Root Cause of Yeast Overgrowth

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Why does yeast overgrowth occur and what can we do to avoid and resolve it? The issues of yeast overgrowth and unhealthy gut flora are really at the core of what we do in Functional Medicine. A healthy gut flora is vital for good health.
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My life turned to a living hell after a course of antibiotics


This doctor seems to have a clear understanding of fungal issues, hopefully other doctors will get onboard until recognition is worldwide.


All of your content on gut health is a blessing. My entire life I have struggled with my health, but believed a bad diet in my teenage years and a lot of environmental factors were to blame. I have now spent a few years working on my mental health and cooking all of my food, barely eating out and eating an array of nutritious food. I have grown as a person but my anxiety and and health issues have only worsened. Fatigue and brain fog, worsening memory ability and concentration, constant digestive issues that I can't pinpoint on any food group in particular, mood swings, joint pain. The most obvious signs however - near permanent oral thrush and athlete's foot, rosacea, a recurring flaky-scalp condition and occasional yeast infections. After stumbling upon information about yeast overgrowth it dawned on me that as a child, I had been treated with antibiotics routinely due to repeated ear infections and have been on birth control for the last few years also. My diet is moderate and covers all important nutrients, but I do love pastries and making my own bread (and eating it too). It all came together suddenly and I cannot believe that this condition is not talked about more.


One of the most educated and great doctor an all area of the body. Thank you for looking at the whole lifestyle in a holistic way.


Two of the the most prevalent symptoms is gut bloating and sinusitis. Systemic candida.


Very informative. I think Coconut oil works for candida, I just wouldn't use coconut oil for malassezia since it contains around 45-50% lauric acid (12 carbon chain length) which malassezia can feed on (feeds on lengths 11-24). Instead I use caprylic acid (8 carbon chain length), or MCT oil, which is the part of coconut oil that malassezia can't feed on.
The probiotic L Paracasei ST-11 taken internally has been shown to combat malassezia in controlled dandruff studies. Hope we see more malassezia studies.


Why is it that no one, even some doctors, have even heard of this? I've been natykinh Candida for over two years now. Alone. Four doctors and nothing. Even the medical doctor while I was briefly incarcerated said "you're educating me.". Im horrified at the lack of knowledge regarding this serious condition...How is this possible?


This doctor, Hyman, is a hero and a leader.


I took antibiotics six years ago and havent been the same since! had good amount of weight loss and eye floaters skin rashes etc..been hell ever since :(


The article that you mention is very insightful but overwhelming. It's really hard to do all of this on your own without a lot of money or a medical degree. I have been on a strict AIP diet because I have Celiac Disease. I have had very rough, dry, reddened skin for so many years. I've recently been flooding my body with green smoothies and chicken broth and steering clear of processed foods and my seborrheic dermatitis is still disgusting. I'm seeing some changes but it's still all over my face. Yellowish, chunks of skin have now formed on my cheeks! It's embarrassing and I just don't understand! I've been exercising daily, eating super clean food and skin. It does damage to my self esteem too. I'm actually trying to look for a remote job because I just don't want people to look at me. I'm exhausted and really tired of trying to manage this on my own and reading articles with suggestions by professionals, although helpful, can be frustrating and daunting.


Everyone talks about testing and about the pathogen. And then when it comes to treatment….. it’s a “hopefully” if goes away


Omg I take an acid blocker almost daily- it seems like a catch 22… I was told I have excessive acid which causes bloating so now this information changes things


First time I've seen you. I'll go check out your additional vids. 😊


God bless you Doctor. I will start doing your recomendations.


Problem is antibiotics are in most of the meat we eat.


Thank God for this video!! My gi doctor sucked!! Refused a comprehensive stool analysis. I went and ordered one myself and then he refused to read it.


Candida fungus overgrowth will/could slowly destroy every aspect of your life, the same way a meth addict destroys every aspect of their life. It is that destructive.


Lucky those who get to be Dr Hyman's patients. I don't trust most doctors for they're mediocre, don't bother educating/caring for patients and had given me the wrong information many times when I challenge them with the truth or ask them for something of relevant importance. Always double check whatever they tell me.


what about hypothyroidism? does it make yeast overgrowth worse? i think it would cus i think the type of yeast that causes these problems would prefer a slightly colder temperature than normal body temperature.


Have not been feeling well well for a long period of time my complaints includes _ bloating, muscle pains, abdominal pain, brain fog, many other symptoms. However, i observed one important body reaction against wheat flower, one day i went to a restaurant where i bought chapati and a cup of tea, just few minutes my fingers from both hands became uncomfortable and swelling, i tried about three times without tea and it was the same.
