One. Last. Ride.

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- Turn on subtitles or view the transcript at the bottom of the description if you'd like explanations on what I'm doing throughout the video.
- This is a 1977 Mercury Grand Marquis, equipped with a 460 Big Block engine. As far as I can tell, it's been parked since 1995 and hasn't ran for about 30 years. From the looks of it, it's been sitting in this field the entire time. I was even told that it was a nice, running and driving car when parked. Before hauling it out, the sellers let me try and get it running and driving where it sat for one last ride. While I was successful, the car's much too far gone to be put back on the road. I saved the engine and transmission and attempted to part out the rest, but unfortunately it had to be towed away as scrap. I hope you'll see me reuse the drivetrain in an upcoming video, once I find something to put it in.

00:00 - Arrival
02:03 - Is the engine seized? Almost
05:46 - Hooking up power.
08:59 - Getting spark to the spark plugs
13:30 - First start
15:01 - Checking out the carburetor
20:55 - Really hearing it run now
22:18 - Seeing if the tires air up
26:58 - End of day 1
29:51 - Reseating a tire bead with flammable liquids
31:28 - Getting the cooling system in order
33:17 - Hooking up the fuel system
36:09 - Couple other checks before seeing if it moves
38:20 - Will it drive?
40:35 - Un-seizing the rear wheels
47:34 - Pre-drive inspection
49:23 - First Drive.
55:22 - Bringing it back home
59:12 - Quick pressure wash
1:02:29 - Getting it into the garage
1:05:14 - Pulling the engine and transmission
1:17:00 - What's in the box
1:20:12 - The End: Goodbye, thanks for the ride
1:22:47 - Cat

The song off the 8-track tape is Henry Mancini's The Sound of Philadelphia/Love Theme, owned by RCA Victor with Sony entertainment. Fingers crossed I don't get a copyright strike.
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An old car should never die alone without taking its last lap around the neighborhood and thanking it for the wonderful years on the road.


I couldn't help but shed a tear when the player started playing. It was as if that old Grand Marquis was singing one last time like it used to before it left forever.


No talking, no music, no fancy edits, no clickbait. Absolute Masterpiece


As someone from the midwest, and seen a legacy of a dying generation, its been a tradition of people like my grandfather to get the old ones running, just like you did, one final time. cried alot watching this video, because something about it is so raw, that not many will be able to fully appreciate the level of unspoken culture here.


I see cars like this and cant help but think of all of the people it took to build this machine. I see it moving down a factory line as workers assemble their parts. The time that it took to design and create. Engineers working to create every single part. How many hands touched this car to make it a reality? The lives of the people who built this to make a living and support their families. It is truly amazing.


It never ceases to amaze me how people will take perfectly good vehicles and do things like park them in a field. I can understand wanting to hold on to something for sentimental reasons, but if you're just gonna neglect it, sell the damn thing. At lease then it could have stayed on the road and been taken care of.


Am I the only one who really enjoys the no talking part of all these videos. As a car guy my whole life . unable to really wtench much anymore. this is so relaxing and fullfilling!!


Dude, finalizing this particular video with the sounds off that 8-track, where your videos are normal fairly silent, was a stroke of genius. Perfectly played. You managed to humanize this old car. Well done, as always!!!


Could almost see the smile on the veteran giant racing through the field where he had sat for so long, an honorable last ride. There might also have been a hint of a peaceful expression during the windy ride being towed to your garage. And that's not to mention the amazing quality and good taste of the shooting angles, editing and the bittersweet farewell with the song. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this generous deed.


I watched it until the end without getting bored. I admired your respect for nature and your talent. American, love from Istanbul. 🙋🏽‍♂️


You gave her a beautiful send off. Breaks my heart to see these giants rot away like this one. Your efforts were worth it in the end. Cheers.


This was really THE LAST RIDE of this car. With that music ending with its life, when this car was launched made really a point.


At some point it rolled off the assembly line, proudly inspected by a worker who has long passed away. It was brought to a dealership where the first owner looked at it with shiny eyes, signed on the dotted line and drove home his brand new purchase.

Many years later someone parked that perfectly fine Mercury in a field where - left to fight the elements on its own - it slowly wasted away. This video was its final ride, long after the Mercury brand had been dissolved, before it was finally given the coup de grace. With its death there is now one less automobile that witnessed America in its glory and stood the test of time to show the younger generation what has once been.


She will continue to live... And I thank you, you kept his heart to put him in a whole new body.
I respect you.
I respect this car


Buddy i don't know who you are but i'm sure you are a genius with a big heart and strong hands!!! bravo!!! god bless you!!!


Something about the camera angles, the vista of that lonely field, the title, and the general quiet atmosphere made this video an oddly emotional watch. Hearing the last gasp of that 8 track player as the car was pulled away felt bittersweet. You can't save them all, but its the respectfulness of your efforts that make these videos such gems. Here's hoping that engine/trans goes to good use! Thanks for another great watch.


That car was a beautiful luxury ride once upon a time. Big block engine. Plush interior. I had a 78 Marquis with vinyl covered headlamp covers. White with green cloth interior. Vinyl top. Gutless. But rode like floating on a cloud. I did the same thing. Got a big bearing 9" rear end, C6 and a 460.


I imagine the moment when this car was new. Someone saved money, chose it, waited, first meeting, first trip. So many events in the family. Where are these people now?


This young man's cinematography story telling skills can evoke more emotional investment than Hollywood can manage with a block-buster budget. Just as impressive is his mechanic talent that seems well advanced beyond his years. A very gifted lad.


lol the 8 track head is stuck on at least two tracks at once. the solenoids get tired after a while and stuff misaligns. fantastic video, thank you!
