Tutorial #99 WOW Lots to learn for all levels.

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@sudokuguy #sudoku #learn sudoku #sudoku instruction #fun with sudoku #memory practice #difficult sudoku #solving sudoku. #sudoku for all levels.
#earn sudoku step by step
This is a difficult puzzle for all players of different levels who wish to learn.
Min/sec times are where the tricks techniques and procedures are found in this video.
1 TMB (Top Middle Bottom) LCR (left centre right) lesson 1 and 2
2 Matching pairs Lesson 3 Matching pair + 1 empty cell Tutorial #6
3 Cross/meet technique. Lesson 7
4 Only one direction to go Lesson 5
5 Advanced TMB using 3 numbers. 4,6,9 Tutorial #25
6 Locked little numbers (Advanced rule of exclusion) bl 2 on 8s. Also look at tutorial #2
7 Triplets (3 cells using 3 little numbers) 26.25 31.47
8 Quads 4 little numbers in 4 cells.) 28.04
9 Hidden matching pair 3/8 27.28
10 Unique rectangle (danger danger) with 6/9 30.04
11 X chain on 2 's 33.20
12 Strong and weak links and the term "see" tutorial 68,70, 74, 75. These include the 2 string kite and the skyscraper.
13 XY chain, using common small numbers. Also uses the "See"term.
Missed ramifications etc (Yes they are easy to miss)
1 3's at block at 18.34 (solved later)
2. Missed small 5 in block 2 c4 (solved) later at 29.15
3 On the XY chain from R3 c1 to rR1 c7 the line is not needed. These cells were the ends of the chain.
4. Sorry about the wind noise which came up towards the end of filming.
Want to learn how to solve sudoku puzzles from beginners to advanced levels. It's FREE!
The most popular site online to learn how to solve sudoku puzzles from beginners to advanced levels.
Have a great day Robin
#earn sudoku step by step
This is a difficult puzzle for all players of different levels who wish to learn.
Min/sec times are where the tricks techniques and procedures are found in this video.
1 TMB (Top Middle Bottom) LCR (left centre right) lesson 1 and 2
2 Matching pairs Lesson 3 Matching pair + 1 empty cell Tutorial #6
3 Cross/meet technique. Lesson 7
4 Only one direction to go Lesson 5
5 Advanced TMB using 3 numbers. 4,6,9 Tutorial #25
6 Locked little numbers (Advanced rule of exclusion) bl 2 on 8s. Also look at tutorial #2
7 Triplets (3 cells using 3 little numbers) 26.25 31.47
8 Quads 4 little numbers in 4 cells.) 28.04
9 Hidden matching pair 3/8 27.28
10 Unique rectangle (danger danger) with 6/9 30.04
11 X chain on 2 's 33.20
12 Strong and weak links and the term "see" tutorial 68,70, 74, 75. These include the 2 string kite and the skyscraper.
13 XY chain, using common small numbers. Also uses the "See"term.
Missed ramifications etc (Yes they are easy to miss)
1 3's at block at 18.34 (solved later)
2. Missed small 5 in block 2 c4 (solved) later at 29.15
3 On the XY chain from R3 c1 to rR1 c7 the line is not needed. These cells were the ends of the chain.
4. Sorry about the wind noise which came up towards the end of filming.
Want to learn how to solve sudoku puzzles from beginners to advanced levels. It's FREE!
The most popular site online to learn how to solve sudoku puzzles from beginners to advanced levels.
Have a great day Robin