Wavemill - Working of device | wave energy device

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wave mill, is an ocean wave energy conversion device.
{Patent Pending}
It is placed, near shore, away from the effect of high, and low tide.
Its a floating platform, anchored at deep sea.
Waves break in different pattern, depending on different slope angles.
Surge type wave breaking like this, provides most of the kinetic energy, of flowing water.
Wave mill has optimum ramp slope, to make sea waves, break into surge type.
Wave mill utilizes both, sea waves, and wind, to rotate the turbine.
Through under water cables, raw electricity, is transported to land, for further conditioning.
This electricity, is then supplied to consumers.
We are currently trying to make model for testing.
#waveenergy #wavepower #renewableenergy #energytechnology #climatechange
{Patent Pending}
It is placed, near shore, away from the effect of high, and low tide.
Its a floating platform, anchored at deep sea.
Waves break in different pattern, depending on different slope angles.
Surge type wave breaking like this, provides most of the kinetic energy, of flowing water.
Wave mill has optimum ramp slope, to make sea waves, break into surge type.
Wave mill utilizes both, sea waves, and wind, to rotate the turbine.
Through under water cables, raw electricity, is transported to land, for further conditioning.
This electricity, is then supplied to consumers.
We are currently trying to make model for testing.
#waveenergy #wavepower #renewableenergy #energytechnology #climatechange
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