The Secrets of the Nova Sorceress [ Nova Sorceress Build ]

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Nova's always been a relatively easy build with end-game equipment, but sunder charms, combined with a good set of equipment, has made it extremely simple to play - the point that it's hold down the right mouse button and toggle with your hotkeys as you go.


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If anyone was wondering. You can wear ethereal weapons on a caster. As long as you don't hit with the weapon, you keep your durability.


Lol… 20 years playing never knew that was the curse Baal did, I always cussed at my computer “why am I losing health with ES when my mana is full!!!” Thanks for the clarification for me 😂


I highly value your content. I find myself going back to these skill videos all the time for all classes. I really like the build videos too because you show the early gear. I'm looking forward to more build videos. Thanks!


Also make cresceent moon in a war sword so when you use anything else its less storage space. Crystal sword 6 boxes vs war sword 3 boxes


1:17 Don't try and do this without respecing. It's not a good idea to play a 0 Vitality Sorc at low levels, and even once you get energy shield at 24, you don't have the points yet to invest into it and make it effective. If you want to play Nova from start to finish, go with a vitality build, and respec into energy shield around level 70


I've respecced my sorc probably ten times now and the best build I came up with was the Frost Nova + Frozen Orb sorc. Now that you can cast between FO, Frost Nova is a great way to eliminate all the small creatures running around you. Blizzard deals insane damage, but you never hit all the mobs, so you either let them live or waste time singling out the survivors. You max FN, FO, Blizzard and Ice Bolt. Remaining points go into Cold Mastery. During Baal waves or before Diablo spawns you can also precast Blizzard for additional damage.
(Frost) Nova is much safer also for cows, since they are all affected by the stun lock. Other cold skills always leave room for cows to hit you. I play on game pad and so far it has been an ice blast.


Nova is such a low point investment it makes for a great crowd control (control meaning crowd crushing lol) if you want to make blizzard with nova or even fire and nova for unique farming you can just use nova when there's fire immunes and if using infinity you can break those and then use fire on some bosses for more damage (higher average damage depending on skill distribution)


Since i played this game (over 20yrs) i have build so many sorceresses in different ways and never tried Nova skill for a main skill. Deffinately will try sooner or later on my Switch


I Finally started leveling my sorceress with this build because I knew it was going to be easy mode, but... I never expected it to be THAT laid back. I got from 91 to 95.4/96 maaaaybe 97 in about 5 days? Just logging on for 3 terror zones and sometimes extending my stay a bit ^___^. This build is beyond craycray, but I'm still debating to have only 3-4 charms and tomes vs 7charms and cube. The shortcut to opening the cube is worth remembering since I had forgotten and saw a video yesterday reminding me of its existence. Whew, quite a few clicks I saved myself for the 95 to 96-97! To Note: I've had my -54LR and pondered upgrading to -55 infinity since before Ladder1/S1 started~ I was aching to play it! I will be making a nova/cold orb like I did a decade ago S0Oon for pvp xD... have we had news for the extra storage yet? 😢 It would really rivet this game as my favorite if they did... it's the only complaint that I have left (mules) instead of the >option< to buy storage instead of being forced to make mules and spreadsheets to find our crafting mats and whatnot. What I don't understand is that we can't buy another D2 account via our blizzard accounts (Obviously you can buy more accounts with other emails and it's definitely more secure to do so). It just feels gross & cheap that it isn't addressed yet. Sunder charms' addition is basically -18 squares, too :(

Thank you for making videos. My Top 3 D2R content creator ;'P
Clearly a runner up for other people!


I've been running Nova sorc for a few weeks. perfect armor and crescent moon + lidless so I can drop the str for monarch. Will hopefully have a self wielded infinity eventually. Never had so much fun on a build before


I like to use a nova sorc for easy mode key and rune farming. She can do it with no endgame gear, as long as you have reasonable resists and FCR. One ladder I found a wizardspike as my only decent item, and she ran just fine even with the extra dex investment


im loving nova/es with cmoon/spirit, frostburns, dual soj, arachs, vmagi and griffs with light facets, and infinity on merc. i never get anywhere close to low mana. i'm running holy freeze though and i think i'll try prayer to help with poison.

edit: prayer merc is definitely the way to go. thanks!


cant believe I missed this when it rolled out. Nova/ES is what I ended S1 with and enjoyed it greatly past the initial Hell Clear. about the only thing i could add is keep a Memory staff with a +3 ES staff mod on swap for a quick +9 ES pre-buff. Nova, With or Without Infinity and Sunder, is my favorite key farmer and a great 2nd character to a Pally starter for a Torch Running set. with easy access to gear and a weapon that only costs UM, which you can farm right away in hell, its probably the easiest "midgame" spec to build out for an alt; 100% can recommend. Endgame I fell in love with the self-equip infinity as you can run an Insight/Prayer merc on ES and forget about your potion belt all together, only issue is you are pretty short on MF so you get slightly pigeon-holed into Rune/Key farming.

Still need to get a feel for the Frost Nova build, but given Cold Mastery functions like a free Infinity, I'm thinking that even at lower paper damage it will behave much the same as a traditional nova build and be a fun alternative with cheaper gear.


Ty for the video. May I suggest you activate the permanent health and mana numbers on the globes? This would greatly improve the guides for me so I don't have to watch the entire video again in hopes of you hovering your cursor over the globe at some point.


about to set up my first nova sorc going for maxroll´s hc setup got everything but the charms for it in the stash just need to lvl the sorc gonna be fun


Currently on D2R: I’m using a +3 Nova Obsession
Griffons socketed 5/5
Eth infinity Thresher on Merc.
This combined with Vmagi and 2/20 amulet with fcr rings and arachs clears p8 cows in about a minute


Just actually got this game and this build jumped out to me.


You can do infinity build with 105 fcr. I have like 3-4 builds i jump around with and 105 fcr infinity holding is 1


Finally a good video on infinity nova sorc. It helped me a lot! Thanks, OP.


If you're looking to pvp with this build then definitely max thunderstorm and static, you can one shot low res chars with it as well as stun to namelock for nova
