Lack Of Power & Long Cranking Time - P0340 Found & Fixed - How To DIY

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In this video I show how I easily found and fixed a P0340 fault using simple checks. If you have this code logged you can use these steps and methods to diagnose & fix the fault.
P0340 Camshaft position sensor circuit malfunction

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GerardBurke is a qualified motor technician who has completed modules & courses in manual handling and all aspects of workshop safety. These videos are not intended to be used by anyone who is not trained and or qualified to carry them out.

Due to factors beyond the control of GerardBurke, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. GerardBurke assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. GerardBurke recommends safe practices when working on vehicles and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of GerardBurke, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not GerardBurke.
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Using a scope is now becoming a necessity more so than a secondary diagnostic tool.
Well done 😉


Brilliant video!
These are taking your channel to an even higher level.
Thanks for making this and best regards


I have same problem, i changed every think, timing belt camshaft sensor, the wiring is good, but always i have p0340


Great video. I had the same problem p0340 code from a 2006 Nissan almera 1.6 petrol so I did the exact same testing you did ( I didn’t have a signal monitor ) but I tested the leads by checked for a fluctuating voltage coming from the signal wire as well as the tests

You wouldn’t believe the issue ( I had to scrap the car )

The wiring and sensor where fine as the previous owner had replaced the cam and crank sensor ( as they feed off each other ). The Nissan almera has a design where the cog that the crank sensor reads off of is within the crank case .

My issue was not the sensor or the leads or power getting too the sensor ( ie fuse ) my issue was that half the teeth off the cog inside the engine crank case (that the sensor ran off )where sheared off completely. And in order to fix it I would have had to tear the engine down ( car only worth a thousand euros maybe )so what could have been a simple fix ended up meaning I had to scrap the whole car ( lovely low milage nice family car )


Good afternoon Burke.
My VW Polo 6n 1.4 which I left at the garage. It was running fine. Only needed minor body works and respray.
But now won't start only cranking.
The fuel pump and injectors don't have power.
There are three cables running along the injector line/pipe. One goes to the sensor on the left side of the engine. The other one goes somewhere down on the same left side of the engine. It is connected and holding tight. But there's one which is loose and not connected anywhere. It has a socket which is unplugging.
Can you help me with information? Especially a diagram showing where those three wires/cables go so I can see where that one is supposed to connect


You were lucky, i get that code... new cam position sensor in... (by toyota) .... code off... it came back, same thing p0340 :(


I have P0340, only has trouble starting sometimes


P0340, P0344. Long crank time. At high speeds there is delayed acceleration and it's rough/jerky when I release the gas pedal. CEL and TCL are on. Replaced cam sensor and crank sensor, no effect.
