The Problem With Engineering Textbooks

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Many engineering textbooks are written for the intention of teaching engineering students how to dive deep into a topic and understand it, but I believe very often they do the opposite -- they make the students doubt themselves and really lose interest in the topic.

In this video I discuss the problem with engineering books and what I think the solution could be.

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There are many great engineering textbooks out there, but some of them I found way too technical for introductory courses and I noticed many students lose interest and drop out as a result, despite being imaginative and creative individuals who were interested in problem solving and innovation


I actually agree with you. Sure, for getting really deep in the topic, less text is expected. But i always got hooked into topics whenever i got a really cool explanation.


When i first cam across your channel i tought to myself "just another typical student". The more i watched your videos the more amazed i was at how you relized yourself a lot about how things actually are in educational system plus you are giving advices using a very simple yet effective vocabulary. Good work, keep it up!


Man I’ve been reading the Art of Electronics. I have no idea how I’m going to get through this


As an engineering student I find this video very emotional 🥺


Brother, i am a second year student in electrical engineering
but till now i don't know what actually a phase is😢, but i am very interested in knowing the things,
all books i read are useless, can you please suggest me some books to learn things and understand the basics well please🥺


I absoloutly agree ! Just out of curiosity, what textbooks did you use for intro phisycs courses, circuit theory and electronic devices?


Spot on. However I think the most important part of learning is to make it a selfish problem. Honestly, I could never care less about technical knowledge. But what I do care are my hobbies and dreams.

I think the best way to catch someone's interest is to genuinely convince them that these technical skills will make their ambitions come true. For example, I really love travelling and seeing the natural landscape of different countries. When I'm presented with a course in uni, I would break down what is needed to chase my ambitions and see how can this course realistically help me with my goals. For this case, it has much to do with the airline industry. So I would then look (or even guess) how an airline company should work.

So, if I'm studying object-oriented programming, then I would remember that airline companies need complicated softwares to efficiently manage flight routes and schedules. If I'm studying thermodynamics, then I would remember that they are required to build plane engines.

I don't care about software nor thermodynamics. I only care about travelling! But travelling requires software, thermodynamics and many more, and learning them would probably help me innovate to make travelling more affordable.


What you pointed out is soo true...
I've noticed it too thats y i try to watch animated videos in yt to understand the concept first becoz in textbooks there will be less concepts to understand as theory wise and equations and derivations constitute more. For me I need to understand the diagrams and concepts first so that equations make sense thus applying it for derivations🥲😂.


hey bro great content..i have a question that needs some clarification, so im from Malaysia and here we have something called a professional engineer with practicing certificate and in order to obtain this particular status you'd have to complete 3 years of internship under a profession engineer him/herself and right after that you should sit for an exam that tests your understandings based of off your 3 years work experience. So in the united states is there such thing as a professional engineer with practicing certificate and if there is would my practicing certificate from Malaysia would come in handy for job applications in the states? or would it even serve any value to the company?. Thank you for taking your time to read man appreciate it.


Hey my friend here am I back again with the computer science question 😂🤦, so recently I been going to linked In right to apply for those software engineering role for internship because I just finished my associates and now im just taking math courses but haven’t picked a university because I’m still trying to decide the major but anyways the posting for software engineering job posting are so many right but also each posting has like 300+ Applicants that already applied to it some have 150 applicants and it’s only been posted for 20 or so. Then I check EE the applicants for the job posting were so little because I think ( no body gets into EE cuz it’s so difficult) so don’t you think it would be easier to get an EE job then it is to get a SE engineer job ( CS Major ) would love to hear your thoughts on this because I don’t want to major in CS and be competing with 300 applicants and as a (foreign ) lol. What do you think brotha.


I liked the idea. With Chat GPT, it's closer to becoming reality.


I think we could easily implement your vision with ChatGpt!


I do this with ChatGPT nowadays all the time haha


I'm not sure if you know about RF but there's a book I was told to read in order to learn about RF for an internship, would you recommend this book?

RF Circuit Design by Bowick


But videos are boring books are gist of all 😊
