Old Argo 6x6

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Found an old Argo on Marketplace...
so I bought it of course!
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Interesting. I just found this channel. I am on my second Argo. The first one was I believe an 83 6x6. The one I have now is a 91 Vanguard. Unlike many people who get the older ones to restore, I bought mine to get back into the swamp for hunting so it has some modifications. The previous owner or one of them, installed a radio and a speaker which led to holes being cut into it. No radio or speaker when I got but it did have holes. I got some checker aluminum and made some patches. It came with the 18 in super tracks which really keep you up on top of the snow. BUT it is or was very slow and the engine, opposed 16 Brigs, had to work very hard. So I transplanted a 23Vanguard twin, added some chains to the tracks. Very responsive even in high gear in powdery snow. Of course when I bought it, very thing was A1 according to the seller, chain and bearings that is. Actually they weren't too bad but I replaced bearings and chain anyway. I put new tires on, added a winch and just finished building a windscreen and brush guard. Interesting Argo was purchased initially from the same dealer that your Argo came from. I am just north of Goderich and know of only one other Argo in the area if he still even has it.


I have a 1984 argo been in the family since 1986 and was purchased from the same dealer replaced 16 hp tech. upgraded to a 16 hp vanguard runs great. joy to drive ( still have original engine)


Just found your channel. Looking at buying an 87 Yamaha TW 200.
So refreshing to find a channel where the content is a normal dude fixing things.
Love it keep it up. I've never owned an Argo but find myself infatuated with them for the past few years for some reason???


Definitely looking forward to seeing a first start video 😊


Love the argo, just got my first argo 1996 vanguard 2 I'm thinking I don't live to far from you here in Woodstock Ontario


Great Video, I'm getting to the end of a frame out restoration of the same model. Looking forward to see how yours comes out.


Iam glad it's you rebuilding it 😂😂, , I bought my frist argo in 1970 with the old 2 stroke with I Remember right think they had 7/8 shaft with pins 3 bolt wheels which rolled faster down the trail then it did then I got next one which was a state of the art it had 1 inch shafts, ,,same pile of shit as the frist one and long stories short I still own 2 argo now which lot less work😂😂😂 have fun and please don't call for help as I, lol be on holidays 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂!! Good luck


Great to see someone from Ontario doing this, Really informative video.
Was wondering how important it is for u to get the ownership with your Argo when purchasing it.
Is it hard to register for trail riding without the ownership? Thanks for sharing.


Nice find! Projects sure are expensive right now


Great video and an awesome Argo! I just picked one up a few days back that looks to be exactly like yours! It is in somewhat rough shape but most everything important is there and redeemable, so I hope to see it back to it's former glory soon enough. Do you happen to know what year yours is? I'm almost positive mine is the same year as yours. I'm currently on the hunt for fresh chains, and it came without the steering levers so I either need to find OEM or fabricate something. Would love to see a follow up video soon!


First thing man that's A Tecumseh engine not A Briggs &: Stratton engine though. The letters are spelled differently by A long shot to bud. And you can use goo gone., or citrus adhesive remover.&: stripper will remove that krylon paint from off the plastic to. Remember to wipe it down with WD-40 afterwards to help loosen up the leftovers from residue left on the plastic to.& Then you just wipe it off. Wash down good.& Buff it out. To get the plastic to reshine like new again use A heatgun over the whole entire machine., or propane tourche. I'd prefer the heatgun myself it's A whole lot safer.


what year is the orange 6 wheeler Argo that u are working on?


Why was it green in the ditch and orange when you unloaded it?


I'm looking at a 97 for sale, concerned about maintenance and parts can you get them? WHO makes the transmissions and are they rebuild able??