Renault ZOE Unterboden

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Der Unterboden des Renault ZOE wird dominiert von dem großflächigen Akku.

#RenaultZOE #Elektroauto #ZOEAkku
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Den Akku gibt es mit unterschiedlichen Laufzeiten zum Mieten. Die günstigste Option sind 3 Jahre Laufzeit (oder mehr) mit maximal 12.500km jährlich zu monatlichen Gebühren von 79 Euro. Bei geringerer Laufzeit oder mehr km erhöht sich die Miete um einige wenige Euros. Bei Vertragende wird automatisch verlängert, soweit ich das weiß.

Das Auto ist nicht meins, es gibt ihn ja noch nicht in Deutschland. Das war eine Leihgabe von Renault für ein Special Event bei uns in Wuppertal.


The ZOE is designed as a lowcost city vehicle. I think Renault did a good job saving (MY) money on all not really necessary features. The range is stunning and the car's main usage type is driving in low speed in cities. A well designed and flowing underside would be great, but I don't think so, that this is going to be a showstopper for the success of the ZOE.
I have been in the car several times and believe me, if I could change something, the underside wouldn't get my attention ;)


Wieso sollte der Unterboden des ZOE nicht genauso gut oder schlecht sein, wie der Unterboden anderer Renaults? Ich gehe davon aus, dass es hier keine Einschränkungen gibt. Ausprobieren werde ich das aber wohl nicht, da ich das Auto sicher nicht über 10 Jahre fahren werde.
Was du vielleicht meinst, ist die große Alu-Platte auf der die eigentlichen Akkus sitzen. Das ist die Trägerplatte und wird beim Akkutausch daher mitgewechselt.


Du musst ja nicht "nix tun" und kannst den Vertrag kündigen bzw. ändern, bevor er automatisch verlängert wird. Es ist auch zu vermuten, dass die Mieten günstiger werden, weil auch die Akkus günstiger werden und somit das finanzielle Risiko für Renault sinkt. Vorhersehen kann das alles aber noch niemand, was in 5 oder 10 Jahren ist. Ich mache mir da nicht so den Kopf, verkaufen kann ich den Wagen jederzeit, wenn mir die Rahmenbedingungen nicht mehr passen.


imagine if the Zoe cost 11000 euro plus battery lease. which it should.
do you think it would be a success then?


Yes, you are right. In mass production it will be like that in the future. But we aren't in an EV mass production market at the moment. Nor will we be in the next 5 years, so Renault has to be as economical as they could be. They are not far away from filing for bankruptcy cause of there failing success last 10 years. Someone has to pay the bill! In the future there are going to be EV cars like the ZOE for 11.000€, but you need patients!


Mir persönlich ist wichtig, dass ich kalkulierbare Kosten und somit kein Risiko habe. Würde ich den Akku kaufen, dürfte man vermutlich um die 10.000 Euro mehr bezahlen für den ZOE. Damit läge das Risiko eines wirtschaftlichen Totalschaden bei mir anstatt bei Renault, wenn z.B. nach 6 Jahren (Garantie zuende) der Akku hinüber ist. Bei meinen 20.000km im Jahr brauch ich für die Miete 8 Jahre, bis ich bei den Kosten einer Kauf-Variante wäre. Solange fahre ich den Wagen wohl eh nicht, ergo: Gespart!


Every hour of development costs money. Money Renault doesn't have, because of their shrinking revenues the last 10 years. In my opinion its a great car, even with this and other weak points, so I ordered one in August and I am nervous to get my hands on to drive electrical.
Maybe you want do wait until ZOE 2.0 with better underside or maybe you want to buy another car. But in my opinion the ZOE offers the most bang for my bucks! No other EV available in 2013 offers a better deal.


What you are talking about is to make 2 steps in one move, instead of a one step after another. That is something only Tesla offeres at the moment. Even for a cheap price, compared to what you get! But anyway to pricy for the masses! :-/


Completely right is, how the german brands fail, indeed. Maybe except BMW with its BMW i line. I think the i3 is a good car, though it is too pricy.

And please don't forget to think about social bonds. EVs are simple cars, but there are many jobs depending on the market of gasoline cars. You cannot switch from today to tomorrow to the new technology without losing many jobs. It has to be a smooth and economical change. That wouldn't be with a ZOE for 11.000!


do you need long range in the city? or on the autobahn..
have you ever seen a plane as uneven as that underside?

respect the math. it's very human to ignore the air just because you can't see it. that's a mistake


Ah ok. :-)
The cars speed limit is 135km/h, so I think its smooth enough for aerodynamic reasons.


I think its more even than other gasoline cars. And no, I don't need long range, cause the car is going to be used in the city. I agree with you, it could be better, but you cannot get THE PERFECT CAR for just 20.000€.
Judging about the underside of a Tesla for 80.000€ should be more fair. ;-)


I don't think so, that the ZOE is overpriced. Renault and Nissan invested Dollars into their EV technology. Unless the ZOE will not sale like hell, because the mass is not convinced in EVs, it is a negative business for Renault anyway! But the ZOE is the cheapest EV car on the market and is not only ecological, but it is economical too. I will save nearly 10.000 Euro in next 8 years with the ZOE, thanks to cheap energy price compared to gasoline.


I take the claimed investments with a grain of salt but if the amounts are really that high that's just yet another in their line of mistakes.
A VW UP costs 10k euro, a clio costs 12800euro. both with combustion engine, gearbox, starter motor, battery, alternator, catalytic converter etc etc

the Zoe costs 20600euro without the battery. more than twice that of an UP.
an electric motor on a single speed gearbox. and it costs more than twice.

it is very overpriced


Uh, ok. Is there anything or anyone on the world, who is able to satisfy you? ;-)


that's the kind of thinking that has kept EVs from happening for decades. "good enough"
it's most certainly not good enough. not even close. it's aerodynamically very incompetent.
just because you can't see the air doesn't mean it doesn't burden the car.


that it's smoother than a typical gasoline car is like saying a person is nicer than Hitler. not really a high standard : )
And making a good aerodynamic shape doesn't cost money. Try to understand that. You think this is the best they could do and you are wrong. They are idiots, it could be many times better in many respects, including a lower price. The more efficient a car is the fewer batteries it needs. Dare to think


I understand. But I don't simply look at what's available. I understand what should be available.
It wouldn't cost more to do it right nor take more time. Indeed if they did it right it would take enormous market share from the others that would be hopelessly behind.
If someone does it right, electric drive has the potential to take over the world very rapidly. But not with these conventional very overpriced EVs.
They are all doing it wrong.


no. as I said before, they are all doing it wrong. it's just a matter of just how spectacularly they fail. renault/nissan is at least doing something but it's pathetic.
the german brands fail so much that it's evil.

try to understand the simple and obvious facts about the cost. an electric car without battery is super simple and should not cost more than fully functional complex gasoline cars.
one gear for all speeds including reverse. super simple motor. that's it
