Regen Vs Coasting test in the Kona Electric
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What's more efficient?
Coasting or Regen?
Same distance, same road, same frugal driver with a gentle foot..
Uphill. Is Regen 0 better than Regen 2
Downhill, Is Regen 2 better than coasting?
Regen 3 was too aggressive for the slope in question.
In reality a longer route would be better but if the hill was too steep and long, you'd just get 999.99 in miles per kWh going downhill. It did register 64miles/kWh at one point.
The results going downhill confirm to me the enormous difference Regen makes in the final 50 meters of slowing down. As such , the result could be swayed in either direction depending on a few extra metres of Regen before the display updates.
In driving style , I slowed for the speed bumps in Regen more than I did in coasting where keeping up momentum is most important.
Although an uninteresting result in many ways at least I now know, going uphill with Regen is no different to coasting mode.
Downhill Regen counts in the final stages so keep Regen going for as long as possible.
UK Kona Electric specs:
Bulb referral code. Gain £50 each by swapping energy supplier to Bulb. Their rates are low and stay low. No fixed term contracts.
Coasting or Regen?
Same distance, same road, same frugal driver with a gentle foot..
Uphill. Is Regen 0 better than Regen 2
Downhill, Is Regen 2 better than coasting?
Regen 3 was too aggressive for the slope in question.
In reality a longer route would be better but if the hill was too steep and long, you'd just get 999.99 in miles per kWh going downhill. It did register 64miles/kWh at one point.
The results going downhill confirm to me the enormous difference Regen makes in the final 50 meters of slowing down. As such , the result could be swayed in either direction depending on a few extra metres of Regen before the display updates.
In driving style , I slowed for the speed bumps in Regen more than I did in coasting where keeping up momentum is most important.
Although an uninteresting result in many ways at least I now know, going uphill with Regen is no different to coasting mode.
Downhill Regen counts in the final stages so keep Regen going for as long as possible.
UK Kona Electric specs:
Bulb referral code. Gain £50 each by swapping energy supplier to Bulb. Their rates are low and stay low. No fixed term contracts.