Parashah Points: B’reisheet – Some of Your Problems Are Your Fault - 119 Ministries

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In this week’s Parashah Point on the Torah Portion B’reisheet, we cover Genesis 3:12-13 where we see the first instance of shifting blame. Instead of putting the blame on others, it’s time to realize that some of our problems are our own fault, at least in how we handle them.

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The more I hear you the more I like you... Blessings to your family and everyone you love 🙏🏼


I have been told numerous times to stop carrying the world on my shoulders including my Doctor decades ago. I do not have a problem accepting responsibility, yet I do have one issue with the ER staff. They overlooked info as they gave me an injection that nearly killed me and has altered my life forever. I pray for them more than myself because they didn't take responsibility 13 years ago.


This is such an important thought to consider and one where much prayer is needed! Over the past few years, I've done much self examination, where ultimately I asked myself in several instances: "what could I have done to make this or that better? where do I need improvement? And how could I have taken more responsibility for my own actions?" This is spiritual growth and humility. Above all, it is humbling oneself in the presence of Almighty YHWH God and asking Him how would HE have you to do better? Recently, I heard a thought-provoking message that offered much clarity on why we "stumble and fall" in our walk. The simple message was that we sometimes choose not to exercise self-control. The message went on to list examples of figures in the Scriptures who knew "right" from "wrong", yet they chose to disregard the need to make self-control a priority....Adam and Eve, Cain, Moses, Samson, David, Peter, etc. On an occasion when speaking to His disciples, YAHUSHA said to them: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." - Luke 9:23.


May Yahweh Bless You And Yours Forever


I've always turn to the word, when I get beat!! Job 36:10 he opened also their ear to discipline, and commanded that they returned from iniquity.


A question. When dealing with non believers even "the patience of Job" can be tested behind its limit. When working or assisting non believers who see things very differently to a believers perspective, some tend to take advantage of ones kindness. Where does one draw the line when serving humanity as Abba Yahweh's hands and feet, when one receives constant abuse (harsh words) and lack of respect. Your perspective on this would be appreciated. Bless you and your ministry.


You say Adam and Eve were playing the blame game, and trying to escape responsibility for their actions? I've heard this theory before, but I don't see it that way. They were being honest while speaking to God and telling Him exactly what happened. I don't think we can infer from the text what their motivations were.


This gave me a great deal to think about. Thanks for the teachings. ~Kelli


I totally agreen. But don't any of you guys get tried of the same colour shirt does the colour have a special meaning?


blessings to you all at 119 ministries. thank you brothers
