SHORT vs LONG Rest Intervals for Muscle Hypertrophy (33 Studies)

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How long should you rest between sets to maximize muscle hypertrophy? Are short rests or long rests better? In this video, I go over the current research with the aim of answering these questions.

0:00 Intro
1:52 Short vs Long Rest for Compound Exercises
9:18 Short vs Long rest for Isolation Exercises
15:08 Volume Load & Central Fatigue
27:30 Influence of Sex + Strength Levels on Rest Intervals
32:24 Influence of Aging on Rest Intervals
36:46 Decreasing Rest Intervals Overtime



Research on compound exercises and rest intervals:

Research on isolation exercises and rest intervals:

Central fatigue:

Influence of sex + strength levels on rest intervals:

Influence of age on rest intervals:

Decreasing rest intervals overtime:
Рекомендации по теме

Appreciate the attention to detail and thorough summary!


0:00 Intro
1:52 Short vs Long Rest for Compound Exercises
9:18 Short vs Long rest for Isolation Exercises
15:08 Volume Load & Central Fatigue
27:30 Influence of Sex + Strength Levels on Rest Intervals
32:24 Influence of Aging on Rest Intervals
36:46 Decreasing Rest Intervals Overtime

Hope the video was valuable and helpful in some form! :)


Something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I can go heavier and do more reps if I give myself extra time to rest or I can drop the weight, do less reps, but take short rests. This summary is just what I need.


Definitely gives me something to think about, I always thought shorter rest was better for hypertrophy, but I'm gonna have to change that up now (for my compound exercises at least)! Thanks for a great vid and making it so easy to understand!


I think your approach to hypertrophy is incredible. In the gym, and even on Youtube everyone argues how many rest, sets, reps, .. are optimal. Most people just repeat what they are told and then they are so stubborn. However, I find it hard to disagree with science. But I also think lots of studies are very unfortunate with a low amount of participants or not measuring data precisely.
Thank you.


I was quite familiar with most of the studies. After watching this, it looks like I overlooked some concepts! Hope your channel grows, you guys deserve more views, likes, and subscribers!


How do u not have more views? This channel is gonna blow up some day


Central and peripheral fatigue was my area of interest during my physiology masters, and I started to get really excited at 21:35. It was a nice blast to the past! I did my masters on the development of central and peripheral fatigue during the 3 minute all out test. This was done with MVC's, EMG measurements etc. Its really interesting to see the central fatigue hypotheses application to weight training and gives me ideas for what to study when I do my PhD ;)


Your content is absolutely amazing, this is some of the top tier content that exists for fitness information on youtube for weightlifting specific knowledge.


This is a blimmin excellent presentation mate, really good bud and you've put heaps of work into it, when the heck are you getting your PH.D, analytical, thorough, well done man, thank you for this!


Shorter rest =more intensity
Longer rest = more volume, heavier loads

Both are important for hypertrophy
So I try to have a phase when I do long rest periods, then another phase with short rests
Good for changing things up


Would be interesting an analysis about doing different compound exercises that involve different muscle groups between sets, for example: Doing one set of bench press, later (during the rest time) doing one set of squat, then doing another set of bench press and repeat. The main goal is trying to keep the rest time between the same muscle group sets at least 2.5 min apart.
Btw, very nice video, pretty informative as always :)


I love your videos please don’t stop it’s very informative


Excellent information in this video again! Every time, there is a conclusion that seems incomplete in some paper cited, you always point that and when possible find another one that controls for the missing piece, and even makes me realize there are other missing pieces I haven't even considered.

It always bothers me when people pretend that longer rest is better than shorter rest by citing articles that control for the volume, while the point of taking shorter rest is usually to add volume (for compound). I mean they are literally comparing 40 min training with 1h training, so it should not be surprising that the variable they try to control in the 1-hour training tend to make better results. I was always wondering what training method was really superior for the same training period and I'm glad you show studies that concludes it does not seem to matter (by adding 1 or 2 sets for the shorter rest programs). Great hypotheses about the slow twitch muscle fibers also. I think we could add another one, weaker people tend train further away from their true limits. I'm not just talking about underestimating one's own limit, but about pumping (I don't know if the term is right but I think you'll get the idea) yourself about telling yourself this is important to lift that heavy weight mentality instead of "I'll do my best and hope it's not too hard". If I don't "pump" myself and get a bit mad, I'll probably lose 10% of my weight right away, but it's also gonna be easier to recuperate because it's less weight. Maybe a better concrete example would be if I train while laughing I'm gonna be way weaker when I reach failure, yet it's still failure from that "attitude". If I'm training like someone wants to put my family in danger and I need to protect them, I'll probably add 5 reps to any of my sets, but those are probably gonna create more fatigue. So long story short aside from the fast-slow twitch fibers ratio, the attitude when reaching failure might be another variable that could impact the time needed for a rest.


Thank you for the upload Brother! You are not specific enough regarding the type of hypertrophy manifested through the various training protocols. Sarcoplasmic & Myofibrillar hypertrophy are two very different & specific types of hypertrophy with unique benefits that do complement within reason in specific situations e.g. elasticity & stretch reflex training. Through my experience & scientific understanding of the human organism: longer rest periods (>5min) after maximal effort training induces MYOFIBRILLAR Hypertrophy: whereas shorter rest periods (<2min) at sub-maximal to maximal efforts favour SACROPLASMIC Hypertrophy.

Please note: maximal effort is not restricted to weight lifted based on a high percentage of 1 Rep max; or accumulative volume over time of set duration & number of circuits, but also rate firing, effector muscle innervation, strength of nerve signalling, amount of stress placed on CNS through execution of each repetition of exercise & more.

An example is Olympic weightlifting: you can increase MYOFIBRILLAR Hypertrophy through low reps low weight reps e.g. 1-2 reps 30% of your theorised 1 rep max. This increases your strength overtime & develops tendon strength without unduly stressing the tendons. This also concomitantly increases whole body strength as demonstrated in other movement patterns such as the squat & deadlift!

Please do an update on your BRILLIANT video Brother specifying the type of hypertrophy stimulated in summation of all the tests referred to in your video!

Peace & Love!!!


So this is what is probably best:
- Long rest between sets with compound exercises, going for max. intensity and volume
- Short rest between sets with isolated muscle groups, with optionally doing dropsets.
Always max. intensity and to failure

I think that is congruent with my experience so far...


I would be interested in hearing your take on calculating energy expenditure during a bout of resistance training.
But overall great work on your videos! ☺


Dude your channel be blowing up in a year


I think the reason compound movements require longer rest times is because of the cardio. If I'm doing a compound exercise I need more than 60 seconds to recover and get back to a reasonable breathing before i do another set.

On an Isolation exercise it taxes my cardio much less. I'm not stepping off a preacher bench after bicep curls puffed. I could probably step back onto the preacher bench much more quickly.

If you think about some of our other data it also makes sense. The idea of gradually reducing the time between sets is just a form of training your cardio.


There was a study 3 days ago that has proven this all incorrect and inept. Good thing there was a study yesterday proving this summary better than before 👍
