SECRET Filming in The Sir John Soanes Museum

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This video was first uploaded in March 2020
One of the great little museums of London is the former home of Architect and Collector Sir John Soanes, the house is preserved and filled with his collection.
But recent restrictions meant filming wasn't as easy as before, so some Guerrilla filming techniques were needed to share this secrets of this place.
London Creative is all about being 'In London+/or Being Creative' but YouTube doesn't like the diverse content and wants channels to do just one thing and it has hindered my growth.
So I am moving the 'In London' videos to here and leaving the 'Being Creative' videos on the other channel, it is going to be a bit of mission to do and will happen slowly, but hopefully with the split of content London Creative can grow and become more.
It does mean that there may be less videos and probably not one every week as i switch between the 2 channels.
Howdy Everyone,
This week ...

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My Books

Icia St.Clare and the Sector D Warffs : Comes with a warning: It's a silly, Erotica, Space Opera, that was written in three months for a friend's birthday present.

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