Millikan's oil drop experiment to determine charge of an electron - Chemistry

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This chemistry video for Grade 10-11 students demonstrates R. A. Millikan's oil drop experiment to calculate the charge of an electron.
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Even after whole damn ELEVEN YEARS!! This video is by far the BEST video over this topic.... No unnecessary rubbish, straight to the point, excellent animation


Happy to know that our video was helpful :)


By clicking on it.... Good luck on the test tomorrow.


The modern world is built on knowledge like the kind in this video.


I need glasses, I thought it was milkman


We are equally glad that this video was helpful to you :)
Happy Learning!


From India bro🇮🇳....great explanation ❤


Thank goodness for scientific notation and today's calculators. I wonder if scientists have double checked all these "constants" figured out before the 20th century. One wrong decimal place could give exponentially wrong conclusions if applied as would not knowing all ionizing energies passing the atoms and variations of gravitational fields since such small exact numbers are sought. A different number would be found whether at sea level or in Denver at new moon per say.

Great video.


Your lightbulb uses calculations on resistance by using the charge of an electron. Even more complicated is the photoelectric effect, which converts some amount of photon packets into electric charge, or vice versa. That is basically a solar panel or LED light. The charge of an electron determines what size of resistor, capacitor, inductors, etc we use in all electronics. Initially numbers seem meaningless but one number can be very important in making things work efficiently.


We recreated this experiment in my HS physics class back in 1956 - worked perfectly. Thanks to Professor Kunis at Laguna Beach HS.


I did this experiment, but I did not use X-rays. The oil drops were sprayed in between the plates, perpendicular to the lens so as not to dirty them. Some of the drops had a charge, and others even had double or triple charges. Most of them didn't.


Thanks a lot for helping me out with my assignment.💞


Too difficult to me the math operations, but the graphic and your explanation is very interesting.


1:51 Thomson's value(e/me)=1.758820 ×10^11 C/kg


British physicist Thomson had measured the ratio of electricial charge to the mass of an electron using a cathode ray tube in 1897.( İngiliz fizikçi Thomson, 1897'de katot ışın tüpünü kullanarak elektrik yükünün elektronun kütlesine oranını ölçtü.) Later a Millikan looked to determine the cahrge on electrons. (Daha sonra Millikan elektronların yükünü belirlemeye çalıştı. )The famous method that he devised between 1906 and 1914 to measure the charge e of an electron is known as the Millikan’s oil experiment. (Bir elektronun e yükünü ölçmek için 1906 ile 1914 yılları arasında geliştirdiği ünlü yöntem Millikan'ın yağ deneyi olarak biliniyor.)Using this method he calculated that the charge on an electron was about 1.6. 10 -⁹ coulombs.( Bu yöntemi kullanarak bir elektronun yükünün yaklaşık 1.6. 10 -⁹ olduğunu hesapladı.) In the Millikan’s oil drop method an atomizer produces oil droplets in the form of mist which are sent through a plate of electricial condenser. (Millikan'ın yağ damlası yönteminde bir atomizer, sis formundaki yağ damlacıklarını üretir ve bu damlalar, bir elektrikli kondansatör plakası aracılığıyla gönderilir.)There are different forces which act on the oil drop including gravitational electrostatic force due to electric field and viscous drag force (Elektrik alanına bağlı yer çekimi elektrostatik kuvveti ve viskoz sürtünme kuvveti de dahil olmak üzere, yağ damlası üzerinde etkili olan farklı kuvvetler vardır.) The rate at which these drops fall were measured by observing them through a micrometer eyepiece of a telescope. (Bu damlaların düşme hızı, bir teleskopun mikrometre merceğinden gözlemleyerek ölçüldü.) X-rays were passed through the chamber to ionize the air inside.( İçerideki havayı iyonize etmek için odadan X ışınları geçirildi.) On colliding with gaseous ions these oil droplets acquire charge.( Gaz halindeki iyonlarla çarpıştığında bu yağ damlacıkları yük kazanır.) The rate at which these droplets fall can be controlled by changing the strength of applied voltage to the plate. (Bu damlacıkların düşme hızı, plakaya uygulanan voltajın gücü değiştirilerek kontrol edilebilir. ) With this experiment the observed that the magnitude of electrical charge q on the droplets is always a multiple of electrical charge e.( Bu deneyle damlacıklardaki q elektrik yükünün büyüklüğünün her zaman e elektrik yükünden çok olduğu gözlemlendi.) That is q is equal to ne where n is equal to 1, 2, 3 and so on. (Bu, n'nin 1, 2, 3'e eşit olduğu durumda q'nun ne'ye eşit olduğu anlamına gelir.)Using the value of charge of the electron the mass of the electron me was then determined by combining Thomson’s value of e by me ratio. (Elektronun yük değeri kullanılarak, elektronun kütlesi daha sonra Thomson'un e değeri/me oranı birleştirilerek belirlendi.) The value shown is the value of the mass of an electron. ( Gösterilen değer bir elektronun kütlesinin değeridir.)


One of the best topics in my life .... just picked it up in 1 mint


Thank you for good work. But the value of J J Thomson experiment for specific charge for an electron is in the power +11 not -11. If you use the -11 value you do not get the mass of an electron.


What a mind to think up this experiment, clever bugger !


Thank you for good work!! >_<
e/m = 1.758820 x 10^11 not 1.758820 x 10^-11


Error at 1:50 5th line should read 10^11 not 10^-11
