HD 2017 PBS NOVA Documentary - Secrets of Noah's Ark

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We always have to keep in mind that a Documentary, after all, can tell lies and it can tell lies because it lays claim to a form of veracity which fiction doesn't. Some of the documentaries are made just to discredit some particular person, party, organization, system etc, but most of them here on TDF are non biased, without prejudice and worth watching.
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They never mentioned how the locals saw Irving with his big grey beard on the ark and thought he was a descendant of Noah 😅


You know a couple of buzzed Sumerians sat around chiseling in a bunch of non sense, knowing it would just F with the best minds of the future.


The 1st time I saw this program on 21.1, my local TV station, they had a lot more breakage of being sideslip launched from dry land and I thought, "the rains were coming down and lifted the "boat"', but then the size of the endeavor made me realize that shade for workspace would've been required to even begin such a feat', then I began thinking that a shed might have been the 1st point of building this thing to begin with'. These parts could've been incorporated into the final vessel itself, right. As rains began lifting the soft tar, it would've sealed the leaks and become a more solid, flexible type cement, right?
This is NOT the same viewing that I saw years ago on TV.


The major problem in the. Construction of this type of ark is the use of wood as a frame. The marshland of area between the Tigris and Euphrates, there are few trees available. In the reed houses shown, their reeds can be stiffened into a frame work and woven into the exterior of the Hull such types reed work can also be cross strengthened into platforms at various levels with no need for unavailable wood. This would also be in-line with the instructions to tear down the house and use these elements for the ark.


Why did you build the new ark in Kentucky? Hundreds of miles from a large body of water? Ill tell you BECAUSE IT WoNT BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED.


HD 2017 PBS NOVA Documentary - Secrets of Noah's Ark


The most important thing about using a survivor story such as a flood is the reason that such was included in Genesis. Most theological scholars will insist that it is a morality story. Such is not the case. The Torah was primarily written as a psychological control manifesto. The committee that put it together was losing the last of their abilities to control the populace that was brought into exile from Judah into Babylonia. Where they-were dispersed as the authorities there required. These exiles, were not contained in any type of prison or singular settlement. As such, they as individuals were thriving in whatever location and employment they were placed. To a body that had bern in control and no longer had that power, it was the only means available to maintain any semblance of psychological control that could be spread to the exiles. So with the children of the exiles being. Exposed to stories that they previously had no contact the committee chose to spin the meaning of what may have been an actual event that had occurred some 3 thousand years before into a children’s tale of fear. All religious beliefs that use this tale use a supernatural power as the entity that was punishing humankind for some transgression. Even in other belief systems such as those in Mesopotamia, this was used to maintain psychological control over the populace.


It was not a “disaster.” It was a genocide of all life on earth by a “creator” who loathed the very creatures he created because they did not stroke his narcissistic ego. It was tales like this which first caused me to doubt Christianity.


2:37 The secrets of Noah Ark right now, on NOVA! "


It was actually located on top of a giant tree similar to a tower.. high above sea level...


Flood stories pop up in many ancient cultures all over the world because many floods have actually happened. The Ark story is just a fable/myth to tell children at bedtime.


Irving Finkel is a genius but Henry is only 2 syllables...


I remember this story from the Bible and the documentary.


One of my favorite documentaries. As a Christian I like that this story exists even before the Jewish version. The Jews took this story and made a Jewish version of it. It ties all of humanity together. Where a part of these traditions going back to ancient Sumeria. And the boat is far more realistic. And it's all based on real history. Amazing.


Yo when Joe Namath become a professor?


The attempt in that construction was terrible. You would think that there would be an actual dedicated group of people willing to do a GOOD example of this. We can all tell that this was a 2 week bullshit construction. Why even waste the material.


Noah's Ark is such a BS story and something that should not be told to children.


My coffee table is made from reclaimed Ark wood.


Noahs ark is about as believable as Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall.😂


you people are sameless, ron whatt found the ark long ago
