How to Use the Slime Drill Bit Tire Plug Kits

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Let your drill do all the work! Slime's Drill Bit Tire Plug Kits are the easiest tire plug solution on the market. The drill makes it so easy, you don't even need to remove the tire from the vehicle to make the repair. Watch this easy, step-by-step video on how to use the Slime Drill Bit Tire Plug Kits.

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I never leave comments on products, but this is an exception. I had a plug kit (different brand) and it just couldn't handle my high ply tires, I fought it for more than 2 hours! trying to ream it and getting a plug in, it was impossible, even tried hammering it in, everything broke so I decided to go get it professionally done, Well no where would do my custom tire size so I was really screwed, so I saw this and figured, why not try it? I'm probably wasting my money but the drill option seemed better than any. I got home, bad weather approaching and had work early in the morning, I figured I would try this before the hard rain hit and I couldn't believe this, it literally took me less than 2 minutes! I can't recommend this enough for anyone that has high ply tires for heavy loads, this product is absolutely amazing.


Don't know why people are having trouble. This is fucking great. Makes the job much faster, and I've had no problem with two plug jobs. Of course you could use the better quality plugs but that's not why your buying this kit.


I have used the Victor "Greasy Rope" Plug Kits (Very similar, minus the drill) for years, and never a problem. Drill would be easier for reaming the hole, but I don't like the idea of rotating the "Greasy Rope". Don't oversize the hole, straight in about halfway, rotate quarter turn, pull out. Works every time. Trim or nip off the excess with side cutters. No need to remove the wheel.


Has worked 3/3 times for me. I’ve done it the old school way where you had to do it by hand in the past. Way easier with the drill bits. Don’t know why people are having issues?


This thing was amazing.. worked flawlessly.. great tool slime!!


Unlike most of the comments, i had good luck. I watched the video since the package did not show where and how to use the tube that was provided. Reamed it out, put the plug in with liquid in tube, went slow putting in plug. Shoved it in leaving about 1 inch sticking out of tire, pulled the bit out and snipped off excess plug. Same as old school way but with a drill instead. Of it fails I'll get it patched. At this time it was worth the few bucks i spent.


Do you clip the extra that’s hanging out of tire ?


The rasp worked great the insert tool simply balled the cord up and came out with the tool. Had to use that without the drill


If you take the rope after insertion pull it down right into the end of the tip and it'll pull out much easier. Worked in 2 mins summer time so tire is hot af too


Loving the "stock music" which is basically a shitty instrumental cover of "miss independent" 😂😂


Plugs suck. Rasp is a huge time saver. I recommend using the typical black plugs with the drill work best


I used this very same kit and those brown plugs leaked like straws.


This system sucks plugs pull out with drill attachment I had to use an old fashion plug kit to get the plug to stay in
I hate when corporations improve a good system. I would rank this zero stars.


I'm cutting the reemer to put in my drill. Haha.
