What Are The Differences Between Full-Time and Contracting?

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What are the differences between working full-time and contracting with an employer? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? What do I need to consider when evaluating either option? These are the questions we will answer in today's episode of Dev Questions.

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I did a lot of contract jobs 6-12 months for a while after the company I worked for got bought out and they fired our whole IT dept. My wife had great job with benefits and stuff so wasn't worried about that. HR and VP of Engineering (my boss) at company I work for now gave me a choice between contract and full-time. I took full-time. I still average 40 hours a week but some days I work way over which makes up for the days I start couple hours late which they don't keep track of. Told my boss I was going to take couple PTO hours to go my kids school thing. She said DON'T use PTO just go. The culture there is "just get you shit done and we don't care what you do". 2 days a month our team has to be in the office all at once. And it's all C# and SQL so I love it.


You are an amazing speaker. You explained it perfectly. I have always been a full time employee. And found that the best route for me.


Very thorough and honest answer. I love your style, Tim.
In my case, I went from full-time freelance to a job + doing some gigs on the side and I completely subscribe to what Tim says about gaining extra experience (both technically and on the business side of things).
Now, I am in the Microsoft Power Platform side of things, but clearly the same advice applies.
Thanks again Tim for the great content


Great comparison between full-time and contracting keep it up, dear Tim.


Great question and answer! Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts! I got my first job contracting and it was confusing to me at first and did not seem like a good deal however the opportunity for variety is a plus. You laid out the pros and cons great here. Depends on your situation lol


You're right Tim. Other example you can take a contract job for get money and the other free time You could create your own project as an entrepreneur.


In countries like Sweden, we usually refer to contracting as “consulting” - which of course doesn’t mean you are a specialists. I think it simply is because there used to be specialist consultants, but as IT got more mainstream they started selling resources on contract to customers based in specific demanded technical skills. Meaning the customers needed leas consulting about IT.


Thank you very much, Master, for your valuable advice.


Had a bad experience with first time contracting but always wanting to go back with alot more knowledge upstairs. In the UK it's about 100% more pay per day but last few years we have had stricter tax rules coming in which has taken a big chunk of profit form contractors.


Tim, how about working full time and having a part-time side gig? Is this something you suggest?


What are the distinctions in job roles between full-time and contract employment? Are there variations beyond benefits and time flexibility, or is the nature of the work essentially the same for both?


Salary is nice for the stability of pay, taxes, and better treatment by companies. But contracting is nice because you can make a little more and have more flexible time. I was working a contract last year and switched to salary because I would make a little more, and I didn't like having to pay such a large amount at once when I did my taxes. My salary was also good when the client for our company went through budget cuts and some of our projects got put on hold, but I still had a full-time job. If I had been contracting, I would have been cut right before the holidays. When I was a contract I would work 35 hours, and I felt like I had time to do more things, but at 40 I don't feel like I could pick up a side contract, maybe it's because some of the work I am doing is dragging on and not the development work I would like to be doing, but what I am doing does need to be done, and I am good at it.


In india if you are on contract, basically you are third class citizen, even if you switch company they will hire you as contractor only.


I would like to start contracting but I don't really know where to start do you have any tips?


I don't understand the logic contracting can be as or more stable because while yes sometimes contractors stay and fully time go contracting you are working for fixed time with no gaurentee that in 6 months when it ends another job will be available that you can start so you light be out of work for a few months waiting for a new contract job to come up.

I'm sure with enough qualifications in a good location for contract roles that's less of an issue but realistically for lost that will be the biggest fear, what if I can't get a contract for months because nothing I'm qualified for or able to do is available or maybe others get the job because there's competition.

I'm full time with over 10 years experience and I'd love to go contracting as I need the flexibility but I'm sticking with my rare 3 day a week traditional job because I have no idea if I can pull off every 6 months getting a new contract that fits my needs


What about junior level? Do company hiring them on salary base or contract? what's your advice


Before 40 contracting, after 40 full time.


Why is this so slow?
Like make the points efficiently……
It’s like going to an AA meeting
