God Can Use You! // Discovering Your Gifts & Purpose in The Kingdom

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Here we discuss how God uses the gifts he placed within each of us as a part of our purpose for Him. We all have the opportunity to represent King Jesus. This video explores how to do it.

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I'm excited, not just for Heaven, not just for today, but for the Millennial Reign and the restoration of all things! We will work for Jesus forever, embracing our passions and gifts for all eternity! Maranatha!


My life is cruel right now. Sometimes I feel like everything is against me. Sometimes I question why I live. Sometimes I feel like running away. I have little reasons to smile. But I hold on strong, because I have Jesus. Soon I will feel better soon I will smile more than I ever did before. Soon I will hug the lord with a feeling of relief because... *I made it*


We do not belong here ....this world is temporary ..we are proud ambassadors of christ❤️ im 21 idk what my gifts are ..but I am brought to tears when i think that God chose me off all the other people the answer is i need to tell other people what i have experienced otherwise it'll be selfish of me . beacause God saved me through his mercy.amen...keep going man u have no idea how videos affect people ..like you said one idea from God can change the way u live in this world.


Amen and amen. We are ambassadors of Christ our King.


Now is the time to execute the plan the calling on our lives for the Kingdom of God!! What we do is not for us; it is to glorify our Maker!


It's so fascinating to see this video from India made from a person in America (the opposite ends of the world). It's makes us realise that in these last days, God is raising an Army of Ambassadors to work for Him in every tribe, city, village and Nation. God bless you Jared and all those watching this video.


“A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men.”


I couldn’t have shared this testimony. But this message really touched my heart. God have really been faithfully for me and my daughter because she’s the only one I have. This year have really been a very tough one for us but everything really changed for good after I lnvested 1500usd on Crypto last 3 months. Everything changed for Good and I started getting money even more than people who have Job. So I just want to tell you this, no matter how tough anything might be for you, no give up, never stop praying. Our God works in a very mysterious way. Thanks all


God is always ready to use you and he will listen to all your prays and love God like he does to you


God is good and seems to have gifts for all of us ❤️


We ought to remember to give God the glory at all times. We mostly find ourselves receiving the glory without acknowledging God.


Sometimes I feel lost and demotivated in my walk of Christ because I know we are all called to live for and glorify God but I feel like I don’t know my talents/gifts in how to serve him.😔


Wow! I have not even watched the video yet and i will shortly. But i just needed to comment because God woke me up at 2:00 am EST to read His Word and as i read, He spoke to me and said it is time to start up the family and friends Bible Study. I just moved from Texas 1 month ago and i knew i was led here to do the work of Elohim again with my ministry "Women Lifting Up Women For His Glory". So Thank you Holy Spirit for using my brother in Christ to post this confirmation "FHG". I am ready Father YAHWEH. In Jesus name i am always grateful to be of service.


Greetings from Croatia!
I found your channel a month ago and I'm hooked I love your videos when I watch them I get this feeling of comfort. You have made a very positive impact in my life you've helped me understand God's word better and connect more with God.I am fighting sin every day, I pray at least twice a day I ask Jesus for forgiveness but it sometimes gets the better of me and I fail.Since I've connected with God every time I'm about to sin I get a voice in my head telling me not to do it. I have a feeling we are in the end times and I'm scared of being left behind in the rapture. I whant to preach about God to my friends and family but I'm too shy to do it.


I’m 46 years old and feel like I’m just wasting my life. I feel like God has given me so many passions and dreams that have fallen by the waste side. I have had a very deep relationship with God and I am coming back in that place. I’ve prayed for a revelation and guidance/ direction for my mission (in Christ) and don’t gain anything back. I don’t want to leave this earth not knowing and fulfilling my purpose. I want to be lead


Aoc network God bless you all and continue spreading the true Gospel of God


My gift is to be kind and help others thank you Lord amen


I am studying to be a nurse for the Red Cross because I want to help people and all that is for the glory of God, I want so serve others in my life and by doing that I'm hoping that I'm also serving God and doing my mission here while I'm here. I wasn't sure if I could even enter to study there, it was a bit of a long shot but I prayed and asked God to use me in this particular way and that the Red Cross may be my daily cross for His glory and I actually got in, when God shows you how real He is you can suddenly feel a huge responsibility and you'll need God more than ever then!

I can still procrastinate my studying and waste time on other things so I'm far from perfect, but I learned so much about God and because of the Christian world-view everything else makes so much sense to me. Even if I'm just starting without much knowledge and still combating my bad habits and all that, I pray to God and believe me when I tell you that God or the Holy Spirit or through the Holy Spirit did show me a few times where my mistakes are, it could happen to me basically in the same day where I'm feeling confused or lost or lazy and later on I get a clear answer for my question... No matter what you do out there, never lose your faith in God, always pray that God makes you stronger and better.

Even if nobody else is there to talk about the things you notice as a Christian, it doesn't matter God is there and God sees you! Tell him what you learn, I didn't know that some very influential people like Henry Dunant (Founder of the Red Cross) or Florence Nightingale ( made nursing a profession) were Christians themselves! Maybe others won't tell you that but don't worry, God will show you that you're on the right path, it may be a narrow path but it's His path for you! Win the race like Paul did.

Glory to our Holy Father, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, God bless you, and thank you Jerren for all the work you've done for this channel, imagine how amazing it will feel one day when we can trully say that we have been ambassadors for Christ and did our mission in this life...


Very interesting video. I just read up on gifts of the Holy Ghost and how the church if Corinth were saying which gift is better being: Speaking in tongues, Healing the sick, Prophecy, A giver. Many gifts there are but if you don't have LOVE, the gifts mean NOTHING!!! It is written. Love is key to bringing out what gifts you may have. God bless.


I have a passion for singing and helping others with my story.
