Are The Jehovah's Witnesses God's Only One True Religion On Earth? (Part 1)

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Is the Jehovah's Witness Religion the one & only True Religion on Earth today? Once and for all this question will be answered without a shadow of doubt left in one's mind.

This is the first video in a two video series.

Here is the link I speak of in the video:

I apologize if my voice sounds a little funny I am still having problems from the PNEUMONIA! I'm sorry I tried to speak as loud as I could I hope it sounds okay.

If you would like to help me out I am still saving up to go to the Specialist. I had to cancel my appointment this next week due to this awful pneumonia and having to pay to drive back and forth 4 times but they said it was ok and so I rescheduled for February. But I can not cancel again or most likely they will get mad and think I am playing games. Any help would be greatly appreciated:

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Here is the link I speak of in this video:


I had to break it into 2 parts I didn't want to but it was getting to long so Part 2 will be out shortly!


Oh my gosh KA, this video hits so deep for me, because I felt and believed exactly as u described in the beginning of the video. When I walked away from the borg over a decade ago, because of the way the elders behaved and began to doubt that they were directed by God's spirit as they claimed. I was spiritually executed by the elders when they signed my death certificate as they call it when they disfellowship someone! I was the only one in my family at the time, so the shunning didn't make an impact on my life at the time. Since then my oldest daughter became a witness, and began shunning me, which I knew was going to happen, but had not prepared for her to totally cut me off from my grandson who was apart of my daily life since the day he was born. Words cannot express enough the pain that this shunning policy of theirs inflicts on an individual. It was at that point, which has been 6 months or so since all of this began, and I was so severely depressed over it I was willing to have to give up everything in my life that makes me happy and do whatever I had to do to be able to have my daughter and grandson back in my life, but first I had to know to for sure that this organization really is being directed by God as they claim. All I had ever known on that is their claim that Jesus trusts them so should we, but had never seen any proof of that! When u go back as u so excellently layout in this video and look at what they were teaching to make them worthy of that entitlement u get an entirely different outlook than what u had previously believed. Thru this whole process I have learned so much from u and others that speak out now, but this video is by far the one that hit me the deepest of all, because this was the exact topic that I went thru when I walk away and it is exactly how I thought and felt for over a decade now until discovering the truth from spending every waking hour reading, watching video after video, searching every document I could find trying to put all of it together that u layout so magnificently in this video. The emotion that u captured in it had me tearing up until u went deep with black and white undisputable proof that they r straight up liars and evil to the core. I cannot wait to see the next video. This is ur best video to date in my opinion and I ty so very much for it. I wish u health, goodness, and happiness overflowing for u that u so deserve, because u r a beautiful person with so much talent and love that u give out to others that helps them beyond what u may realize.


That's what this Borg does they make you feel worthless 😭
Thank you for sharing this with us 💕


Happy (early) birthday! I am a couple years older and just left in 2020. I too dug and dug and went down rabbit holes day and night for over a year. Ray Franz's book, Crisis of Conscience was a huge help. Listened to many testimonies of people who left also.

You're doing such great work, calmly presenting this info. It's not off-putting (like several exjws on YT are) or triggering. Thank you!


This cult has done nothing but cause division in families friends and community.I despise them greatly .


Kristy Ann your channel was very helpful in a crucial moment in my life and my family's. Since December 2022 we resign as a family from that organization and now we are free and happy. Thank you so much, your work is very valuable 👍


Hi Kristy Ann. Thank you for your continued hard work. I am keeping you in prayer and Pray for complete healing over your lungs, In the Mighty name of Jesus.


You are wise. You've done your research. Im at a loss for words. Excellent video. Most witnesses don't even know the history & false doctrines of the organization. I dont think most witnesses care because Its a mesmorizing, gas lit euphoria that keeps them in a state utopia. Many of them including my own witness family have said they know they have been wrong, but use the excuse "But whom shall we go away to?" What they don't realize is Jesus has the sayings of everlasting life, not an organization that has elevated itself taking the position of Christ


Your research and delivery is spot on. I truly believe it is by design. This is strong content and it has all the literature to back it up.
Constantly trying to gingerly wake up my mom and brother.
With all the media and attention the organization is getting one would think maybe they should look into some of the apostate lie's they blame anything about the organization on .
Video's like these are such great tools and I thank you for your continued efforts..
God Bless you and yours


In 2013 it think, the governing body said that the slave hasn't been appointed yet.
It's like no one even remembers that.
At the Australian royal commission,
Geoffrey Jackson said "we see ourselves as trying to fulfill that role".
Which shows JWs don't pay attention and don't even know what they're supposed to believe.


