Christianity - God and the Scientists
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Ours is said to be a Godless age, yet billions remain faithful to religions thousands of years old.
Scientist Colin Blakemore examines Christianity's relationship with science, arguing that science is the biggest challenge Christianity has ever faced.
For more than 1,500 years Christians saw the bible as the primary source of knowledge, but in the 17th century a new movement emerged that challenged the Christian view of the world, the Scientific Revolution. During the Renaissance the rising power of science forced the Catholic Church to silence rebellious scientists. By the 19th century the enlightenment had given rise to a new generation of scientists who pushed Christianity into retreat.
If science continues to make discoveries that conflict with Christian Doctrine will the Scientific Revolution ultimately make Christianity redundant?
"Christianity: A History" is a documentary series presenting alternative views on the history of the Christian faith, looking at its origins, development and turbulent past. High profile British personalities examine a religion that has particular resonance for them. In doing so, they bring their own perspectives to a challenging and comprehensive debate that explores Christianity's role in shaping the modern world.