QnA: Does forgiveness get old? Does Paul agree with Jesus? How can I honor an abusive father?

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Pastors Bryan Wolfmueller and Andrew Packer answer your theological and Biblical questions. In this episode we take up questions about:

**Does forgiveness get old?

**Does Paul agree with Jesus?
Machen "Liberalism and Christianity"

**How can I honor an abusive father?

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My father was abusive physically, verbally and emotionally to my mom and verbally and emotionally to me. I forgave him for the hurt and horror he brought to our home. My mother also forgave him. Forgiveness did not wipe away his sin; that is between him and God. Forgiveness allowed us to be free of any ill feelings for revenge or on-going control of him over our lives. I can speak freely of him without hatred, remember him for what he was: a damaged man who had glimmers of goodness. I thank God for His mercy in getting us out of that situation alive and without lasting mental scarring.


I live these videos because they help me to pray for people I don’t know.


Thankyou for this video. I have been struggling with how to honour my parents who were both abusive and controlling. You don't have to be have an active relationship with the abusive parents to honour them. My father chose to be estranged from me and when he died, I honoured him by attending his funeral. I have an inactive relationship with my mother and I honour her by working to not say anything negative about her and by working to be a better more loving parent to my own children. I find it hardest when my mother abuses me through others. I've had to step away from my congregation because of that. It's difficult to navigate, we're not alone in this but prayer is vital to assist.


Its a wonderful idea to try and realign your family name with God's will. Thats something i will need to consider in my own way.

Im very sorry to hear someone is dealing with that and know you are not alone.


Confession reminds me that I am a sinner and need Jesus. Absolution reminds me what Jesus did


Thank you SO MUCH for the theologically sound and extremely helpful content Pastors Wolfmueller and Packer! It gladdens my heart to know that I can safely and easily forward such useful and Word-centered content to the friends of mine that need it, and for my continued learning and understanding of our Lord and Savior. You truly are a blessing to the congregations you serve and the people who congregate here on this channel. May The Lord bless and keep you. God be praised!


Excellent video! Thank you both!!!💕✝️🙏🏼


Ευχαριστώ πολύ, αγαπητοί πατέρες, για την όμορφη διδασκαλία.


Quick thought. Why the difference in both your collars? Fashion? Tradition? Comfort?


To the person who wrote the question about the abusive father I will just say that what was said about honoring from a distance is really good. This is the approach I’ve made also regarding abusive family. It’s difficult but don’t let Satan hold the law over your head in it. The Lord be with you!


Perhaps the question shouldn't be "are my sins forgiven" but "do I _know_ that they are forgiven"? Baptism is a means of grace. We know that we were baptized, therefore we know that God has forgiven us and given us the Holy Spirit. We know that we have partaken of the Lord's Supper, therefore we know that God has fed us and forgiven us. We know that we have confessed and received absolution, therefore we know that we are forgiven. We're human, we need a great deal of reminding of such things.


Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. He goes on to say that not one jot and not one iota of the law will pass away. When we start declaring which things are sins but God says it is, we are standing against Jesus. We need to repent daily of sins, even if they are our favorite sins.


With abusive parents, we don't condone what they do. Pray daily about it. I know someone whose abusive parent after a lot of years was finally repentant. She didn't want to see him or forgive him, but she prayed, when she saw him, she felt a power move through her, she felt Jesus presence and she reached out and felt love move through her. She finally understood Jesus love in action. Pray he helps you forgive, but in some cases you may still have to keep some distance if theirattitudehas not changed.


People from other denominations/traditions are so used to the idea that forgiveness of sins was a one-time thing that happened back on the day they gave their life to Christ that to continually talk about it is completely foreign to them. Unfortunately, the question of "why do I need to hear about forgiveness of sins every week, multiple times per service?" is one that many need answered.


“Works are excluded from salvation so there is no minimum requirement for Jesus to love me“ He died for me by grace alone. I also felt I could never “earned “ His forgiveness - this is so reassuring. Breve the absolution - it’s returning to your baptism, hear God Word


My counsel would be to not discuss his sin. This is my thought on minimal honor. Maintain your distance and move on.
For the name change, I see no harm in that action.


Re Jesus vs Paul. Pr. Wolfmueller: precisely. They present Jesus as being "cuddly" and tolerant, they don't like Paul and his stance on such things as homosexuality.


In the old testament they would offer sacrifices just in case someone may have sinned. I guess too much forgiveness is better than none.


I think that confirmation student was wondering about that phrase, "all my sins with which I have EVER offended Thee."
Is there a point where I ought to trust in God's forgiveness and let the guilt of those old sins go... after I've confessed them for 50 years?


Ezekiel 18:18-20
18 But his father will die for his own sin, because he practiced extortion, robbed his brother and did what was wrong among his people.

19 “Yet you ask, ‘Why does the son not share the guilt of his father?’ Since the son has done what is just and right and has been careful to keep all my decrees, he will surely live. 20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.
