Getting Organized and Energized

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Few things are as emotionally draining as living a life that’s out of control. We become accustomed to living this way and fail to realize there’s a better way. With a few simple tips, you can gain control over your life and your sanity. Some of us have a natural knack for keeping our lives neat and tidy. For others, it can be a real struggle. Enhancing your organizational skills might not sound like a lot fun, especially for those that are least organized. However, the payoff for organizing your life can be huge. Give it a try and see for yourself. Use these tips to gain energy and peace of mind by becoming more organized: 1. Tidy the spaces you use the most. The spaces you use the most, often the kitchen area and office, tend to accumulate the most clutter. This clutter drains your energy and weighs on your mind. It’s frustrating to constantly have things in your way. This is a great first step to getting organized and boosting your mood. 2.Make lists. You might be great at keeping track of things in your head, but it comes at a price. The things you have to remember take part of your attention and mental resources. It’s much easier and more effective to simply write down the things you need to do. As long as you remember to check your list, you can never forget anything. It’s much easier to do that than to remember multiple things.


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