My boy backed up behind everyone said let me use you as a human barricade 🤣 ForzaWiz
My boy backed up behind everyone said let me use you as a human barricade 🤣
That sound reminds me of the V1 rocket. alexs
That sound reminds me of the V1 rocket.
Great idea with the floor jack I will use that! roberturena
Great idea with the floor jack I will use that!
It lowkey sounds like a v1 flying bomb mikoonblitz
It lowkey sounds like a v1 flying bomb
That's probably the most explosive launch I have seen on a strobe rocket. I wonder what the booster propellant was, KHP whistle? pursaveer
That's probably the most explosive launch I have seen on a strobe rocket. I wonder what the booster propellant was, KHP whistle?
Love the car jack 🎃 as a make shift Morton lanch tube lmfao😂😂😂 Mr.motogpRivera-zsyu
Love the car jack 🎃 as a make shift Morton lanch tube lmfao😂😂😂
Kid: mom watch outside the window Mom: wAiT iS tHaT eNd Of ThE wOrLd. 💀 SMOKA_
Kid: mom watch outside the window Mom: wAiT iS tHaT eNd Of ThE wOrLd. 💀
I love how it sounds like it came from some sci-fi movies UltimateEntity
I love how it sounds like it came from some sci-fi movies
I think dragging that jack around was louder pyro_angler
I think dragging that jack around was louder
What color? Lol jk stupid tree. Salud! 🍻👀🎆 wulfenacht
What color? Lol jk stupid tree. Salud! 🍻👀🎆
Sound like a noise from the monsterverse ajunteburns
Sound like a noise from the monsterverse
sounds like godzillas introduction sounds exxecitic
sounds like godzillas introduction sounds
PTSD to the fullest all the old crew guys be like Ph snap here we go again!!! JTWorld
PTSD to the fullest all the old crew guys be like Ph snap here we go again!!!
That one grandpa who survived ww2 V1 INCOMING! gino-czzu
That one grandpa who survived ww2 V1 INCOMING!
That was badass bro. Why do all the Mexicans only ones with strobe rockets detroitpyro
That was badass bro. Why do all the Mexicans only ones with strobe rockets
😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤....that is just 🤪 crazy and funny at the same time ⌚ alexandriacollect
😂❤😂❤😂❤😂❤....that is just 🤪 crazy and funny at the same time ⌚
More color rockets! They’re plenty loud and why not? tnpyro
More color rockets! They’re plenty loud and why not?
Isn't this the street CJ was dropped at in the beginning of san andreas?? 😂 kennethkorir
Isn't this the street CJ was dropped at in the beginning of san andreas?? 😂
I love it, send one through my neighbors window bro!!! scottlavoie
I love it, send one through my neighbors window bro!!!
By far the most rad one I've seen....👌 fukgoogle
By far the most rad one I've seen....👌