Was a few years part of this religion. It brought me selfconfidence and hope. Today am glad that God never ever usde this man made religion. Poor members who not see that their Leaders have nothing to do with God and the man Jesus


Thanks for all your hard work, Kristy Ann ❤


Great video Kristy Ann, I also woke up after a long study about their doctrines. But i read lots of articles before YouTube times. I left in 1988 after being disfellowshipped because of my civil service. You are a great help for people still in the organisation who have the courage to investigate the beliefs. Love and greetings from Belgium 😉


I believe there is salvation outside of the Kingdom Halls and all the other Churches.
I also am a disfellowshipped EX-Jehovah's Witness.
Afterwards I become even more of a believer and convinced that Jesus Christ will appear very soon.
The reason why is because of the EVIDENCE!
The strongest piece of evidence that I have found is an extraordinarily unique end time prophecy that has never happened before and yet, is now happening in abundance all around the world. An end time prophecy that has always been in every Christians bible:
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.”
[Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME
The announcement made to a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses when someone is excommunicated. This announcement was changed in June of the year 2005 to include God's name. For the first time in recorded history this unique prophecy could begin it's fulfillment.
It is therefore reasonable for an excommunicated Jehovah's Witness to believe that Jesus Christ will appear during their lifetime:
"He must also APPEAR with rejoicing on YOUR part"
Along with this prophecy a male child is born. A circumstance described in the next verses:
Isaiah 66:7
Before she began to come into labor pains she gave birth. Before birth pangs could come to her, she even gave deliverance to a male child.
That a male child would be born is something Jesus Christ described as happening along with a great sign in the sun and moon and stars:
Revelation 12:1-2
And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, 2 and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony TO GIVE BIRTH.
This extraordinarily unique sign was seen on September 23rd, 2017
Copy and paste this date into the YouTube search bar above to verify the EVIDENCE.
Jesus Christ also said he would APPEAR not long after signs in the sun, moon and stars:
Luke 21:25-27
“Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and [its] agitation, 26 while men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Along with the sign in sun and moon and stars Jesus Christ said above that: "men become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth"
That the secular world has become very afraid for the earths future can be ascertained by looking for evidence of this.
Here are a few of the things you could Google to obtain EVIDENCE for this increasingly prevalent secular fear that Jesus Christ said would occur along with a sign in sun, moon and stars shortly before his second coming:
Climate Change
Global Warming
Over Population
Carbon Tax
Extinction Rebellion
Greta Thunberg
Al Gore
World Famine
Bill Gates
So there is one piece of evidence that is profoundly connected to many intimately related evidences.
If you wanted all the evidence then, I would have to write a book which, I am in fact now doing!
But hey, I am now HAPPY to have been disfellowshipped:
Luke 6:22-23
Happy are YOU whenever men hate YOU, and whenever they exclude YOU and reproach YOU and cast out YOUR name as wicked for the sake of the Son of man. 23 Rejoice in that day and leap
[NAME OF PERSON] is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses ---->> and cast out YOUR NAME
More evidence!
What Jesus Christ said would happen, is really happening!
Were you abandoned by your family due to their shunning policies for having been disfellowshipped?
Mark 10:29-30
Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things everlasting life.
Some suicidal EX-Jehovah's Witnesses have told me that this changed their minds about killing themselves.
A few profound bible verses carefully explained has the power to literally save lives!


Great video Kristy. Thankyou. I left back in 1994 as an unbaptised 17 year old (birth mother still devout going on 50 years in) . I turned my back on the bible completley.
It was the 2013 NWT I was gifted back in 2016 and especially collossians 1:15 + where they added the word "other" 4 or 5 times. In the 1984 edition it was in brackets...they removed the brackets in the 2013 making me ask why were they being deceptive and beginning to claim the word was in the original.
Sent me down a rabbit hole and 'woke from' the cult 6 months later.


Excellent coverage of the information.
And I love your voice, it’s so kind 😊


Thank you Kristy Ann! Well and light.👍❤️


I've Watched Some ex JW channel on YouTube, But Yours is my Favorite, Im Currently Studying Bible With Them For 3 Months, But Today I Stopped Attending Their Meeting Twice a Week, But I Continue Study Bible By My Own, .. God Bless & Keep up the good work 👍👍👍😇


My life got better. I was not a born in though.I had a good life, good parents for 24 years before I joined that CRAP.I stayed almost 30 years, but being open minded and a reader and love to research I knew I was in some BS and should have left 2 years after I got baptized in that Crap But hey, I left for good 2017 and How to you Spell Relief? LEAVE THE CULT TOWER.
