Top 5 BEST Nerf Guns of (2023)

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Top 5 BEST Nerf Guns of (2023)

➜ Links to the best Nerf Guns 2023 we listed in this video:

►US Links◄
➜ 5. Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6 - 45onYe9
➜ 4. Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor - 3BV1G6p
➜ 3. Nerf Fortnite AR-L Elite - 3q3RoOC
➜ 2. Nerf Ultra Pharaoh - 43k6j5y
➜ 1. Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator - 3pYN9Um
►UK Links◄
➜ 5. Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6 - 45piKPo
➜ 4. Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor - 45u5iJU
➜ 3. Nerf Fortnite AR-L Elite - 43e0k2e
➜ 2. Nerf Ultra Pharaoh - 3OBRkjw
➜ 1. Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator - 43FA559
►CA Links◄
➜ 5. Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6 - 421HL07
➜ 4. Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor - 3oAjsIS
➜ 3. Nerf Fortnite AR-L Elite - 3BPGA9x
➜ 2. Nerf Ultra Pharaoh - 3OBovnh
➜ 1. Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator - 3opcKph

We have just laid out the top 5 best Nerf Guns 2023. In 5th place is the Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6, our pick for the best budget Nerf gun. In 4th place is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Disruptor, our pick for the best value Nerf gun. In 3rd place is the Nerf Fortnite AR-L Elite, our pick for the best Fortnite Nerf gun. In 2nd place is the Nerf Ultra Pharaoh, our pick for the best long-range Nerf gun. In 1st place is the Nerf N-Strike Elite Retaliator , our pick for the best overall Nerf gun.

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➜ Links to the best Nerf Guns 2023 we listed in this video:

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►UK Links◄

►CA Links◄


He acts like viewers do not know what Nerf guns are. Like he lies about the features, he says the commander has burst fire? He also doesn’t show any of the best ones like the Nerf regulator and the hammershot which are both great blasters


1. The Disruptor and Retaliator are no longer purchasable this year
2. This feels AI generated
3. Anyone with common sense knows that Elite 2.0 is cheap and just a downgrade from Elite
4. The Fortnite AR-L is practically the same as the Stryfe. Just get something like that instead, or heck, get something better like the Adventure Force Spectrum


For anyone who sees this DO NOT BUY THE NERF BRAND nerf’s quality has gone way done hill other brands like dartzone or X-shot cook them. If you’re a name brand person then for the love of everything do not buy nerf elite darts. Instead buy darts with flat tips like dartzone covert-ops darts at target they are much much more accurate and about half the price. (Also more people should try pro blasters like the dartzone max Stryker/ adventure force nexus pro these are shooting around 150 FPS versus nerf at 60-70 FPS.)


The commander is a worse disruptoir/spectre. The fortnite AR-L is in facvt not called a "Nerf Fortnite Elite" the ultra pharoah isn't bad.The Retaliator is decent at... If you are going to include blasters that don't use the basic elite darts then you might as well have put all rival/ultra blasters on this list because those blasters (or at least most of them) have better fire rate, the shots fly faster and go farther anbd are just plain BETTER... whoever made this probably has no experience in the hobby


I think He got paid by nerf to say this elite 2.0 is trash cant mod and cheap plastic leaf springs can break pretty quick


bro the commander is bad a better option is disruptor or the strongarm


is the white version of the retaliator (basically the same gun but different color) the same


Warning these are all bad blasters if you want something good buy just about anything from dart zone and if you are 12+ get a pro blaster, they are so much better but they might hurt to young kids


Commander garbage disrupter trash scar mid pharaoh good finally a actually good gun (if it was automatic) retaliatory not the best


Really good review, keep up the good work.
