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Decluttering our closets is different than decluttering literally anything else. Very different roadblocks and emotions go into the clothing we wear on our bodies. So I've discovered a method I'm calling "backward closet decluttering" that I think really helps eliminate a lot of these roadblocks to allow you to declutter in 10-15 minutes, and not 2-3 hours. And, hopefully, makes it a lot easier to STAY decluttered, too.




Hi I'm Kallie Branciforte from But First, Coffee! I'm glad you found my video! I'm the content creator for the blog and YouTube channel But First, Coffee.


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Music by licensed by Epidemic Sound.
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As a note, one “maybe” item that is 100% worth keeping: something appropriate for a funeral. It really sucks to have to scramble to get something when you’re grieving. I got a black wrap dress because it has/will fit me at all my potential sizes (including while pregnant once), and it can be used for other occasions.


I love how your videos are like a research paper/presentation. You introduce a topic and give an opinion or fact, you research and share your findings, then wrap everything together in a conclusion. Very well thought of. I always appreciate the time and effort you put in these videos . Thanks a bunch .


I LOVE this idea. I didn't have a lot as a kid and now I have a hard time letting go of things.


I find it helpful to do a closet declutter at the end of a few hectic weeks where you didn't really do much laundry. Things that are still hanging there unworn at the point, that you didn't pick up even under dire circumstances where all your go-to items are dirty---you're never going to wear them. Ever.


00:00 🧥 Start by identifying the items you absolutely love and need in your wardrobe, rather than focusing on what to get rid of.
01:36 👗 Create a capsule wardrobe from your existing favorite pieces, focusing on versatility and classic items that don't go out of style.
03:28 🛍 If you're missing key items, consider shopping intentionally for them rather than buying items on impulse.
04:53 🩳 Evaluate if you have too much of something in a specific category and decide if some items need to go to achieve a more streamlined wardrobe.
06:02 📦 Store the "maybe" items away from your everyday wardrobe to remove the pressure of making immediate decisions about them.
07:26 🔄 Revisit the stored items in four to six months and evaluate if you actually needed them; this helps in making more informed decisions about what to keep or let go.


Thanks for preventing me from an anxiety attack about my wardrobe! Cheers!


Love these suggestions. Another idea (discovered by accident) is to have a teenage girl present while you go through your clothes. It's not fun, though. My niece recently informed me that about a third of my wardrobe is out of style and needs to go. 🙁


Love this concept! The “just in case” pieces in my closet overwhelm me. This gives me permission to keep them, guilt-free, while still freeing up closet space. I’ve found that clothes I discover later in storage always have me asking, “WHY did I keep this?!” Lol.


My Mom passed away. She had some really nice clothes that I can wear. I am having trouble getting rid of them. I have not worn a dress in 10 or more years. I go out twice a week. I don’t work. I wear jeans and t-shirts. I don’t need these clothes. They are just in case. Just putting this down here and reading it may be helping already. I have a whole closet full of her stuff. It’s been two years and I wore 1 of her shirts at Christmas. I know what I need to do.😢💜. I need to donate her stuff so it can be worn and enjoyed by others.—Thank you!!🌸


Fact about me: (Apart from event clothes -black pants and blouses) I wear EVERY one of my 80+ tops, shorts, pants on rotation. I pick pieces from one side of my closest, wear it that day and then put it back in a different side of my closet after it is washed.. Repeat daily until nothing is left on that one side of the closet and the start all over again.... In this process, i find things that don't quite fit right anymore and put those pieces in a donation bag that i keep in my closet.


Another method I have used ~I turn all my hangers backwards in my closet each season. As I wear an item I turn the hanger the correct way in the closet. By the end of the season any item that has the hanger turned the "wrong way" goes bye-bye.


This is how I cleaned out my bookshelf when I moved and had to pare down. I picked my favorites, and the reference books I accessed all the time. The rest got boxed up and put in storage. (I divided them up by category and used small storage totes, so I could easily find anything I needed.)
5 years later, I’ve cultivated a library that I truly love, not just shelves full of books for the sake of having books. 📚


Great video! The minimal mom has a video on this same method and I’ve found that it indeed is the most effective and easiest way to declutter for me! I definitely needed another way to see that while I “loved” some pieces, I never actually wore them! ❤


That's how I declutter first. Once I have my absolutely love pile, I move on to the useful and nice ones. Everything else goes.But, most important to note, there is a pile that appreciates over time. So, even if I don't wear them now, I know they will age wonderfully and increase in value. I have now clothes I bought over 20 years ago that are gems now. No way to replace in quality or style, and if you do, it would cost a fortune. So, learn to spot these pieces and preserve them really well. You'll thank yourself, me and your kids will also be very grateful later. P.S. if you wear something all the time and you have several of it, then keep a couple to wear and the rest keep for when you wear them out. Only do this with items that are your core style that you know you will just go buy more in the future.


Wow, this is incredibly helpful!!! Those "just in case" pieces are such a trap! This new approach helps, thank you


This method is similar to mine, I make believe I got rid of all my clothes and that my closet is a store, so I only "buy" what still fits my body, style and needs.


“Favorite white t-shirt.” 😂 I have two large black dogs. There is no such thing in my life. 😂


This is a genius idea. Essentially it bypasses the hardest part of the decluttering experience as you are making easy positive choices right at the outset. Your favourite jeans, that top you love, that dress you just bought etc then the slightly harder decisions don’t get thrown away, a major emotional wrench, they’re just put on the back burner for just in case. And finally, those items that you bypass every time anyway, it’s easier to get rid of them!


About to downsize from family living to solo living and was overwhelmed. Decided it may make more sense to pick out what I do need/use, then sort the rest. Was hoping someone else had same approach successfully and here you are! Thank you.


I’ve been familiar with Project 333 for a couple of years, though you have a way of presenting it that makes it so straightforward & accessible while adding your own twist—many thanks!
