Mormon Congregation Assaults & Drowns Out Mothers Warning Them That Church Leaders Enable Pedophiles

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MARTINSBURG, WV. - Two mothers, whose children had been molested by a pedophile that leaders of a Mormon congregation in West Virginia had protected and lied for, took matters into their own hands when they stood up during a testimony meeting this past Sunday [May 5, 2019] and warned the congregation that their church leaders had harbored a pedophile and that their children were not safe.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, commonly known as the Mormon church, recently settled a civil suit brought on behalf of several of the victims of Christopher Michael Jensen’s for an undisclosed amount.

Jensen was sentenced in 2013 to 35 to 75 years in prison for sexually abusing two children, ages 3 and 4. Jensen’s father, Chris Jensen, testified in February that no one told him about those allegations until an August 2012 hearing when his son was charged.

Allegations against the younger Jensen dated back to 2004, when he was arrested at age 13 at his middle school and charged with two felony counts of sexual abuse against two girls, according to court documents. The lawsuit alleged several church members were made aware of abuse incidents multiple times but either did not believe the abused or kept the abuse a secret.

The lawsuit also alleged that abuse continued over the years as no one in the Martinsburg church or his family, which included church leaders, disclosed Jensen’s history of sex offenses.

The church denied the claims. Defendants said Christopher Michael Jensen fooled everyone and repeatedly lied to church officials who clearly lacked any sort of discernment that Mormons claim their leaders are bestowed with.

The younger Jensen was excommunicated from the church by the Martinsburg Stake High Council in 2013.


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My grandfather rest his soul, told me in great detail how he was molested by a Stake President in the 50s. He told me the bastard told him, no one would ever believe him if he told. He told me that this cause him so much stress and pain as a child, and that this man would stalk him as a young boy after his abuse, and it terrified him, and caused him serious depression. What did the Mormon church do about it? Hide him, and ship him of to another position after he abused so many children. I know my grandfather would have so much respect for these women, and a sense of justice that they had the courage to stand up.


Holy shit that is creepy AF when they all start singing. That is the most cult-like thing I have seen yet.
Oh my god and then he grabs that lady’s phone so violently!


Haha! So- hymn singing is the adult version of plugging your ears and singing "lalala - I cant hear you!" (So glad our family of nine is out.)


The whole singing over the women trying to warn other parents about paedophiles, to protect their kids.... Wow. It genuinely was creepy watching that.
And they claim they're not a cult? Ffs.


An organization unwilling to run background checks on all individuals interacting with children is not an organization I would take my children.


It’s sickening how they sing over the warning. Just look, the perfect example how the church likes to ignore and sweep things under the rug. Stop being brainwashed and LISTEN TO WHAT IS GOING I was raised LDS and I’m so glad I found my way out.


This was so totally wrong on so many levels of wrong. How the mormon church acted was extremely rude and disrespectful. That woman had much courage and strength for standing up and doing what she did


The saddest part of this video is... Those people do not care if their own children are harmed by the demonic teachings of LDS... Bravo to those two mothers standing in the gap!!!


...He was my sexual abuser back in around 2013.... I didn't search his name to get here I just found it after I realized this church was a sham. My family and I then moved to Utah while my dad stayed back to deal with court stuff, if you want to search it up his name is Monte Palmer. I didn't even realize that this video was about Michael Jensen until the 2 min mark when she said his name and the description said where I used to live. I don't really know what to say and I can't believe I just stumbled upon this. Now, as a 16 year old my parents still cant see how hateful and harmful the church is to people just so that they can keep problems hidden under the surface. Everyone please be safe and know I love you all, if you notice something SAY SOMETHING.
If anyone has questions I would LOVE to answer though my notifications from my subscriptions might drown replies out, and again stay safe and much love! <3


I grew up in the church and the response of the crowd is not surprising. They love the wool being pulled over their eyes. Bravo to these brave women.


Bravo. Any amount of discomfort is worth keeping children safe!!!


I wish someone stood up for me when I was molested in the church. I was 5yrs old.


I wish this could be played on the big screen at general conference.


So sad. It might not seem like the "right" time, but when is the right time to handle such a disturbing fact? If the church will not protect the children, at least some mothers will. God be these mothers and comfort their souls.


This brought me to tears, so glad I left this awful religion. The heartlessness and sheer determination to not hold anyone accountable is sickening


I am so proud of these women. <3 <3 Down with any organization that threatens the safety of children!!




My name is Amanda Merrill and I grew up in that ward. A couple of years before they protested our ward boundaries changed so I no longer went to that building but I grew up there throughout most of my primary years. That man is pure evil and when I found out everything that had happened I felt so sick. I hate the church for its done. You people are so strong to stand up for what’s right.


The only thing that doesn’t make sense is that they call it a church instead of a cult.


This is so sad. That are drowning out concerned mothers who want to protect children and warn others.
