What happened AFTER man confronted pedophile in Mormon church

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On Oct. 14, 2018, Roger Stephenson warned a Mormon congregation in Utah that a man in their ward had sexually molested him as a child. Roger’s mic was shut off and the Bishop escorted Roger out of the chapel and into his office where Roger explained why he had come that day.

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This is very compelling and powerful. Roger Stephenson handled himself so well. Even though the bishop expressed empathy for Roger's pain and admitted that this incident was beyond his personal expertise and capacity he still showed some "good ol' boy's" attitude about the predator being "too feeble" to re-offend. Roger taught him a lesson about that fallacy.

Kudos to you NewNameNoah for taking the time and for sharing your technical expertise in recording these significant events that LDS should be "thanking you for" instead of placing obstacles in your path. Let's hope that videos like this will empower others to step up.


Bishop seemed nice and understanding but "I will do everything I was trained to do" usually means the ones with the real power will cover it up.


I called the bishop of my Uncle who went to prison for a decade for pedophilia. He is a level 3 which is the worst-case and most likely to offend again. When I told the bishop this he told me he is aware. My uncle has a file and has been discussed in preisthood leadership meetings. I was told as long as he is trying to be better he is allowed at church. That bishop acknowledged that he has a problem and it is obvious when you meet him. They don't care.


I think we misunderstand the intentions behind keeping quiet about sexual assault allegations. Sure the guy's wife and kids might starve, but worse than that the fake and fraudulent image of the church could be tarnished! Gasp! Oh no, not that! We'd have to rebrand if that happened!


Think of all the kids he saved by doing this . I think he was very brave. I hope the parents in that congregation took this seriously


This scares me deeply. I have a 9 yr old daughter and if anyone laid their hands on her in any type of way, whether sexually or not God would have to stop me from not killing the jackass.


I know it's been a long time ago that this happened, but Roger I love you so much. I wish I had known back then and I could have given you a hug and told you that I admire you and I wish I had stood next to you and helped you to stand up to him way back then.


This sounds like a genuinely good bishop. Well handled by both parties.


Being old, frail, and having difficulties getting out of his chair, isn't an excuse to pitty or dismiss his crimes against youths. I hope that's remembered as the church investigates the charges against him...


Good for you sir!! You were escorted out, yes, but they heard you. They heard exactly what they needed to hear. I commend your bravery!


This is disgusting. Why aren't these people prosecuted. I live in Utah. Look up watch dog for people convicted of child sexual abuse. There are more here than any place I have ever seen.


Rodger my heart truly goes out to you. I’m so sorry you had to carry that trauma around for as long as you did and I could not be more with you that you decided to talk about it. As you said it’s not easy & I’m so proud of you. Truly appreciate you taking the steps toward helping others gets the strength to tell their story🤎


It doesnt matter how long ago it was, it affect us for ever, ive been in therapy for 25 yrs.


Wow that Bishop handled things very well for having not known anything about this before hand. Seemed to have genuine concern and trying to help Roger out the best he can. I think Roger handled the conversation with the Bishop very well also. Hopefully this can bring Roger some peace.


I'm happy that the bishop listened and came upfront about what he didnt know. I think it's time that the church came clean about everything. I hope the church does the right thing. I'm an inactive member I'm not ashamed of it. I am a thinking member and I pray and hold my own studies at home by myself. Where I dont have to hear someone blabber about nonsense.


This man is so brave!! I hear you, I see you, I believe you. Thank you for trying to protect other people/kids. 😢


At my old ward in CA, had a registered pedo attending. All of us moms were livid and many stopped attending because the pedo had “rights”. Luckily I am an LEO’s daughter and reported to LEO


This bishop seems like a good man. I hope he can help him get resolve and peace in this.


This is what the LDS church is all about cover up, cover up, cover up. This is so sad and heart breaking.


Proves that they care more about their image than morality and justice.
