how to stay grounded through the chaos

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We are wired to put greater attention towards the moments that we feel like we screwed up, or someone said something hurtful than we are towards our successes, compliments, and moments we have grown.

When we understand this about ourselves, we can just check in and really make an effort to look at these seeds of adversity with seeds of opportunity.

When you are grounded in who you are and what YOU believe in, no one can shake your peace. This resiliency will keep you steady in honring what you need despite the chaos of life.

What does this have to do with weight loss, health and wellness? Well, everything. Because if you aren’t grounded in supporting your basic needs, everything is going to feel harder and you will be constantly knocked down.

These are the tools that will keep you going.

Be Resilient

Be Resourceful

Be Relentless

You will have temporary defeat. Once your vision is crystal clear on what you want you will never fail, because you will never stop.

Of course, you need to rest, and give yourself grace, and have down days. But when you feel off track, don't stop. Be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. This is the work, and this is why you are creating significant impact for yourself and those around you.

Proud of you girl 😘
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