League Of Legends Has A $500 Skin - Luke Reacts

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Even if i was filthy rich i would never understand people paying these wild amounts for "digital items" but as wild as these prices are there's enough people spending the money for the companies to keep adding these things in


That's nothing star Citizen has $48 thousand dollar packages 😂


I'll gladly spend $200 a month on video games...but it's going to get me like 4~8 brand new experiences, not 1 skin.


My man, you're missing the forest for the trees: the thing about it is that unlike Lego or Warhammer, a skin in a live service game IS NOT ownership. You purchase the *right* to use the skin within the limitations of that specific software and if and when that software is shut down or becomes inaccessible, you conpletely lose access to the thing you bought. It's not tangible, it's not physical, it's not a thing you actually own. Warhammer is tangible, it's physical, you own it, you work on it and physically can use it.


It'll never get old, I play some gacha games where I'll drop the 5-10 bucks for battle passes and whatnot because I'm enjoying it and they offer some extra resources, but those have the big whales that will always drop thousands every new character comes out, often just for completionism. It's insane. These games thrive off of that and that's why they can keep constant updates and stay free to play, it's an interesting aspect of humans in the modern era but I guess "whales" were always around, it's just a different context..


Luke lighting 15 candles at once every stream: "Ill just write it off!"


I feel like this shouldn't be legal. Though unfortunately lawmakers are most likely far too uneducated about the gaming industry to do anything about it.


Fortnite showed the entire industry how to make microtransaction profitable and affordable and you will still see greedy prices like this that only 10 people will buy instead of the entire playerbase


Warhammer 40k is plastic crack and I love it


It's not about 500 dollars. It's about not respecting the Faker's Legacy and instead using it to milk their customers.


They could have made the skin more costly as a premium event item, like $50 or something. Then release an actual commemorative product, like a really nice character pin for a chunk of cash as well. They'd prolly make even more money by releasing a physical collectible.


This is kind of ridiculous. But then again, the thousands of dollars i've dumped on my sim racing cockpit and set up is also really really, really ridiculous.😅 I have no leg to stand on in this fight


Riot: "We want to honor one of our legend players."
Also Riot: "We also want to profit from it, so here's €500 skin."
Every LoL whale: "STFU and take my money !!!"
Riot: /emote grin


I hate candles. Nothing like having a fire hazard in your house.


I love this defense. It’s not meant for the standard player but for those comfortable with paying 250$ on their hobby. Those that spend 250 on a game usually aren’t getting 1 skin, and it’s kinda insulting to try to sell it that way. It’s like if I enjoyed spending money on upgrading my car and someone charged 250 for a bumper sticker. Like yeah I may spend 250 a month on my car upgrades but that’s for a lot of minor items or big items like a custom paint job or new speakers, not for a bumper sticker.


Gamers: “I can’t spend on the latest console”
Gamers when they see this skin

P.S. this is a joke.


Hilarious input at the end, especially with the candles 😂 But it’s true, the article said something about questionable morality here, but there’s nothing questionable about it. It’s an awesome thing to be able to play a video game completely for free. Like, you could completely ignore this skin and play this game for the rest of your life completely for free and be happy. It makes gaming more accessible to everyone when you allow them to play no matter how much money they’ve got. If people are spending ridiculous amounts even on just one skin, it’s the player’s fault, not the company. They just gave the option to buy, nothing is being forced, AND you can keep playing and having fun if you choose to ignore it. It’s a whole different story with various mmo’s that claim to be free from the beginning, but lock a bunch of actual, playable content behind expensive expansions that never seem to end.


Honestly I have more respect for someone that buys a $500 skin up front knowing what they want than someone who spends $500 on lootboxes and props up gambling markets


I got no respect for Riot and this skin, "At least" they could focus the skin on Zed "the champion that gave faker the jumpstart in fame" or Le blanc the champion that people afraid to play against but instead they chose Ahri because her skin sell more than other character. They also selling a skin which cost $500 to memorize Faker,

*The guy who doesn't use skin at all*

This is just a " fk you give me money" from a Riot


I can buy multiple PS games on sale digital and physically through Ebay with that money 😂

When people say you're just broke, it's a thing where I'm not a moron lol The bare minimum I'll do is the BP if I've played the game long enough because I enjoyed it and sometime games like OW will give away free shop skin bundles through Twitch.
