling of loneliness and heartache. It gave her more feelings of loss and sadness that she didn't know she had. But what's more is that she lost more than her family and friends, she lost herself.

It caused her to ask herself who she was as she questioned her identity as a human being, and as Arielle Davis.

(arielle davis is not a real person, i literally went to name generator and got this.)


I'm playing this while I'm painting in my room, it's raining outside and it feels magical


I'm pretty new to writing so this isn't very good.. But it's the prologue of my book, so anyone who may read this, enjoy! 😃😃

"They were back.

She caught a glimpse of them from her desk and immediately dragged her chair to the large, dusty window. It had been days since their last appearance.

Aryen fumbled with the catch and swung the window open, stopping it just before it hit her paint splattered wall. Leaning through, she wrapped her hands around the cracked wooden frame and waited.

They drifted through the faraway trees surrounding her family home on all sides before finally stepping away from the cover of the forest. The dim evening sun caught on their pale dresses and hair, making them almost seem to glow. In the sunlight the mysterious creatures always reminded her of the beautiful northern elementals she'd read about in her father's books.

She saw them in her dreams almost as often as when awake. For some reason, despite her efforts, they never set foot past the iron gate guarding her home.

A chilly breeze whipped her own crimson hair about, howling in her ears. She ducked back through the window and hopped off of her chair, rushing out of her room and down the stairs in search of her mother.

There she was, sat at the dining table, a pile of letters before her. One hand clutched a note and the other, the edge of the table. All thoughts of the faceless creatures fled her mind. She was never shaken, least of all by a piece of paper. "Mama? What's wrong?" she whispered.

She did not answer, eyes rapidly skimming over the page, expression growing more and more worried. "Mama.." she tried again, approaching her.

Finally she glanced up, drawing a surprised breath. She truly hadn't noticed. "Goodness, you startled me. What is it, Yen?"

"I- Are you alright?"

"Of course, sweet girl. I promise." She insisted. "Now tell me what has you coming down here in such a hurry."

Aryen knew better than to keep asking. Her mother would be fine, as she always was. Whatever had her looking pale as a ghost, it was nothing she could help with at only six years old, she assured herself. "In that case.. They came back! Look, look." She pointed out the window to see dozens of them, gathered just beyond the black iron gates of the courtyard. They spun in slow circles, smooth, veil covered faces turned to the sky.

Her mother looked through the tall windows as requested and gave Aryen a sad smile. She knew by now that she couldn't see them. Every time Aryen had tried to bring her mother outside to meet them, they would disappear in a puff of smoke and what could only be described as a ghastly wail. It made no sense. Her mother must think her insane..

If only she could see them. The whisperers.

That is what she'd named them. They never spoke in words she could understand, only whispering into her mind in an ancient and very odd sounding language. In the nearly two years since she'd first seen them, the whisperers had never actually spoken. It made sense, she supposed, as they also did not have mouths.

"That's lovely, Yen." That familiar look of concern was back, showing in her bunched brows. Someday, Aryen knew, she would see them. There would be no more confused looks and concern. She would understand "Go play outside with them.. I must get through these letters." And just like that, it was gone. She returned to the folded pages in front of her without another word.

She sighed and trudged to the door, letting it fall closed with a soft click behind her. Her pace quickened as she reached the courtyard until she was dashing across the grass and through the gates. The whisperers turned their heads, floating over the grass to meet her.

This close, the tall, faceless women appeared almost frayed at the edges as if they lived beyond reality. Flowers bloomed where their feet should be and the sun shone brighter when they left the cover of the trees. Aryen held her arms out as she reached them and took two of their hands. She was spun around in circles and led around the grass in a slow, sweeping dance. Their whispers echoed in her mind as they braided her hair, telling her stories she could not understand.

She picked the colorful flowers they grew for her and they wove them into a crown, gathering around her as they always did to place it upon her head. Aryen sometimes wondered if she was secretly a queen of spirits, like in her fathers tales. She never saw the whisperers fawning over anything else, other than a stray cat that had wandered past one day.

Just as she was about to ask, the sound of a carriage rattled down the stone path leading to her home, pulled by two horses. The driver was dressed head to toe in black, and she could just make out the ornately carved armor of the Templars beneath his cloak.

The voices in her mind quieted in an instant. Each and every one of them stood, eyes only on him now. Aryen had the feeling that he was not welcome here. The carriage driver did not stare back at the dozens of faceless things, likely unable to see them just as her mother was. He only glanced at her as the carriage rolled past, scowling at her with her muddy dress and crown of flowers. She glared right back.

The Templars were, indeed, very unwelcome. That never stopped them from appearing whenever they pleased, much like the whisperers.

As the carriage pulled into the courtyard and stopped, the driver hopped from his seat and opened the door. Two others followed him to the steps of the manor, dressed in black as well. Her mother met them at the door, standing still as a statue. From here she couldn't hear them but knew whatever they were discussing was not pleasant. It never was. Perhaps one of the letters had been from them. It would explain her sour mood.

Aryen hadn't realized she was staring until one of them looked right at her, waving his hand in her direction. The others stared too. Her cheeks burned red and around her the whisperers hissed. Dread twisted in her gut. Something was not right.

Only minutes later they were gone and the whisperers were staring at her in a sullen silence. Like they knew something was coming, but also knew she could not understand them. They stood together as her mother stormed through the gates, reaching for her hand. For the first time in two years, they remained when her mother was near.

Far above, clouds covered the fading sunlight. The world itself seemed to darken as anger washed over her. Not her own, but the whisperers.

"Mama, what's happening?" she cried.

"It's time for us to go home. Come inside, we are leaving tomorrow." She tugged her towards the gates.

"No, wait! Mama, stop, please!" She pulled back but it was no use. The whisperers followed after her. No flowers grew under their feet now. Instead, grass rotted and flowers died. The moment her feet passed through the gate, the crown of flowers on her head blew away in the wind. One touched the black metal and let out a terrible scream, vanishing before her eyes.

Droplets of rain fell as she was dragged back into the manor. Before she knew it she was in the dining room again, her mother angrily shuffling about in the kitchen. Papa knelt before her, a steaming cup of odd smelling tea in his hands. "Drink, child. Drink."

She hesitantly took the cup from him and brought it to her lips, taking a sip. It tasted wonderful, like honey and fruit. Delighted, she kept drinking, taking sip after sip. She felt so warm and.. Tired.

Aryen's knees were so weak, and her head was spinning. This couldn't be right. "Mama?" she whispered as the edges of her vision went black. The cup fell from her hands only to be caught by her father.

Tears lined his eyes and spilled down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Yen."

"What's.. happening.." she slurred. Aryen caught one last glimpse out the window before she collapsed into her father's arms, eyes drifting shut as she fell asleep.

The whisperers were gone."


Not a writer, but here to enjoy the music and these amazing comments. ✨✨✨💜All of you are amazing 💜 Please continue writing and doing what you love.


Under the Mysterious Night
I gazed upon the never ending light
The Clouds, The Stars, the Moon
As if it was telling me it was already noon

I wished upon a falling star
A star so near yet so far
I gazed upon the city
Sadness, And Memories of Pity

As I watch the city lights get dimmer
Ah, I remember my body gets weaker
Day by day, Night by Night
The lonely feeling as of the fading light

Loneliness. A friend and a foe
It speaks to you from head to toe
Wondering where I went wrong
I held myself, An emotion so Strong

Under The Night
I danced to my content
Nor with sadness nor with fright
The beat of the howling torment

Fragment of pieces
A sweet nostalgia of kisses
Fragment of time
As all ends with a rhyme

- DotN
