How to Use Servo Motors with NO Programming! - Hotwire Servo Tutorial

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Hey everyone! Today i'll be showing you how to modify or "Hotwire" a small Miscro Servo to run on simple DC battery power! No Programming or Coding or Microcontrollers reuqired!
Why do this you ask?
When starting a hobby that uses small servos like robotics or in my case; Cosplay and making Iron Man helmets that open and close with buttons, this step can be very overwhelming.
I know when i started out the prospect of codes and arduinos and microcontrollers scared me!
Having a strong background in DC 12V systems i knew there must be a way.
Sadly most tutorials out there werent that great and were hard to relate to what i needed it for.
So i figured it out and made this tutorial for you all to enjoy! I really hope it helps! It's a great way to start with automation of parts and projects without having to worry about coding.
The Servo can be easily swapped out later if you choose to upgrade and start really getting fancy!
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☞ Use Code “VQLDTFWBMQ” at checkout for 10% off filament!
☞ Use Code “Frank” at checkout for $4 off a roll of filament!
☞ Use Code “Franklybuilt” at checkout for 20% off awesome files!
Disclaimer- This video is NOT sponsored by any of the brands mentioned above or throughout this video. Honesty is very important to me and my channel- all thoughts and opinions mentioned are my own. The links provided above are affiliate links. Affiliate links allow me to make a small commission from purchases made on my recommendations, with no additional cost to the customer!
Thank you for supporting me!
#servo #cosplay #ironman
Why do this you ask?
When starting a hobby that uses small servos like robotics or in my case; Cosplay and making Iron Man helmets that open and close with buttons, this step can be very overwhelming.
I know when i started out the prospect of codes and arduinos and microcontrollers scared me!
Having a strong background in DC 12V systems i knew there must be a way.
Sadly most tutorials out there werent that great and were hard to relate to what i needed it for.
So i figured it out and made this tutorial for you all to enjoy! I really hope it helps! It's a great way to start with automation of parts and projects without having to worry about coding.
The Servo can be easily swapped out later if you choose to upgrade and start really getting fancy!
☞ Visit Creality for my favorite FDM 3D printers, from entry
level to advanced!
☞ Visit EPAX 3D for my favorite resin 3D printers!
Use code “franklybuilt” for 10% off of E10 Series Resin Printer
☞ Use Code “FBT20” at checkout for 20% off awesome
3D models and files!
☞ Visit my Amazon Store Front and explore my favorite printers,
filaments, build supplies and more!
☞ Use Code “VQLDTFWBMQ” at checkout for 10% off filament!
☞ Use Code “Frank” at checkout for $4 off a roll of filament!
☞ Use Code “Franklybuilt” at checkout for 20% off awesome files!
Disclaimer- This video is NOT sponsored by any of the brands mentioned above or throughout this video. Honesty is very important to me and my channel- all thoughts and opinions mentioned are my own. The links provided above are affiliate links. Affiliate links allow me to make a small commission from purchases made on my recommendations, with no additional cost to the customer!
Thank you for supporting me!
#servo #cosplay #ironman