Do Microwaves Cause Cancer? @krishashok Reveals The Truth Behind The Myth

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A creative entrepreneur turned content creator, Varun is one of India’s leading conversationalists in the modern business, personal development, and creator landscapes with over 1 million podcast listens.
The author of the bestseller Everything Is Out of Syllabus, he’s the host of Advertising Is Dead, one of India's most popular business podcasts with over 300,000 listens in 2021 alone, as well as co-host of Think Fast, an irreverent business podcast that has ranked #3 on Apple’s Podcast Marketing Charts.
In 2009, he co-founded The Glitch, India’s largest ‘digital-first’ creative agency.

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When Ayurveda says old food should not be consumed, it was written with the assumption 3000+ years back that there was no refrigeration availabe and food kept outside would get spoilt. If it was indeed present then I am pretty sure Ayurveda would have included that as well. People automatically assume that just because its ancient hindu scripture it means its totally averse to anything new while reality was very different, Ayurvedic scholars in ancient times even identified many foreign vegetables and included them in the ayurvedic diet. The axle wheel, gold, ruby, iron, etc everything was invented at some point and happily embraced by the religion. For its time it was as modern as it got, don't know where we went wrong and stagnant and started hating on new stuff calling new as being worse.


My mother and father are both in service...we used to eat we have to use the fridge...And we turned out to be a great healthy family...


I am a working woman and i live alone. The only way i can eat home cooked meal is meal prepping on weekends.


It does lose the fresh taste for sure but saves enormous time. I’m a professor of biology n MindBody yoga instructor, with tons of work n goals and I can cook food only once in 3 days. There’s more exciting work in life to do. I totally support the facts he mentioned. I mentioned about my roles to add credibility.


You can cook all the fresh food you want as long as you’re no wasting extra food by just throwing it away because it’s 1 day old. Just be very mindful while cooking everyday. Also it’s easy to say that fresh food is the only acceptable form of consumption, but when you’ve to cook for your family 3 times a day with a full time job and no help, it’s very very difficult. House help is not cheap and readily available in every country. The concept of cooking 3 fresh meals every day is a luxury in today’s world.


Fungus growth starts in 3 hours and continues in fridge. Bacteria survives fridge temperature and multiplies. Only it is bit slow .


Somehow every technology that's supposed to help our mom's specially is harmful for us and doing it in a more strenuous way is better for us. Oddly suspicious.


Why we living then, if u don't have time to cook ?
What kind purposeful life you living to comprise and save cooking time 🙂.

Jaisa Ann, Vaisa Mann – As Is the Food, So Is the Thought
(You Are What You Eat)


Medical science is so advanced, we still don't know what causes cancer. It's because of plastic or the metal we use for utensils or the oils we use or the chemicals we use in farming. I'm not sure if they don't know or don't want to tell.


Fresh food is indeed much better option, Food is not just bunch of nutrients, we don't understand everything out Food. Don't forget Science is still a baby right now, it's not fully developed just yet. We don't know everything.
As per my experience I feel lethargic if I eat refrigerated or frozen food.


Ill always prefer fresh food than fridge food.

EDIT: Thanks for the likes guys. Eat Fresh!


Prana is not which you can see.It doesnt mean protein and vitamin.With the advancement of technology i see average life span of person decreasing.


I find it perplexing that some individuals can't recognize that there isn't a singular path to achieving good health. Various methods can lead to the same goal. Those who claim that food loses prana and those who use modern approaches to analyze nutrient loss are both correct in their own contexts. This is because those following the concepts of satvic, rajas, tamsin, and prana are operating within a different framework than those who don't. Instead of conflict, I see these as parallel pathways. The speaker in this video comes across as inflexible, and it's important for him to understand the origins of these comments. At the same time, individuals following a satvic diet should acknowledge that their approach to nutrition isn't the only one, and they should be more open to alternative paths to nutrition.


I'm Dr.Premalatha Vijayakumar, general practitioner at Madurai South India.
Op ground floor.
Residence first and second floor, .
I have totally 6 fridges out of which one fridge for medicines.
Rest of the fridges ...I stock cooked food for a week.
I'm thankful for the person who invented
I'm doing this for the past 33 yrs.
Now I'm 63....I make life easy with all electronic gadgets...
Post COVID ....I bought dishwasher and Dryer ...very useful..
Left is only Robo vacuum cleaner....
I don't engage maid for cooking..
I have a top work lady.
At the same time I cut all vegetables.. onions, grate coconut...grinde coconut paste etc etc etc in bulk....
Life is so easy....
I'm a family doctor...
I spend more time with my patients ....😂😂


Social Media is a platform that has increasing confusion in our mind most of them say we should consume within first 1-3 hrs and here he is saying something else should take their online test ...audience who to listen ?


As a science student.. i have following with respect to eating food in fridge ..
1. Our brain and stomach feel more satiated when served hot, fresh cooked food .
2. At 0 temp or below the cells of fruits or food go into sleeping mood, where no respiration takes place, ultimately when eaten after placing them outside, the cells dont have active working going on in them, thus leading to low nutrients uptake.
3. As a human being, we are not here only to work for big companies or have full materialistic life, we are here to enjoy and cherrish and home cooked meal helps in it. U feel more rejuvenated if u cook ur meal and for others too.

Its so sad, that with every technological advancement human are having more lesser times for themselves.

Its my opinion, i rest my case here.


You're right. I have known people eating freezed food for decades and having wonderful health


It taste food better when cooked fresh.
He says it saves time and what will you do with extra time. Earn extra more money. Extra money for you kids.

This fellow does know the concept of time and cocept of life.


Prana or life of food is not just bunch of nutrients.. 😂😂😂😂


😂 from my experience, I used to get sick eating fridge kept food even though it was clean monthly. Now, I am healthier after leaving fridge foods. Unnecessarily, CFCs warm our kitchen & rooms overall.
