How to Enable SQL Server sa Account in SQL Management Studio

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In this video, you will solve the 2 errors.
1. How to enable sa account.
2. A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (Error Number: 233).

1. First. Open SQL Management Studio and log in with Windows authentication and go to the security tab and expand and click on logon, in the last you will see the "sa" with a red cross. Double-click on it and set the password and then click on the status tab and click enable to enable the "sa" account.|

Second. Click on the main server name in SQL Management Studio above databases. right click on in and go to the security tab and select " "SQL and Windows Authentication option and click ok. restart the SQL Management Studio by closing and reopening again or simply, open Windows services and restart the service called: SQL Server. After restart you will able to connect with both methods.

2. In some cases, once you connect with "sa" account the error will come:
"A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (Error Number: 233)"

to fix this error, open SQL Server Configuration Manager.
expand on SQL Native client and click on client protocols and enable all three shared memory, TCP/IP, and Named pipe.
there will be 2 SQL Native client first is 32bit and the other is normal enable the same on second as well and you will not face any issues.

Thank you for watching.
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