2013 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate The Existence of Nothing

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Neil deGrasse Tyson leads a discussion with a group of physicists, philosophers and journalists about the existence of nothing.
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2 Timothy 3:7 mentions those who are "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." I think the same can be said of those who fail to acknowledge God.
The book of Romans describes those who fail to acknowledge God. It says, "Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools." (Ro. 1:22, NLT)
An example of how close they (scientist who deny the existence of God) are to finding answers to the existence of the universe- @ 53:10. But not all science is bad. Georges Lemaitre, the Belgian Catholic priest, mathematician, astronomer, and professor of physics, for example, was mentioned @ 30:00. 
And there are many others. David Wood's "God, Science, and Atheism" is a YouTube video by Acts 17 Apologetics. And shows that belief in God was quite prevalent among scientists in the past, and that it has been a driving force in their discoveries.
--Did God create the universe from nothing? by Luke Wayne.
Some of the places in the discussion I think you should take a look at are:
@17:26 ("ex nihilo")
@22:54 (absolute nothingness)
@29:59 (Georges Lemaitre)
@39:25 ("really nothing")
@46:59 (Gottfried Leibniz- "God")
@53:22 ("close to answering")
@53:42 ("miracle")
@54:10 ("this is wild")
@1:13:40f ("only civilization with no creation myth")
@1:17:10 ("not anything")
@1:18:18 ("not there")
@1:31:39f ("in a beginning")

You can know that there is a God. And you can have a loving relationship with Him.  
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." --Matthew 7:7, NAS
