The Cause of My Sorrow | Blame is Lame #2 | Sloka 11.23.42 | Bhagavatam Rasa for Youth | Sri Ramuji
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Audio for talk (0:00). Visual notes for key points from youth discussion (24:55).
Sri Ramanujamji reiterates how people, things, situations around us CAN BE A STIMULUS for our sorrow or joy, but NEVER THE CAUSE! (As brought out beautifully in Bhikshu Gita.)
Sloka from Bhikshu Gita (11th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Uddhava Gita) where the bhikshu speaks of what he has realized is the real cause of our sorrow.
द्विज उवाच
नायं जनो मे सुखदु:खहेतु: न देवतात्मा ग्रहकर्मकाला: ।
मन: परं कारणमामनन्ति संसारचक्रं परिवर्तयेद् यत् ॥
dvija uvAcha
nAyam jano me sukha duhkha hetu: na devatA AtmA graha karma kAlA: |
mana: param kAraNam Amananti samsArachakram parivartayed yat ||
- Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.42
#SriMuralidharaSwamiji, #SriRamanujamji
In this series of brief talks based on the teachings of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, his disciple Sri Ramanujamji shares brilliant practical living insights--especially for youth--from Srimad Bhagavatam, as well as the sweet rasa from certain specially enjoyable slokas from Srimad Bhagavatam, all bringing out the beauty, rasa, value, and greatness of Bhagavatam for the young at heart.
Sri Ramanujamji reiterates how people, things, situations around us CAN BE A STIMULUS for our sorrow or joy, but NEVER THE CAUSE! (As brought out beautifully in Bhikshu Gita.)
Sloka from Bhikshu Gita (11th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, Uddhava Gita) where the bhikshu speaks of what he has realized is the real cause of our sorrow.
द्विज उवाच
नायं जनो मे सुखदु:खहेतु: न देवतात्मा ग्रहकर्मकाला: ।
मन: परं कारणमामनन्ति संसारचक्रं परिवर्तयेद् यत् ॥
dvija uvAcha
nAyam jano me sukha duhkha hetu: na devatA AtmA graha karma kAlA: |
mana: param kAraNam Amananti samsArachakram parivartayed yat ||
- Srimad Bhagavatam 11.23.42
#SriMuralidharaSwamiji, #SriRamanujamji
In this series of brief talks based on the teachings of HH Maharanyam Sri Sri Muralidhara Swamiji, his disciple Sri Ramanujamji shares brilliant practical living insights--especially for youth--from Srimad Bhagavatam, as well as the sweet rasa from certain specially enjoyable slokas from Srimad Bhagavatam, all bringing out the beauty, rasa, value, and greatness of Bhagavatam for the young at heart.