Everything ACTUALLY Wrong With Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Sins channels get a lot wrong. But, on very rare occasions, they get things right. I'll do their job better than them, and tell you everything ACTUALLY wrong with Arkham Asylum. Arkham Asylum should naturally have the least things wrong, being the first in the series. But, does it still hold up? Let's find out.

Defending The Batmobile
A Monster Trapped
Rooftop Finale
Garden Predator
Invisible Predator
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Let's not forget, Arkham Asylum is the only game to feature Officer Balls


My main gripe is the post game. It would have been cool after you beat the story the asylum goes back to "normal" operation and talk to the guards and staff you encountered through the game. Or maybe once Joker is defeated, have to clear each building once for all with Gordon and round up the last of the thugs and (like Knight) fill the cells up the more you progress. It would give you more to do since you have to go back through each area for the Riddler trophies anyway.


I like your EWW videos because you actually consider bad stuff instead of making bad jokes and dumb nitpicks like sins channels.


Even as someone who played through City before playing Asylum I still have so much love for this game. It's a beautiful entry to bring us into the world of the Arkhamverse and Rocksteady did such a great job


My biggest problem was not having the sense of achievement after defeating Joker. It would have been awesome if they included some NPCs gaining back control over the Asylum. Considering the size of the game I might ask for too much, but inmates being transported, nurses tidying up, even gardeners taking care of Ivy's plants would be a nice sight and add some life to the game. Not to mention the possibilty of side quests


I actually disagree with the part with the pumps as being weak in the story. I really liked that part, because it shows that Batman is gaining momentum against Joker. You can hear Joker seriously getting angry at the thugs and his rants show that he is losing control.


I'm a 14 year old, and the Batman Arkham games have been a huge part of my childhood. I just always find myself coming back to them and some of my first memories are of me being super little sitting on the couch with my dad while he played arkham Asylum/City and eventually Origins and Knight

Anyway, I told my dad about your channel and he just said that your videos are super cool and it's cool someones still making videos about these games just because its something they really enjoy

He asked me to subscribe to you on his account just so he could support you, and i wanted to let you know how much i like your videos, and how much he does too

Thanks ClownPuncher, and i hope you someday fulfill your dream of punching a clown.


It's amazing to see how far we've come from arkham asylum to arkham world


I actually like the solitude of the post game. I think it makes for a unique experience for Arkham games. Being able to freely roam the asylum, experiencing it all with an uneasy feeling has always been one of the best parts of the game for me


I feel like the pump room wasn’t part of Joker’s plan to begin with but when he saw the chance to cause more misery he took it cause that’s who Joker is.


One thing I would add to the game is that you are able to see some of the Batman most famous enemies in their cells like Poison Ivyand Clayface were in the game. Not all but maybe Mad Hatter, Mr. Freeze, Black Mask, Calendar Man, Humpty Dumpty ect. It would be cool to interact with them as well after the game ends because it would feel like you aren’t alone either


The thing with the titans was I just considered them regular enemies. Sort of how in Doom Eternal where some bosses become basic enemies later in the game. So I really didn't mind them.


Hey ClownPuncher, did you know one of the Arkham guard in one of the towered during the hunt for Gordon will say this (summed down): This job ain’t worth it, not for 15 lousy bucks and hour.



Another thing they did really well with the thugs in later games is that they used masks. This makes it feel as though you are fighting a bunch of guys with limited costuming resources instead of fighting 4 guys


You touched on many things that are strengths of this game in it's limitations.
Having limited options in combat and predator actually helps the player learn and master the basics. I used AA's combat challenge maps to practice the free flow until I got gold rankings on all of them. The later entries add more moves and gadgets to use on enemies, but it's always important to remember the basics. The same for the predator maps. The objectives in the predator challenges are there to teach the player to be more creative with the limited gadget rollout.

100% on the Joker fight being improved massively in Arkham City. AC in general gives the impression that they looked at everything from AA with intentions of improving on core gameplay. Every gadget was improved in a great way, from the line launcher to claw, etc. Even the few titans in AC are improved and made more fun.

I agree on the postgame, but wanted to add that the lack of it only makes me want to finish the Riddler stuff before fighting Joker. It is possible to finish all of his challenges before the endgame, though with a lot of backtracking. This is something that Arkham City didn't do; you had to finish the main story before finally taking down Riddler.

All in all, I love AA's level design. AA is more compactly designed whereas AC and AK had the big open world (this isn't a bad thing, I love the overworld in AC and AK both). The only section in AA I find to be tedious is the abandoned tunnel where you can't grapple, but it was intentionally designed that way so I can forgive it. I can even forgive the pump room cause that predator section is the hardest one the game throws at you.


It's definitely clear that Rocksteady learned from some of their mistakes in _Arkham Asylum._

It's nice that _Asylum_ is still a great game and served its purpose (or one of its purposes) as the original game and the (damn good) foundation for the sequels and prequels.

They were off to a great start and improved from there.


Here’s something that could’ve improved the Titans: I know they’re meant to be mostly mindless beasts, but even at that they should have some level of survival instinct and ability to learn from their mistakes. So what if after throwing a Batarang at their head once they’ll learn to block that attack meaning that instead you have to aim for their legs to trip them. Sure it wouldn’t be that big of a difference but at least it would be a slight change of pace. Plus in encounters with multiple Titans you’re gonna have to remember which ones you’ve hit in the head and which ones you haven’t.


16:54 right there is the perfect summary for Asylum “A drawn out episode of the animated series” because even if they won’t admit it, that was absolutely the goal with this first entry, taking the beloved animated series and using it as the base for an amazing game


13:25 that island dies feeling is exactly why I do the riddler clean up as soon as the ivy boss fight is done with. I go into intensive treatment and get the rest of the trophies down to get the last cave/sewer trophy. Near crocs lair Then to botanical gardens for the two in there. After that the deadness of the island doesn’t hit as much as in arkham manor has cash and a couple of civilians who you can interact with. They even comment on jokers fireworks. Then into the medical centre where the doctors are hold up. Again you can chat with them and they comment on the fireworks. Then into the penitentiary where you can grab the last trophies+spirit of arkham. Then it’s just a left into the final boss fight.

So having some npc’s that you’ve saved still in the buildings breaks the loneliness feeling + there’s still a couple of lunatics in the grounds to break the flow of running everywhere. + knowing you have the party pooper fight and final boss fight to come helps push on.


No matter how many times I replay this game, it never gets old! I can’t stop replaying it! The story just has you sucked in for hours at a time man
