Indigenous Language Revitalization Strategies with Tlingit Professor X̱'unei Lance Twitchell

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The first lecture of a lecture series focused on Indigenous language revitalization. In his talk, "Shifting Value Systems: Indigenous Language Revitalization Strategies," Tlingit language professor X̱’unei Lance Twitchell examines the fundamental value shifts that Indigenous populations experience when their language becomes endangered.

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As a Raven Yeil', Deisheetaan, Dei Shu Hit “ End of the Trail House” youngster growing up in rural SouthEast Alaska I always thought my Tlingit name was júk! (go away! shoo! scram!)‏ because all my elders said this to me. On a more serious note it is both tragic and unconscionable to lose your name, tongue, siblings & (priceless) historical artifacts along with your land through these colonial mechanisms. To see the tremendous journey and effort to regain what was lost is heartwarming and inspiring. Let your focus be on the solutions not pine away at the problems but make note of them. I recommend for anyone interested to research The Last Potlatch of 1904, from there missing, murdered, Indigenous women and children. Words hold the power of life or death. Gunanchéech Professor Lance X̱’unei


There should be a Tlingit language channel on YouTube.Don't let your language die.


This talk is magnificent on so many levels
The power of speaking your own language


metacognition and hyperawareness (avoid falling into colonial whirlpools); cultural hegemony; success may come through love, kindness, dedication to pursue through doubt, lateral violence, and colonial indifference; up to individuals and families; institutions and communities; governments; gunalchéesh


Why not develop a speech recognition for all indigenate languages
