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Hi guys - Today's video has been highly requested so I hope it is helpful! I am walking you through the steps to become a lawyer from high school to college to law school to bar exam to LAWYER. Enjoy!

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👩🏾‍💼Where did you go to law school? South Texas College of Law
👩🏾‍💼What was your undergrad major? Communication Studies
👩🏾‍💼What kind of law do you practice? Mergers & Acquisitions and General Corporate Law
👩🏾‍💼How long have you been practicing law? I am in my 5th year.
👩🏾‍💼What bar exams did you take? Texas and Missouri
👩🏾‍💼What camera do you use? Canon M50

Music in video (i do not own the rights):

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this channel are my own and not on behalf of anyone else or any other entity including my employer. ALSO, I am a LAWYER BUT NOT YOUR LAWYER. Nothing on this channel should be considered legal advice and my videos are for entertainment purposes ONLY.

FTC: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for your support!
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Me who just started highschool: *intense listening*


High School: Grades
Undergraduate: Grades
Law School: Grades


• Get into the best college you can. Honor roll, extra stuff and clubs, scholarships, what looks good on resume
• ACT score, study, take as junior. SAT too as senior
• 4.0 gpa. I already have 4.35, aiming to graduate hs with 4.7
• internships and volunteering to be qualified
• look into law school before you commit (doing right now lol), what are you getting yourself into?
• what law school do i want to go to? What should i be aiming for?
•LSAT must be taken to get into law school, and you gotta do well. (Google when you're supposed to take that?) Take an LSAT prep course. You wanna go to a top law school if you can. I think you do this in college not highschool
• put out law school applications in junior/senior year of COLLEGE (not highschool lol) and apply for even more scholarships (no debt plsss)
• once you get into law school, its usually 3 years and you cant work the first year. Do law jobs over the SUMMER.
• Secure internships to get legal experience!! (Over summer)
• btw u should try to keep a 4.0 in university too to try and get into law school. Grades matter so much. The better you're doing, the more opportunities you will have.
• network!! Get involved!!! You can join legal organizations, they look good on ur resume
• you can get into clinics which is different from drafting contracts and things
• when u graduate from law school, you need to pass the bar exam and do whatever other requirements your state requires in order to actually become a lawyer
• the bar exam results can take a while and if you're lucky you can start a job while you're waiting
• You get swarn in by a judge if you pass the bar and the other low pressure exam
• now you're a licensed attorney!

Wow that's a lot. Let's get started I suppose! I'll take AP Gov next schoolyear to help see if it's right for me. Can you go into law from a History degree? (Google). Take everything one step at a time you can do it!!!


I admire how you add in younger generations of school so we know we/I can do📚 ✋🏽


I love how you are straight to the point no selling this or that


Watching this literally as I begin sophomore year..


43 year old college graduate with a Business degree researching law schools. Love the video. New subscriber here!!!


Thank you young lady♥️ You just explained exactly what I went through become a lawyer. Back in 1994 when I received my Bachelor's Degree (1994), Law Degree (1997), Master's Degree in Public Administration (2000), married with a family and no social media, just reading books and making it to the law library before your fellow students ripped out the pages after class. I could not have explained the process any better after going through it pre-internet. Character and fitness also included no late bills from your credit report and writing to every city and state police department you ever lived in for ANY and ALL police reports on yourself. (Some states). Thank you for taking me down memory lane and I know I don't have to feel guilty for retiring early. GREAT SUCCESS TO YOU AND I WILL SHARE THIS VIDEO WHO IS SERIOUS ABOUT LAW SCHOOL AND NOT WANTING TO PRACTICE BUT GET A GOOD JOB. 🔥🔥🔥 #greatvideo #truthbetold ⚖️⚖️🥰


I just started middle school and i'm right here doing some advance studying instead of socializing


I just started high school and watching this video, love this...!


Me watching this 4 years after dropping out from high school


im a junior in high school right now. I thought all my life until last year that i wanted to be a vetinarian, then last year i took my health science honors class and that class focused on cardiology and i really liked it and thought that that might be for me, but I just came to the realization that cardiology isn't what i truly wanted to do, the needles, blood, someone's literal life in my hands is pressure i wouldn't be able to handle. and i'm already a junior so i've had to do a lot of research into careers based on my interests, skills, etc. And forensic lawyer and criminal defense lawyer is what i'm most interested in, so im trying my hardest to gather information about colleges and what it takes to be a lawyer. And so far, i'm sure this is something i'm passionate about and this video has been really informative and helped ease my mind about the process of becoming a lawyer because i was and still am kinda lost because all my life i've been preparing myself for a whole different career path. Thank you so much for this video.


We’re breaking tradition, lol. This was a pleasant delight on a Thursday! :)


Hey Queen, I just want to say thank you for this video because I’m a young male who is trying to find his calling in life and I’ve recently got interested in becoming a lawyer so thank you very much for this one


Here bc my business is being acquired and now I want to do something I always dreamed of


I am going to be a sophomore in college and decided to look into doing law. Very overwhelming but I feel like it’s for me. Time to get working on this stuff


I am in middle school, I’m just preparing my future 😀


Thank you I am in 9th grade and need life to go well.


Please make that EXTREMELY detailed 1 hour video I will definitely watch


Thank you so much you did immaculate you explain every detail. I love it. Have a blessed day.
