Top 5 Best Nerf Guns of 2024 | Best Nerf Blasters You Should Buy (2024)

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Top 5 Best Nerf Guns of 2023 | Best Nerf Blasters You Should Buy (2023)

#nerfgun #nerfblaster #nerf #nerfwar
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Lol you get the feeling that this is essentially a commercial? I wonder how much nerf paid for this


The first two blaster is super innacurate despite having high velocity.
Its also very expensive.
Not suitable for nerf wars.


their is no way a human person saw this and thought it was a good idea to post it. this really just feels like it was made by an AI due to how they keep calling the same stuff different names.

also 7:57 what the actual fu-


Ok as a professional idiot who has somehow gotten into high end nerf I’ll give you the real top 5.
Casual (kids 8-10)
1. Dart zone Thunderbolt 35$ (It’s a great semi-auto that comes with dartzone waffle darts which are so much better plus the blaster shoots harder.)
2. Nerf motoblitz 38$ (It’s just fun but PLEASE don’t use elite darts use waffles.)
3. 3D printed Nailclipper 20$ (A 3d printed paracord powered blaster commonly sold on Etsy uses short darts which you can buy from target/Walmart.)
4. Any nerf rival blaster really.
5. More advice than blaster but don’t buy crossover blasters they are way overpriced and cheaply made.

Pro (11+) All these blasters use short darts and some use Talon mags. Talons can be bought from places like Out of Darts or worker (both websites) these shoot around 150-300 Feet per second compared to nerf’s 70-100 Feet per second.
1. dartzone max solo 15$(If you like the jolt from nerf this is great, tiny, and powerful.)
2. Dartzone max Outlaw 30$ (a target exclusive hammer action revolver shooting right around 140 FPS.)
3. Adventure force nexus pro X 50$ (The evolution of a fan favorite this was my first pro blaster, it is pump action, shoots 200 FPS and uses talons. FYI its releasing soon.)
4. Worker Nightingale 100$ (a semi/full auto nerf pistol sold by Out of darts it requires some safety due to using a rechargeable LiPo battery that you should handle with care and it uses proprietary magazines.)
5. Worker Seagull starter pack 175$( An Out of darts exclusive pump action blaster that comes with talon mags, a holster for the mags, a sling to carry the blaster and 200 high end darts this is a great gift for a teen.)


Nerf guns are nice toys which can also be a good gifting option for any person.


"It launches arrows at the speed of 112 Kilo grams per hour" This was definitely made by A.I


All these blasters are bad or meh. My top blaster of 2023 that are available in stores in no particular order: Rival Pilot, Rival Take down, Rival Kronos, Rival Path Finder, Rival Forerunner Wild edition TrailBlazer, Elite Disruptor, elite strong arm, elite 2.0 MotoBlitz, elite 2.0 Double Punch, hammershot, MEGA Cyclone Shock, MEGA XL Big Rig, Mega XL Boomdozer.

Stay away from Ultra/Hyper/Jr/Alpha/ most of Elite 2.0/ Minecraft/ Roblox. They all have issues either working effectively, flimsy plastic, or just insane prices for subpar performance.


0:23 dogshit
2:15 m- maybe???
3:51 not bad
5:41 decent
7:18 better alternatives exist


Commander is the only slightly good one it has good accuracy


This whole list is trash, and whoever made this list lacks foam dart knowledge:
-The Nerf Ultra darts do shoot far, BUT they are the most inaccurate darts in foam history.
-The Nerf Ultra line was created to sell overpriced darts, and prevent the sale of better quality 3rd party darts.
-Do NOT buy the Elite 2.0 Commander, it's modder unfriendly, it's glued and clamped together, and all the Elite 2.0 line have plastic trigger springs guaranteed to break after months of usage. It breaks (not a matter of "if", it will break) you can not fix it.


I say that 25 is the biggest capacity the prometheus as 200


3:05 bro fr said 112 kilograms per hour


I don't think the nerf ultra select fires nerf elite 2.0 darts


At 1:03 or somewhere around there they claim the Ultra One has the highest capacity of any nerf gun. The RhinoFire, Titan, Rampage, Nemesis, Prometheus, Perses, Hades, and Artemis beg to differ.


No ultra blaster is good enough to own mainly cause the darts are trash damaged super easily get elite, modulas or regular rival if you want practical also elite 2.0 is not good either if you plan on modding or have bigger hands


This is a joke right ? HA got me ( good one ) 😆


This list is definitely not justified by performance oriented foam flingers. The only actual worth to buy blasters for the performance is the demolisher and retaliator. (I am not a professional hobbyist. I just simply learn from reviews)


I don't think you can get a modulus in 2023 but ok


Bro it sounds like he copy and pasted an ai’s voice onto the video


what i bought the last one when it was fully new
and now it costs 10 dollars
