The boy lost his foster family because of a guideline#shorts #doctors

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This segment is from Chicago Med, Season 5, Episode 19.
The boy was initially set to join a foster family, but his recurring illness scared them off, leading them to abandon him. His condition could have been managed to prevent worsening, but a guideline stood in the way.

Chicago Med Season 5 was first broadcast on 2019.
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to be the paragraph person. Auggie gets fostered by Maggie (the nurse in this clip) and her husband until they find his biological brother and Auggie ends up being adopted into the same family as his brother.


DCFS is crap. I called to report an abused child in my state and it took them *weeks* to get back back to me.


Healthcare should never be allowed to be run for profit for this exact reason.


From someone who has done the foster class and adopted. The instructors stress self awareness and recognizing and admitting your limits and what you can realistically handle. Never take on a situation from good intentions if it's realistically more than you can handle.


Wow what great loving foster parents as soon as something goes wrong they back out


How could you back out of a child in need of a family? My heart could not do that omg


The problem is if the foster system is too fast and loose, children suffer, but if the system is to slow and rigged, children suffer. It is so hard to do what is best for children.


Note: State only covers part of their care so its financial and ill kids require alot of attention which takes it away from other kids in the home. It's great to want to foster every kid but it's also important to know your limits so you can provide the best home for every kid in your care.


That poor little boy.. I'm so glad that they saved him and he was able to be adopted and reunited with his brother.


I feel so bad for this kid. He should not be treated like that. Hope he finds a family that will love him forever no matter what.


If a doctor says something is necessary that should be it, insurance and bs policies shouldn't be able to get in the way


I feel bad for the child but I'm glad they backed out there and not when they got him home and when the innocent child got attached to them decide to send back that would have been worse on him. Has anyone thought about why exactly they backed out they said it would be too much but didn't say money yes that could be part of it but what if the sight of him throwing up blood made them think about him possibly dying maybe they had a child die before they may have known he was sick but not realize how sick sadly I know what it's like to lose a child I don't think I could've left that boy there alone but others may not be able to stay around. yes, I know it's a show but sadly this happens more than people realize


He almost threw up on his MTG cards....losing the foster family was the least of his worries


This is so sad, but also the kid is lucky these people backed out. Imagine if he "turned out to be too much trouble" after they took him in.


What makes it more sad is the fact that the foster parents seemed interested the sounded like they wanted to take him in but when he throws up suddenly their not ready to take him home anymore that’s just heartbreaking 💔❤️‍🩹 even sick kids need care


and the DCFS ruins even more lives now, i came from a bad home and they did nothing to help me and my sisters, even locked my sisters in a room for 14 hours with no food or water. they are awful


Poor baby GOD BLESS Your Heart, to have to go through this 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Those foster parents are cowards hope this kids get the love he deserves.


I love that Maggie chose to take the kid in, I understand don't do something you're unsure about, but she's an amazing woman beyond anything else!


For everyone's saying that the foster parents are bad for walking away. Please be aware, their actions are not wrong for multiple reasons..

First of all, anytime a parent says that they do not want that child and are willing to walk away, that is a good thing. Research is really found that leaving a child in the care of a parent or an adult that doesn't want them or cannot keep them for whatever reason puts that child's life at risk. The child is at risk for abuse, mistreatment, neglect, possibly running away, and in some really sad cases, left to pretty much suffer with whatever issues that they have because the parents don't have the resources to help them. So, the parents understanding that they don't have what it takes to foster a high needs child is a good thing. It is better that the child stay in the system and get the help that he needs medically as opposed to going to a family that will not be able to keep up with his medical needs.

Second of all, parents have limits. You can look at the support groups for parents of children with chronic illnesses or disabilities and they will not hesitate to tell you that parenting a child with special or high needs is not to be taken lightly. The demand that it takes has absolutely split up families, cause people to lose their jobs, and force people to have to move. The stress of the task goes up especially if there are already other children in the home. All children need to be cared for. Once you bring a special or high in each child into that home with other children, it is not uncommon for the other children define that they feel neglected or overlooked due to the fact that one or both parents attention and energy has now gone into the child with special needs and they can't get a foot in edgewise. A parent can sit down and think whether they have the ability to take on having to do extra grocery shopping, having to go to extra checkups, coming to buy extra clothing and school supplies, extracurricular activities to do at home, etc. However, even with parents who give birth to children with special needs, it is very difficult to know if you are even prepared to take care of a child with special needs. Therefore, if you can recognize that you do not have what it takes, that is okay.
