build a reading routine with me 📖 | a reading vlog

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let's build a reading routine to make a daily bit of book reading a habit! hope you enjoy this little reading vlog

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• twitter: @thebookleo
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Hi! My name is Leonie and I am a 23 year old girl who loves talking about books! From YA to non-fiction to classics, I read it all (although fantasy will always be my fave). I live in the Netherlands and go to university, but make booktube videos in my spare time :)

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My tips for reading more / enjoying it more:
- I always read multiple books at once, so I can pick whatever I'm in the mood for. Usually one draws my attention more and I'll naturally focus on that one untill it's finished. Then I don't have to doubt what I'll read next because I've already read a few chapters in a few books.
- I have a "read every day" tracker. That means that when I'm on my phone and my eyes fall on my book, I'm reminded that I haven't read yet and it really breaks that mindless cycle of screen distraction.
- In that tracker I have a separate color for fanfiction. Fanfics take less effort to read, because you don't need to make the effort to get invested in new characters. Some days I just don't feel like reading new information. That's fine. I allow myself that freedom.
- On the same note, after I finish a book, I usually need some time to process it. I tend to give myself a few days of mental rest before picking up the next book. I've found that positively impacts my enjoyment of both books and follows a more natural rythem. I'm not trying to squeeze as many books as possible in my life, I'm trying to enjoy myself and learn some things.


To be honest, I struggled with a TV addiction for a while that came from my anxiety. After creating a real reading routine and making it a habit, I rarely watch TV or use technology anymore. I can confirm that a routine like this can work and change your life if you make it a habit


“The silence in my brain is deafening when I’m embroidering and doing nothing else”
I feel seen and understood omg


This video literally could not have come at a better time... thank you for everything you do, Leonie!


the audiobooks while crafting is honestly a game changer, just this summer i crocheted blankets, mittens and headbands while listening to audiobooks and it saved me


One thing that truly changed my reading habits for the best was buying a Kindle, so I really suggest it to everyone struggling (ofc, if you can)! I was sure I wouldn't like it bc I love reading physical books so much, but I swear it's a game changer! And I don't necessarily read less physical books bc I have it. Actually, now I read more in general bc it is so practical and allows me to read in moments I wouldn't be able to use a physical book.

Ohh, I started embroidering and cross-stitching during quarantine and love it soooo much!!!

honestly, making a reading plan before starting a book (like, i'll write down chapter names and number of pages for each chapter and i'll decide beforehand how much reading i'll do everyday) has been a game changer for me. i've been doing it for a little while, and it has allowed me to consistently read at least ten books a month.


I'm actually doing fairly well with reading this year. I've completed 14 and my goal for the year is 50. I credit finding this channel with reminding me how fun reading is. I'm actually working on The Iron King from your last video right now as well as an audiobook on Cleopatra. Great video as always, Leonie!


I love to sit outside and read for an hour or so every day when it’s nice and sunny. Really easy to stick to a routine based on that…

…Unfortunately, I live in England.


I started a routine last year with the need to be healthier, and the desire to read more, including more non fiction. So I started to work out at night, usually some time between 9-11 depending on what I've got going on, then I shower, and then afterward as a reward for the workout, I read at least 15 minutes of a non fiction book and then at least 15 of a fiction book. I've done pretty well at sticking to it, managing at least three nights a week.
Then if I'm still not sleepy, I'll watch something. 😉


I can't believe Leonie invented reading before bed!

Loved the video! I'm trying to set up a similar routine right now but I always just want to scroll through tiktok and twitter 😅


Awesome vlog! I love reading but I have ADHD and dyslexia so it makes reading harder. I do like listening to audiobooks but I really love having the physical book when reading.


It's so cute whenever you are joking at yourself doing that "Oh it's a method people told million times why I make it such a big deal", actually lots of creativities and efforts are needed in order to smooth those selfcare methods and hobbies into our stressful fast paced daily life. You make it practically to yourself, so inspiring.


This video came when I needed it! I am having such a terrible time keeping a reading schedule. Definitely going to try these methods!


omg i needed this lol i just cant read consistently anymore now idk why and also i was just trying to find something to watch to help me feel better and got a notification from you just right in time you are one of my comfort booktubers <333


*immediately raises both hands* i've been reading so many not great books lately and it's put me in a gross reading


Great vid! Here is my little daily reading routine that is quite simple...I get to work 30-45min early, park my car in the parking lot in front of my work building, and just read my book in the car.


Omg- I love your personality and you’re literally so gorgeous


I love reading audiobooks while crafting. Especially sowing and painting by number, it's so relaxing to me


I do have somewhat of a reading routine. I do three things. The first is that I read in the morning, because I am an early riser I need a quiet activity to do where I don't disturb my family. One of the things I do is that I read, and it is really nice opening a book with a cup of tea whilst reading at like three or four am in complete silence. It is very peaceful even during a tense read. The other thing I do is I read in between doing things. So if I finish a task, or an episode of a show, I read a chapter or a scene from a book, and then I move on to the next task. For example, when I watch booktube, I do this each time there is an ad in the middle of the video or whenever I finish a video. The last thing I do, which I really like but may not be a good idea, is reading for a few hours before bed. And the reason it may be a problem because sometimes I stay up reading instead of getting the sleep I need. And before anyone says 'you can wake up later you know', I don't wake up at 3 am on purpose, my brain just does. It just goes you are awake now, so I do have to go to bed early if I want to get decent sleep, which I don't hate by the way. I actually the silence in the mornings, and waking up early is a joy, and I am very happy that it happens.
