How to Open a Presentation with a Story

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Let's learn how to open a presentation with a story (Part 3 of 5). In a speech, stories are a great way to grab your audience's attention. Everybody loves a well-told story. Many people, however, don't have enough confidence in their story-telling skills to do it. If you follow the classic story-telling template in addition to a few simple tips, you will get better. No doubt about it.

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1. Tell your story in about 30 to 60 seconds. An attention-grabber should not be long-winded. For shorter presentations, stick to around 30 seconds but you'll have leeway for longer presentations. I always recommend practicing attention-grabbers, which are also called "attention-getters," several times beforehand to make it crisp.

2. Follow the story template. Most stories have a beginning middle and ending. A clear structure will help you touch on the essential elements of the story without sharing nonessential details.

- Beginning: Mention the time, people, and place in about one sentence.
- Middle: Give a few action-oriented steps that lead up to the climactic event of the story. The climactic event is the key tipping point or emotional high point of the story.
- End: Explain how the conflict in the story resolved.

If you do it right, the attention-grabber story has a nice arc that brings listeners on a mini-journey that they can picture and hear in their own minds.

3. The story should speak to the heart of the message of the rest of the presentation. It should lead right to the key topic. Avoid telling stories that may be just good stories but are not as related.

- You may want to tell the beginning and middle of the story in your attention grabber and save the ending for the closing of the presentation. Find a natural place to break the story in the beginning so listeners still felt like that heard a relatively complete story and then reveal a little more about it in the clincher. It's always very satisfying to listeners when presenters call back the attention getter at the end.

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Рекомендации по теме

What I like to do when telling a story is to naturally bring out the emotion that is being portrayed in the story. It may take some practice but it can have a very powerful affect.


I love the technique to start and close a presentation with a story. Many thanks to Alex


Original stories is definitely a must and has to be related to the presentation topic


Do not underestimate facial expression; it helps bring out the emotion related in a story.


What are your tips for telling stories?


I subscribed. This is what I want to learn. Telling stories


That's great and really helpful.
Love from Bangladesh ❤


Wonderful tips!! I am going to use this method. Thank you so much for sharing!!


I like the technique to start a presentation with a story. But, based on your story in the video what presentation topics are appropriate to relate to the story? Could you give me some topics which are related to your story?


um heloo, any advice i have to make a speech to 5th graders and im a 8th grader so i dont know what to do


I need your help you are so great with your lessons am learning alot, back to the help part me and my group are required to do a presentation about Self-Discipline and i want to be the one who would start of the whole presentation but my professor said that each should have a full outline like a hook thesis statement 3 main points and a clincher it would be an honor if you helped me .
Thank you in advance


If the truth was an universal fancy of a brain then the " naked truth " would be its fantasy world ...,
