Extend Your Lifespan by 10+ Years

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Hey Guys!!!

I talk to my patients, friends, and family every day about how to live longer and I wanted to talk to you guys about it as well. That's why I was so excited to see that this Harvard study came out and did a great job breaking down how lifestyle habits played into life extension. (links below).

Now it's important to note that these 5 healthy lifestyle habits are not the only habits that extend life nor are they proven to be the ones that extend life to the greatest capacity. These just happened to be the 5 habits Havard researchers selected to test. If I had my pick I would stick to my 5 pillars of health.

Now I want to know what you guys think about living longer and anti aging. Is this something you're curious about as I am. Feel free to leave me your thoughts in the comments down below!

If you have an idea of something you want me to cover in depth, please let me know because I take your requests seriously. We will be back with more Medical Drama Review Series in a couple of weeks so please submit more names of shows/episodes you'd like for me to watch. Love you all!

- Doctor Mike Varshavski

Let’s connect:

Music by Lakey Inspired
Рекомендации по теме

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away "


I'm a chronically ill 34 year old with 3-4 major issues going on at any time, one a very rare and terrible neurological one. I'm sick to death of doctors and their egos but Dr. Mike is so damn nice and charming. Seems super down to earth and I love his videos, they kinda cheer me up on my flare up days. And I hate medical shows but his play by play and articulate way of explaining stuff is super interesting. And I'm a major dog person so I love that too. I hope he has a happy personal life, it seems that he does and good for him cuz I bet he deserves it. :)


One day, I'm going to be street interviewed by doctor Mike... I live in Nigeria😂


i read an article not too long ago about ikaria, greece and it made me really want to establish a lifestyle like them. the food they eat is so fresh and the way they live is so pure, something i feel like is harder to manage in america when a lot of what we eat is processed. being greek myself, i’m really inspired by them and i hope i’ll be able to adapt to that kind of lifestyle and diet as i continue to get older. thanks for the great video doc 🙌🏼


Loved this, Dr. Mike. This is why what you are doing makes such an impact. My patients typically are on the other end of the spectrum - i.e. dealing with consequences of NOT following these steps, putting them in situations that require serious surgery to fix. It's SO much better to follow these guidelines than to deal with the aftermath of ignoring them - like liver failure requiring transplant, serious vascular disease requiring amputations, lung cancer, etc. ...


It's amazing how easy it is to live better, healthier etc. but we are so stuck with our "bad" habits that we literally end up giving ourselves the same excuses... again and again


Its not only about living longer, but living a higher quality of life.


I love the relationship Dr Mike has with his patients. I wish my Dr was like him 😭.


Watching your videos definitely increase my lifespan :D


Your five pillars make more sense, in my opinion. Especially stress management, because the effects of stress is often underestimated. Being able to live the moment, rather than being trapped in my own thoughts, have often helped me reduce stress.


I am 33 now. Started to change my lifestyle last year, because my body was exhausted by the old one. With this video I realized how much I already achieved. It is all of the fife criteria now. Didn't expect that! I am so thankful and proud right now. It's amazing to feel my body getting healthier. Even my ability to focus and memorize is on a level I had the last time when I was 18. That's so amazing! I didn't do this because I wanted to add years to my life but because I slowly begin to love myself. And with love came meaning for my life and hope for my future. So I started with selfcare. There are so many interesting things I want to be able to do every day. And now this became possible again. To the person who reads this: Be kind to yourself. It's your journey <3

(Sorry, for grammatical or orthographic mistakes. I am not from an english speaking country.)


I mean, this is only really important if you want to live longer, which I don't really. I'm surprised that I made it this far, so I'm gonna live it up indulgently cause tomorrow is never promised.


Hahaha you made my day Doctor Mike, I’m recovering of a tonsil surgery and while recovering I’m watching your videos.


I don't smoke
Don't drink
I exercise daily
I have healthy weight
I can't eat healthy 😂


Thank you so much for this video! I’ve been trying to help my mom get healthier, so I showed her this and she now is more determined than ever to get healthy!


one of my favourite quotes is: It’s Not the Years in Your Life That Count. It’s the Life in Your Years. words to live by tbh


Dude I love your videos I just recently (like 1.5 months ago) started watching your vids because of the doctors react to tv docs. But your so inspirational I am a cook and have been always fascinated with dietary and healthy eating and stuff but I have been only wanting to do a few college corses at my local community college for dietary but you inspired me to do the full masters so I can get my actual degree in it!


I love how passionate about healthcare Dr. Mike is, I wish and hope more of the health care providers become like this (I am an RN) :) he will encourage other's with his positivity


Hi Doctor Mike, so happy you mentioned Seventh-Day Adventists! I'm an SDA planning to study in Loma Linda Uni as well! Love watching your videos since I always learn something new. Continue to inspire! Regards from Indonesia.


After chilling through my finals, I lost muscles and ate really unhealthy food and now it is so hard to loose my fat and to gain the muscles back... Your vid is reminding me to workout again... I'll start now... Oh... I have Doritos here.. Well, tomorrow.
