Religion: Crash Course Sociology #39

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Today we’re turning our sociological eye to another major social institution: religion. We’ll use symbolic interactionism to help us understand the dichotomy of the Sacred vs. the Profane. We’ll compare the perspectives of structural functionalists and conflict theorists on whether religion improves social cohesiveness or increases social stratification. We’ll also explore how religious practice in the US differs across race and class lines.


Sociology by John J. Macionis, 15th edition (2014)


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i imagine this was difficult to write without causing offence to everyone, religious or not - impressively done.


It's always mindboggling to read that 70% of US citizens consider themselves religious (or that religion plays a major part in their life) as someone from a secular country, in my whole life I've maybe met a handful of people here that were actually religious.


As an Agnostic I love learning about different religions. Thanks for this informative video from an open-minded perspective! :)


I love your sociology videos, since you take on topics from different perspectives and theories, hence producing a more logical argument, instead of following the trend or finding faults in everything. Great educational videos.


Oh hey. The comments are relatively tame. I think that's the sign of a well made video and healthy community. Good job, CC.
To contribute to discussion, wherever you fall on the religious spectrum, remember that your greatest love informs your life direction as a whole.


Hey Nicole I just want to let you know these videos helped me study for my CLEP exam. This video was especially helpful, there were several questions related to religion on my test the answers to which you give in this video. Very lucky for me that you dropped it two days before my test.


great stuff! difficult to do a brief overview of such a complex topic, and you nailed it! thank you for these great videos.


I feel you missed a big opportunity in this video, especially near the end in the section called "How religious practice in the US differs across race and class lines, " where you could have mentioned Auguste Comte's understanding of religion as being a thing in which people orient their life in which he attempted to create the secular _Religion of Humanity._ It may be the case that you may have a video on the sociological aspect of what practicing religion does for people with the secularization of young people. Similarly, the author bell hooks has written that an aspect of Feminism is for people to have a healthy spiritual life, so there seems to be an aspect of practice there as well beyond the simple (badly formulated) question of God or no God.


I LOVE YOU AND YOUR VIDEOS! I am a sociology major in my senior year and you always help me with my assignments. Thanks crashcourse, she needs a raise! 👏🏾👏🏾


Literally have an exam tomorrow for this, thanks!


When you think about it, Churches are actually just really extensive book clubs 😂


i love you for the work you do. My sociology professor is a quack and if not for you, I would be screwed.


This is such a great video! Thank you for making it so much easier to teach soc of religion!


Loved your videos, densely packed with relevant information.
For those who are heated, she is just sharing some ideas of the anthropologist.


You misquoted the Old Testament about Adam and Eve. Eve was created to 'help' Adam because he was alone (Genesis, Chapter 2 Verse 18), not to 'serve' him. Also, if Eve was created from Adam's body, then she too was in the image of God. Chapter 5 Verses 1-2 implies this by saying that Adam and Eve were one unit called 'Man'


I don't know if you're going to continue or expand on this topic but it would be interesting if you explored a little on 'civil religion' - displays of nationalism and patriotism acting in place of displays of traditional piety. I know of it in theory but a CrashCourse to touch on the finer points and implications would be great.


Everyone's excited for the non-existent war in the comments😂😂😂


just...thank yall for making this info accessible and doing your best to share sociology, sorry for all the commenters who apparently believe that opinions formed on personal experience and prejudice outweigh decades of empirical research


Im practicing my english with your videos..

Uh i think you speak fast but i believe i can understand without subtitles if i watch your vids everyday
I want to make my mind get used to this english vilocity
What do you think about it? Im from Brazil


Small correction - the Star of David is not considered sacred in Judaism. It's a symbol of the Jewish people, much in the same way that the rainbow flag became a symbol for LGBT people. But unlike the cross, it has no real religious meaning.
